Oct 10, 2017

Rumble In The Morning Call Jungle

In my post last Thursday,  I called the Morning Call/Muhlenberg College Poll flawed.  Somehow, almost arbitrarily,  they assigned 22% to Ray O'Connell, although he wasn't included in their original question about choosing a candidate on the ballot;  Ray is a write-in, and not on the ballot.  Blogger Bernie O'Hare wrote about this topic yesterday, and the Morning Call editor provided an explanation that is as vague as the original article in the paper.  I can certainly understand why Nat Hyman was perplexed about how contrived and labored it was for the paper to justify covering three candidates,  when they appear to ignore their own guidelines in doing so.

Hyman brings some unique qualities to the race and hopefully on to City Hall, come November 7th.  While Ed's surrogates deride Hyman because he's a property owner,  in truth housing is perhaps the biggest issue in Allentown, and Hyman knows the subject, inside and out.  The paper endorsed Pawlowski in his first term, and generally supported him until his behavior rose to the current criminal accusations.  It is refreshing to see a candidate who is willing to question the paper.  But Hyman didn't become the success he is by obsessing on perceived slights.  Allentown City Hall needs a completely fresh start, and Hyman has the skill set to provide it.


  1. What Allentown needs are term limits of eight years for any municipal office. That would insure new faces and get rid of the career politicians

  2. Mike,

    I have my differences with Nat on certain policy issues. That said I don't question his character. For this and the fact that city hall needs to be swept clean I am supporting Nat Hyman. By the way, I am not part of the campaign. As usual my comments are my own.

    Anyone who thinks things will change if Ray or any of the other rubber stamps ends up in the mayors office after Ed gets sent up the river doesn't understand how the machine works.It will still be in place with a new front man/woman. Same old, same old.

    The fact that no local Democrats discouraged Ray from running a hopeless write in campaign tells us all we need to know. Their goal is to hang onto the office and control of city hall. Ray O'Connell is their vehicle to achieve that.

    Allentown needs to be rescued from these people.Haven't they done enough damage already?

  3. He still has not presented anything of substance, at least in public safety. Ed O'Connell came out on 69 news and stated that public safety is his No. 1 priority. Besides filling the 20-vacancies on the police force, [a current problem our current and useless police chief refuses to address], he will add approximately eleven more officers to the rank and file. However, what new or renewed programs will he introduce? Will he expand something that is in progress? Where will he target crime? A little talk, acknowledgment, but no substance!

  4. Mr. Hyman may know alot about real estate, but WHY paint that ugly building on Linden Street - BLACK. Real eyesore. Hate to think what he'll do in the Mayor's seat. I see dark clouds...............

  5. Does anyone think there is anything more to ray than words? We know what we will get from him.He was on council for years. Stop voting for the politicians who tell you what you want to hear. Vote for people who aren't part of the problem

  6. My mom and dad aren't voting. Dad doesn't care for Hyman at all. The only difference between him and Pawlowski is that he probably hasn't been investigated yet. Warehousing people in old mills is just inviting more slime into the city. Pawlowski (and the rest of the Democrats) suck up to the Puerto Ricans for votes and hand out welfare checks. There is nothing good in either of the candidates. My mom would walk over to West Park and feed the pigeons and take me over there when I was small. Now she makes sure she's home when Allen lets out in the afternoons.

    Sorry, Allentown is going down the sewer until something is done about crime and that's not happening. The candidates are just offering more of the same. Where are the new ideas?

  7. Jamie,

    Your posts are usually better than this. if there was no difference between Ed and Nat, the Democrats would not have Ray running his write in campaign to make sure Nat loses.

    Yes things are bad in the city, yes we have all become jaded and cynical. I however see Nat as a big improvement over the machine that has taken Allentown to the cleaners.
