Feb 15, 2018

Fools For Pawlowski

In yesterday's post I wrote about tiptoeing through the Pawlowski minefield. We will see a parade of character witnesses testify that their contributions were made because of Pawlowski's leadership and accomplishments, not to gain the work which they received.  What else can they say and not incriminate themselves? Pawlowski's attorney, Jack McMahon, organized the parade,  composed of some of Allentown's most prestigious attorneys.  The downside for them is that everybody knows that Pawlowski was at best just a self-serving opportunist. Those who testify they felt that Pawlowski moved Allentown forward know full well that he was only the ribbon cutter for the NIZ, not the engine behind it. Those who say that they thought he was governor or senator material only erode their credibility even farther.  It is their hope that the trial end soon, and that their testimony be forgotten; For the most part it will be.

photocredit: The Morning Call


  1. I've tried to stay silent on the erstwhile Boss Hogg because in my mind he has been exposed for what he is and hopefully a jury will do the right thing; something the ignorant, uninformed voters couldn't.

    It made me sick to watch the attorney's who supported the Boss and his co-defendant lie and blabber on the witness stand to only support the notion that attorneys should be banned from all public discourse and participation. Their business behavior, participating in pay to play, and covering there felonious activities with praise on a job well done, only purport the idea that all government is corrupt and money buys everything.

    Granted, the rotund one built a very insulated scheme that he is still hiding behind, however, in totality, this illustrious scumbag has shown he is nothing but a slick Chicago politician taking a ride on a very uneducated and poorly informed public who think crime is a badge of courage.

  2. Mike,

    I wrote before that in order to explain the last general election we needed to remember Allentown is loaded with Fools, idiots, and connivers. Now another group has become prominent, liars. Anyone who testifies under oath that they "donated money to Ed because they thought he was improving the city" is providing false testimony.

  3. When someone is accused of a crime, your innocence is the ultimate defense.

    If Mr Pawlowski is truly innocent as he claims to be, then he really needs to take the stand and testify in his own defense. Period, end of story.

  4. jamie@9:51, both pawlowski and his attorney want him on the stand. he isn't innocent, but he is a convincing liar.

  5. Ray O'Connell and his supporters better be on their knees daily praying Ed is convicted. If he gets off a lot of people will turn an angry eye in their direction.

  6. One of the problems jurors experience is that typically prosecutors load up the case with far too many charge indictments that are merely repetitive in nature. Consequently, it gets very tedious for jurors to have to listen to counsel for both sides slug through all this. Especially when lengthy affidavits & tape transcripts are involved. The minutiae becomes overwhelming and the jurors simply tune out. Once you start to go beyond 4 weeks you really risk losing a jury, especially since your basic premise is supposedly simple.....it's pay to play. If so, jurors want to hear a few examples, not long, boring, complicated, NIZ wheeling & dealing.
    If at the end, what has been demonstrated ad nausem is that ALL the parties & witnesses for both sides where/are sleazy....which is virtually always the case with informants/undercover agents/wearing wires/yadda yadda then a juror may simply feel "they all suck" and why should the Mayor have to play Jesus and take the fall for everyone? If only one starts to feel sorry for him and holds out......you are headed toward a hung jury.
