Jul 27, 2018

The Morning Call Compromised

Hell broke out last night between myself and Bill White of the Morning Call.  In his blog post about The New York Daily News, he once again couldn't refrain himself for complimenting the Call on maintaining their journalistic standards.  I wasn't having it. We had the following exchange on his facebook page.

I wrote:
  the Morning Call hasn't done one honest story about the NIZ. Although I concede doing so wouldn't change the paper's economic reality, at least you would be doing the journalism that you purport in your piece.

 White replies:
 The Morning Call has done a great job reporting on the NIZ. You don't like it because you preferred downtown the way it was before all this started.

 With Bill White being the professional journalist, and me being the lowly blogger, Bill couldn't resist describing their coverage as great, and dismissing my point as coming from a malcontent. I decided to spell out the Morning Call compromises loud and clear.

My reply to White:
 "I don't like it" because the paper promotes Reilly's apartments like it's news. " I don't like it" because the paper never discussed why the Morning Call building was included in the NIZ, when it is on the other side of Linden Street. "I don't like it" because the Morning Call never reported that the Hospital has ghost offices on the top floor of the arena, so that the state taxes from their highest paid employees can be used for Reilly's debt service, a story I broke and you ignored.

photo above: molovinsky at a Morning Call function, before being outlawed for candor


  1. The Morning Call died when the Miller family sold it.

    It's progressively become less and less informative. It's become thinner, probably due to a lack of advertising, and less businesses in Allentown to advertise as well. If you look at a random date of the Morning Call in the 1980s, there is much more news, much more information, ads, movie listings... Now it's bleh except when there is a news release from Reilly which makes the front page above the fold.

    The entire paper can be written probably in a few rooms of one of Reilly's buildings, probably not even one floor of Tower 6. I understand it's printed somewhere in New Jersey as well. It's not an Allentown newspaper other than its focused on Allentown news, the little that it covers.

  2. and the mainstream media thinks it's doing a great job reporting of the Trump Administration and other national and political issues.

  3. MM, the moronic gagickle and all itz edit out news is dieing or dead like it subscriberz. I have redd it for many years and in the last decade the only thing I had used it for was dog duty.
    The only stories being sold are subliminal advertizementz by the rulerz of the one party town as "success success success"! My nue personal favorite is the flow of traffic controlz making the area seem like it is a thriving metropolis. The fact is with all the circus carnival workers it has just become a place to come sell there criminal ware. Eloquent wording by gagicklez reporter will not and cannot cover up theze allowable fact sold as progression.
    Feet on the street does not make for genuine tangible commerce, and the copz claim cognaZant complicity with ignorance?

  4. The well known propagandist Bill White has always been, continues to be and most likely will always be very very bad news for the citizens of Allentown who do not blindly support the all-powerful Democrat Party and all their crony capitalist buddies like J.B. O'Reilly but, hey, whatever.

    Maybe if someone had had the guts to hold Bill White's feet to the fire over his mostly forgotten "Altoona" commentary from way back when. But, no, political correctness MUST reign supreme no matter what. And this is why White has absolutely no trouble 'marginalizing' Molovinsky, among others, here, there and everywhere.

    Trump got elected because he is a fighter who just don't give a damn about political correctness ... and he will get re-elected for the very same reason, too.



  5. "You don't like it because you preferred downtown the way it was..." is the most damning statement White could have made. The flip side is the admission that the coverage is good because White (and others at the Call) like the changes to downtown. In other words, the ends justify the means.

    This attitude was prevalent throughout the Pawlowski years, when obvious warning signs of wrongdoing were either missed or blatantly ignored by the Call. Had the Morning Call viewed themselves as journalists instead of cheerleaders for Pawlowski, Allentown might have been spared the trauma of having its government for sale, an FBI raid on City Hall, and a lengthy (and overdue) trial of its mayor. There were multiple Pulitzer Prizes available to the Call if they had been even slightly interested in what was going on less than two blocks from their offices.

    Newspapers have lost their objectivity, and are suffering across the country because of it. Yet those tasked with covering the news can't see that problem which is right in front of them. Obviously, that includes White.

    And yes, I know White is listed as a columnist, not a reporter. The problem is that the Call no longer reports. Everyone there (columnists, reporters, editors) are all pushing an agenda. And it's obvious.

  6. I must say, the MC coverage of the Pawlowski trial was good and informative. However, because of its partisan politics, and extreme leftest rhetoric, the MC has lost all objectivity in anything it reports. Forget about local coverage as long as we get a steady dose of anti Trump derangement. TRONC is a dying entity that will go under in time and the newspaper market will return with good local reporting; albeit smaller in content and more objectivity. Like the MC use to be.

  7. Bill White is King of NIZ Fake News.

