Feb 12, 2018

Survivors Of The Pawlowski Era

While Celeste Dee's current website heralds her experience as a campaign strategist, there is no mention that she got the experience working for Mike Fleck's H Street Strategies.  H Street promoted Pawlowski and his stable of yes men and women. In light of the Pawlowski trial, and Fleck's guilty plea,  her omission is understandable.  She testified that she was well aware that city vendors were being burped for campaign contributions.

Candida Affa went with Celeste and her spinoff agency; She was perhaps the last member of City Council to cut ties with Pawlowski.  Celeste will be able to survive and prosper in Allentown's Democratic world;  She is treasurer of the local party.

The Pawlowski era and lack of ethics so permeated local politics that there are no players that were not tainted by it.

photo of Celeste Dee in front of Federal Courthouse by WFMZ Channel 69 News


  1. Mike,

    Almost the entire Democratic establishment, all the media, and most of the population closed their eyes to it, feigned ignorance, or excused it. Many still do.

    This recent history does not make Allentown an attractive place to move a business or family into.

    Of course the culpable media should be ashamed but not sure they are capable of that.

    Long story short, has anything changed in the city.

  2. Not just Democrats Scotty. Stop making it a partisan problem. It seems a lot of the 'donor' are Republican

  3. Another attempt to make the scandal bipartisan. It hasn't washed before and it doesn't from increased hindsight either.

    Business people are not duly elected public servants, they are not doing the peoples business but instead acting on their own personal business interests. Many of those Republican business people who worked with the devil by making "donations" have and will pay the piper, but they were never representing either the Republican Party or local Republicans. One cannot say the same about Ed and almost every other elected official in the city. By the way, it has been many years since Allentown voters elected a Republican to a city office.

    By the way, there was no outcry during all those years of obvious corruption from rank and file Democrat was there? No, it was total silence. Those of us who did speak out were instead named called, not only by people in public positions but also by rank and file partisan Democrats on public sites and through gossip.

    Those who remained silent, or only spoke up to smear those who did were part of the problem. Let's remember that before we again attempt to label this long period of corruption as "bi-partisan".

  4. "Bi-partisan" in Allentown???

    Sounds wonderful.

    Whatever makes the all-caring Democrats feel better about their City With No Limits On Corruption, surely I have little other realistic choice but to think.

    So, when is the next Elton John concert already?
