Mar 9, 2017

Ev Bickford Not Running

Yesterday, the Morning Call had a conventional article on the conventional candidates for Allentown City Council.  This post is unconventional.

There was almost another Democratic candidate for mayor;  Everett/ Erika Bickford. Bickford is a unique grassroots person, who has been politically active in Allentown for decades. She has been particularly active in issues of social justice. Yesterday, she told me that she has decided not to run for mayor, because the field is already overcrowded. Ev was born Everett Bickford, but in recent years has presented herself as a woman more often than not. I will not elaborate on her gender identity, for I have no grasp of such subject matter. I will tell you that she is very knowledgeable on the workings and problems of Allentown. She has appeared at city council often, and is certainly a courageous person. We share a common opinion that the crowded field plays to Pawlowski's advantage. Please limit any comments to only political issues in Allentown.


  1. Not many people know Ms Bickford, so even if she chose to run, she's absolutely correct. There are too few voters and too many candidates. She'd be one of the pack of second-tier candidates.

    It's Ed vs Bennett, and O'Connell. Bennett the drunk is a two-time loser and I just personally can't stand her. O'Connell is probably better but Ed has the name recognition and he's pressing hard, knowing his job is on the line.

    1. Dave i amm more known in 2 states then you will ever be known and i would not be a second tier candidate and if i rann it would only give Napoleon more votes

  2. I would ask my valued commenters to refrain from labeling candidates as a drunk, or anything else. over the years I have been in that candidate's presence several times, including her home, and have never observed any such behavior.

  3. MM,
    I would have run but, 2nd class citizens do not count in a 3rd class city and as a retard political pandering is not my cup of coffee.

  4. I don't really see anyone defeating Pawlowski. I'm like an outsider since we live in northeast Montgomery county, so maybe I see things differently than people who live in Allentown. I know he's a political pariah, but basically he keeps the streets plowed during snowstorms and he rebuilt downtown. I know he didn't but he's the mayor and that's what is perceived by most voters when people see Hamilton Street these days.

    O'Connell and City Council don't like him because of how he governs, but then, they went along with him before the FBI went though City Hall. That entire lot on Penn Street needs to be replaced but that's not going to happen anytime soon. That drama which is taking longer than Watergate with the FBI is fading in people's memory. If the election were two years ago, he likely would have lost. But this is 2017, and Pawlowski's not in court, so as long as there isn't any headlines about him, I'd bet he wins another term.

  5. Jaime may be correct that although the mayor doesn't deserve credit for the 'rebirth' of Allentown he may just get it. But that would say volumes about his Democrat opponents. They would have to admit that the rebirth, such as it is, was the handiwork of a dreaded Republican in the person of Sen. Pat Browne.

  6. thank you mr Molovinsky . Dave my name is more known than yours I have served proudly as a pro bono community leader for 56 years this year, have been politically active since 1970, 47 years . In 2006 the citizens of Allentown came to me at Stevens Park and asked me to Save the Allentown Halloween Parade and I did the Mayor asked me to incorporate it and i did into OHPA Family inc (the Oldest Halloween Parade In America which i own the intellectual rights to. The mayor fired 5 parks people because they couldnt get my propietory Information. I have worked too for the 1st regional Council of Mayors in the United states as its 1st executive aide. The Morning Call that year fired an intern because they couldn't find any skeletons in my closet and too I am the only poitician Paul Carpenter ever wrote anything positive about THat being i am the most honest politician out there i walk around town in a skirt Sorry for your ignorance Dave. I chose not to run as not to give Napoleon a larger plurality have a nice life Dave thank you Michael
