May 11, 2018

Political Blogging In Allentown

Blogging in Allentown isn't as easy as it may seem. It requires rising early and usually having the post ready by 5:00AM. In the case of this blog, it is fueled by caffeine. molovinsky on allentown is a non-monetized political blog, also featuring local history and advocacy for the iconic park system. Although the suburban turnout was large because of the presidential primary, the election reveals that locals are not so interested in state politics.  Someone with no experience or knowledge of state government can win a state rep nomination by sending out four mailers. The candidate doesn't even have to know about the issues mentioned on his own mailers. While one candidate for United States Senator can literally walk across the state to meet and listen to the voters, someone else can win by simply having ads on television a few days before the election.  In the city itself, Pawlowski could still influence an election.  I suppose I should be grateful that at least I don't have to print this on paper, and deliver it to houses in the morning.

above reprinted from April of 2016

UPDATE MAY 11, 2018: I'm certainly getting a lot of mileage out of Frankenstein's monster. First I use him to personify the Parking Authority, now myself. One of the regrets of being a registered independent is that I did not receive campaign mailers for the primary next week. I did see a few of them, and know that they would have brought welcome entertainment to my kitchen table.


  1. As a fellow independent I certainly do not miss the hogwash sent by prospective candidates. As a resident of Allentown I am totally through the political process of Allentown government, its state representatives and county elections. All of it is intertwined and formerly ran by the great deceiver Edwin Pawlowski. You wonder how can one man can run everything. then you look at Adolph Hitler and other dictators who have done the same.

    When the ill-informed run the political show, it is dangerous and sickening. Allentown is a pit for this malfeasance of the electoral process and I see no future for this type of electoral process. The inmates are running the asylum and I see no change, even with the hopeful young newcomers is the NIZ.

  2. To improve the political consciousness and the state of ethics post-Pawlowski is a pretty low bar. Therefore I'm cautiously optimistic that we can meet and likely exceed expectations.

  3. Do you think Pawlowski and his sympathizers still wield much in the way of direct power in Allentown? If so, how much?

  4. robert@5:48, allow me to emphasize that the post is a reprint from april of 2016. a considerable amount of power still resides with his crew because over the terms (since 2006) he made so many appointments and filled so many positions. i never favored a clean broom approach, because the city would lose so much institutional knowledge. I think that once he is sentenced, the lessons learned in the last six months will sink in.
