Oct 3, 2017

Disappointments Beyond Allentown

I was disappointed that United States objected to the Kurdish referendum on Independence. As John Bolton observed, Iraq as a sovereign nation is so shattered,  a new boundary in the north wouldn't much matter.  The Kurds have provided the only security afforded to Christians and other minorities in that strife ridden part of the world.  They have been on the front line fighting against our common enemies in both Iraq and Syria.

I was disappointed that Trump undermined Rex Tillerson with  his tweet about Rex wasting his time in regard to North Korea.  Tillerson was the adult in the administration, and his appointment was one of the main reasons that I have defended Trump on several occasions.  I would not be surprised to see Tillerson resign within two weeks.

Yesterday, the stock prices went up on firearm manufacturers. After each tragic mass shooting legislators react by threatening to restrict guns, and the public reacts by buying more.  I believe that we need to adopt the Giffords/Kelly* endorsement of the enhanced Brady type regulations, which puts more scrutiny on the who/purchaser, rather than the what/type of gun.

I wish that none of these above noted events happen, and that I could instead complain about Pawlowski and Cedar Beach.

*Giffords/Kelly started Americans For Responsible Solutions.


  1. Even more depressing is the history of mankind. Leave the natural disasters behind and focus on the wars, slaughters, abuses, tyrannies,slavery, bondage, greed, avarice...

    Then you will see there is nothing no under the sun, we have always had a despicable side.That said there is another side of mankind, charity, faith,bravery, kindness... that is equally apparent. Walk into an art museum, symphony hall, concert venue and see the beauty we are capable of. We are both good and evil.

  2. Notice the new word of the day is 'responsible' gun laws. As if millions of gun owners are irresponsible.It seems there are more irresponsible users and prescribers of prescription drugs than there are guns.

  3. josh@4:54, there are several schools of thought on gun control. the NRA feels that any change is a "slippery slope" eroding the 2nd amendment.

    i would rather appease the growing liberal chorus with expanded background checks on applicants, than start demonizing particular guns.

    both gifford and kelly are firearm enthusiasts

  4. When a lunatic abuses our constitutionally guaranteed 2nd amendment right, the left and the media's impulsive response is to demand the eliminate that right. Riots and loss of life are often the consequence of our constitutionally guaranteed right to assemble.Shall we remove that right as well?

    A government powerful enough to protect us from all harm is unattainable, but the pursuit of such leads always to a totalitarianism.

  5. People violate drug laws all the time, leading to hundreds (thousands?) of deaths each year. Yet we do have 'common sense' drug laws. I am not a gun enthusiast, just a Constitution enthusiast.

  6. The Kurds need the support of the west, they seem to be the only stable group in that part of the world, all their neighbors hate them, but all they seem to want is their own country. I believe Tillerson and Trump are playing good cop and bad cop, but any government who has done to Otto Warmbier what these people have done should have no respect from anyone. It is time to take this dictator and his cohorts out. It will be necessary at some point, the longer we wait the more collateral damage there will be. Laws do not prevent murder or any other crime, they just punish people for their crime. This person planned a premeditated mass killing. We can bet it was some political issue. As old Bob Grant used to say, It is a sick world out there and getting sicker every day.

  7. The Kurds have been antagonizing our Strategic Allies the Turkish Government. The US could not have achieved a successful and sustained invasion of Iraq without utilizing Incirlik Base the duration of the Iraq War.

    Turkey is as important in the global arena as Israel at least.

  8. The Kurds are always (mostly covertly)assisted when we need or needed a foil against Assad in Syria or Hussein in Iraq or against Iran...usually through the Israelis, since the Russians usually support whoever we oppose. As an immediate neighbor, Russia feels it has the same right to get involved as we do in Central & South America.

    Hence, de jure autonomy is tolerated by Turkey, but, de facto actual independence is opposed by Turkey and the other nations because it threatens their territorial integrity and inspires others to national identity. Even the Israelis, despite decades of on again, off again assistance to the Kurds, opposes under the right wing Likid government, actual statehood independence, because the parallels to the Palestinians' demands are too similar.

  9. Everybody uses and then betrays the Kurds. Their unhappy fate, because of their existence within the borders of established nation states, prevents any sovereign state from granting them actual de facto independent status.

    When it is desirable by the West to stir trouble for Assad in Syria or Hussein in Iraq or the Allitoya in Iran, then, usually covertly via the Israelis, assistance is provided. Hence, often, as now, de jure independence is tolerated. However, the granting of actual independence...the relinquishing of territory by existing sovereign states to accommodate the Kurds is considered treason by the rulers. Since the Kurds do not practice Shia or traditional Sunni Islam, there is also religious prejudice against them. Since Russia borders the region, they regard protecting their interest as we do regarding Central & South America, and thus always oppose whatever we generally try to accomplice in the region.

    Even the Israelis,who have assisted the Kurds for decades....."the enemy of my enemy is my friend," oppose de jure statehood for the Kurds, at least under the right wing Likud government, because of the obvious parallel to the Palestinians' similar plight.
