Jan 25, 2018

Award Shows Getting Tired

I'm not much for the pretty boy and girl awards.  There is no end to the red carpet of these self promoting shows.  The Academy Award, The Golden Globe Award, the Screen Actors Guild Award,  the I'm So Lucky Award That They Picked My Pretty Face Over Thousands Of Other Pretty Faces Award.  Now I don't watch such nonsense,  but see the articles about them.  I know that Meryl and Oprah were upset at the last show that some men mistook their younger sexy counterparts as sex objects. Meanwhile on the screen,  it's hard to find a production without nudity and guns.

These awards are of course intended to keep these lucky pretty faces in the public's eye.  In the most recent, Melania Trump was snarked Sunday night for not doing more about cyber-bullying.  While that criticism was totally unnecessary, it shows that Hollywood feels empowered to promote their liberalism and that hatred of all things Trump.  This hate-fest didn't receive its full audience because it was competing with the Philadelphia Eagles.  However,  the next one will be soon enough, and you can bet that the theme will again be that Trump is bad and that women are treated like sex objects.  Expect more low cut black dresses.


  1. I thought most of these liberal leftist, who dominate at these hate shows, were moving to Canada if the "Donald" got elected. Well he is in office for a year and they still live in their posh homes in California. Can't wait for the San Andres' fault to crack away and leave these disgusting individuals afloat in their new nation. Personally, I will not pay the exorbitant amount of money to watch these POS on the silver screen. As far as I'm concerned, these haters of Americanism are just as low as the NFL!

  2. Just say no to Hollywood, Television, and the low brow filth that is labeled "culture". Life is much richer without it.

  3. fire@7:58, I have no objection to their personal beliefs and liberalism, just do not believe that these shows are the place to express them. if they want to be true card carrying liberals, perhaps they should decline roles which feature aggressive sexuality and gun violence. there's always dog food commercials and shopping mall appearances to fall back on for income.

  4. When we turn on television, we enjoy being entertained or perhaps informed. Not lectured to by people dressed for funerals.
