Jun 20, 2018

Local Complacency In The Lehigh Valley

Most liberals in Lehigh Valley who are bent out of shape about Donald Trump are completely complacent about local politics.  Because of this complacency we have a former mayor being sentenced in early September on 47 counts of corruption.

It pains me to say that we also have a local newspaper steeped in protecting local sacred cows and cronyism.  There was never a word about corruption at city hall until the FBI raid in 2015. A former Allentown school board member, Scott Armstrong,  complains about how silent they are now about the up-side-down district finances.  I occasionally remind my readers about the paper's silence concerning the agenda of the Wildlands Conservancy.

Readers concerned about the unlevel playing field created by the NIZ are mostly confined to this blog for information.  When the paper publicizes their Keystone Journalism awards,  all we can do is wonder about the news in the towns with the losing papers.


  1. scott armstrong is experiencing from IT problems, and requested that I post the following for him.


    What's happening with the ASD is a scandal, and the MC's failure to report it is a journalistic scandal. Clearly, the MC failed to learn any lessons from their unwillingness to investigate obvious corruption under twelve years of Pawlowski. This led to Allentown's current disastrous condition. We can expect these same results with the ASD. The silence of the press on the fiscal irresponsibility and incompetent leadership facilitate more of the same and are taking a struggling district to total calamity.

    This begs the question; who does the Morning Call think it is helping here? The city? The children? The public's best interest? Only a fool could think ignoring the truth/facts leads to a positive outcome. If there aren't any fools in charge at the Morning Call, the only reason not to report the truth is corruption of the intellect. I know for a fact that a highly respected person supplied Bill White with detailed information and a genuine concern. Bill White would not even give this person the courtesy of a response. This is the Morning Call, a real part of the problem in Allentown.
    Scott Armstrong

  2. I notice that The Morning Call is now concerning itself with global warming. Perhaps someone there realizes today is the first day of summer, and figured this would be a good lead-in.

    After all, crippling the economy with Environmental carbon taxes and expanding government to spend more money studying how to change the weather is a great way to slow the 4% growth of President Trumps policies, back to the 1% growth of Obama....

  3. I cried "corruption" in 2012 regarding the Delta Thermo Energy incinerator deal that Allentown City Council eventually approved for former Mayor Pawlowski. A local attorney told me then that I should be careful using the word "corruption" in Allentown. I own a business in Allentown and that could "affect" my business.

  4. The Pawloski administration's goal was to amass and maintain absolute power.Most people knew about it and could only accept it.It took years for it to crash and burn

  5. Well said. The district deficit is a complicated issue. I didn't see Scott's post but I probably agree with most of it. Emily Opilo, Paul Muschick, yes, Bill White (in my opinion) and a few others have kept their eye on the ball since July 2015, though.

  6. 2012 and 2015 are very late chime in on the corruption, it began upon the indicted ones appointment and got more belligerent with time!

  7. God old boy politics were in city hall way before Palowski arrived here and yet when you think about it Napoleon and trump share a lot in common if they don't get it their way they fire who ever contradicts them . to think I moved here to get away from political corruption and good old boy back room deals from the most densely populated and corrupt areas of the United States. 12 cities the same geographic size as Allentown . A current senator there thinks he got away from the feds but trust me he hasn't . just as greed hasn't here funny Napoleon would fire you if he couldn't claim it as his own sound like trump? he fired 12 people for not getting proprietary info! my proprietary info including 2 solicitors and now hes pointing fingers and saying but they did it all I didn't enough said michael
