Sep 25, 2017

Allentown's Complicated Mayoral Election

I drove past Ray O'Connell's car wedged in between Ed White and John Ingram's vehicles off the  side of the road.  Although, I felt like an ambulance chaser,  I phoned Ray and asked what was going on.  Seems as if Ray had stopped to help Ingrams and his manage put a sign in hard ground.  That's what I call sportsmanship.

Ray's not concerned about Ingram's candidacy. Now, of course understand that it would be difficult for a write-in candidate to complain about an independent on the ballot.  Ray is miffed that Nat Hyman has been complaining about O'Connell as a spoiler, helping Pawlowski's chances of getting elected once again. He feels that Hyman should work on getting enough votes himself to win on November 7th,  rather than worrying about who is siphoning off what votes.  Of course, Ray is hoping that if Pawlowski is elected,  that he then resigns in a plea deal, and that Ray is appointed mayor by City Council.  Meanwhile,  for an independent,  Ingram is making a concerted effort,  with multiple billboards.

It is not a simple election to cover;  With all these candidates,  I'll have to assign more staff election night.


  1. Ed Pawlowski should be out there helping these nit wits put up signs. They are all selfish morons. If Ray thinks people will forget this he is dead wrong. Ray reputation has lost its luster and many, including myself have lost all respect for the man.

    Ingram is just a fool when it comes to politics. Ray is far worse.

  2. By the way, how pathetic is it that Ray doesn't like a political competitor complaining about him? Real pathetic. But the real humiliation awaits, that will be on election night when he sees his results.

  3. How convoluted things are in Allentown. As registered independent in Allentown, I was going to vote for Nat Hyman, [anybody but that criminal Ed Pawlowski], but I am having second thoughts on Hyman. I just learned that a respected law enforcement consultant, who authored a comprehensive public safety initiative for independent candidate Michael Donovan in the last election, was rebuffed by Hyman. Crime in Allentown should be everybody's concern, but quite frankly, Hyman has only provided lip service so far! O'Connell would be an alternative, but he hasn't shown anything constructive in combatting crime. I guess crime is not an important issue in Allentown!

  4. If Ray had anything constructive to say about anything in Allentown he could have done it from city council. Instead he chose to be a rubber stamp under Ed and has said very little since. As a candidate for mayor(Ha-ha)he has decide to take some stands, where was he before? Am I wrong?

  5. I understand that Mr Ingram is an independent candidate. So I would believe he is actually on the ballot as such. Where does he fit on the political scale of thing? To the right of Pawlowski, O'Connell and Hyman? After all, all of them are Democrats. Hyman is simply a Democrat running on the Republican ticket.

  6. I'm also not impressed by O'Connell and Hyman. They seem to think a campaign is like Silent Calvin Cooledge, simply having their name in the ring with little or no actual campaigning. Like Pawlowski or not, he is the only one that actually seems to be running for mayor.

  7. jamie, i personally don't put much stock in whether a candidate is D, R or I at this municipal level Mr. Ingram or his manager, Ed White, is welcome to reply on his positions. I do know that Hyman has been doing some door to door.

  8. Jamie, If you are looking for candidates that impress you then give up the search in Allentown. here we take the least bad. That is an easy call, Nat Hyman. he is the best choice because only he can beat Ed Pawlowski.
    And by the way, who cares what John Ingram thinks. He got into the election at the last minute and has zero chance of winning. I don't care if he has a plan for world peace, he is not going to get elected. he is just another distraction.
