Apr 2, 2018

Allentown's Minority Divisions

In my post on Friday I wrote about some minorities complaining about being underrepresented in the city government.  An irony is worth noting:  In a large part, minorities elected Ed Pawlowski last November.  Photographs at his campaign victory parties, in both the primary and general election, except for his family, show mostly people of color.

I'm not a politically correct person, nor particularly sensitive.   On Thursday evening environmental activist Dan Poresky told council that he has known Hasshan Batts for months,  and how capable Hasshan is of keeping multiple balls in the air.  Poresky has involved himself in local politics since before 2005, when he supported Pawlowski.  Dan is connected to Joyce Marin, who is on the board of Promise Neighborhoods, which employs Hasshan Batts as director.  Hasshan, with his expedited online doctorate, is apparently the current darling of the enlightened private/public funded salary trough of United Way/Renew/Pool Foundation and other Lehigh Valley bastions of feel good about yourself liberalism.  How contrived to support someone from that trough,  rather than candidates like O'Connell and Thiel, who have spend decades involved within the Allentown community.

A comment placed on the previous post by the local NAACP  indicates that they thought Hasshan Batts received far too much attention, and that Cheryl Johnson Watts received too little.  There are apparently various subgroups in both the local Hispanic and black politically active populations. Although my perspective as an outsider is somewhat limited,  I appreciate that their influence is growing year by year.

ADDENDUM: Cynthia Mota is employed by Promise Neighborhoods Of Lehigh Valley.  On Thursday she was in essence voting for her boss, Hasshan Batts.  SHE SHOULD HAVE DISCLOSED THIS CONFLICT OF INTEREST TO THE CITIZENS OF ALLENTOWN.


  1. I generally do not have a problem with diversity, however skin color should not be used to judge a candidate. On Thursday evening, the Allentown City Council meeting turned into a racially divided spectacle that fuels racial animosity. Add this to the non-eligibility of Mr. Batts as a candidate for mayor, one can plainly see that the minority clans rallied around a candidate, who is a convicted felon without a pardon, and that they have no problem supporting a person with his character. So what that he had illegal narcotics in his possession, sold them, and had illegal guns to protect his investment. Even the slimy "Slick Eddy", the convicted felon who sold taxpayers money for political contributions, did not rival the Batts' legacy in this matter. Yes I agree with the NAACP assertion that Batts was given too much attention and a true political activist of color was put on the back-burner. You can't blame the white establishment for this! Aim the problems where they emanated from, the minority council person Ms. Mota, who blindly supported, without merit, Mr. Batts. It is people like her who detract minority participation and support the notion that most minorities are uninformed and clueless.

  2. fire@7:03, i was certainly critical of ms. mota in the previous post. likewise, I am critical of the support shown batts by d. poresky and j. marin. however, overall, i recognize the support and infighting as a natural component of politics, present in every group.

  3. Mike,

    These well intentioned liberals exist is a self righteous liberal bubble. It's my guess and experience that one cannot find a non-liberal at any of these agencies. With this dynamic they merely re-enforce each others world view, that makes them less than well informed. The fact is many of the dreamy plans, operations, programs...simply don't work or at best only show meager results. But because their intentions are good and noble there simply is no accommodation of questions related to outcomes, or considerations of other ideas.

    The sad ,fact is, these people view, or label, any questions or criticism as an attack on the poor rather than legitimate concern over the failure of their approach.

  4. If only the Morning Call would post MM's commentaries as 'letters' or 'op-ed'. The Lehigh Valley would be better informed and served.
