Nov 14, 2016

ADDENDUM: Lamentations Of The Democrats

A reader suggested that I change the name of this blog to Molovinsky On Trump. He believes that I have abandoned my claim on being non-partisan. In reality, I never promoted Trump, but I did push back against the vitriol against him in the media and on facebook. Not suprisingly, my critic was one of the facebook intolerants. The Clinton campaign supposedly is blaming FBI Director James Comey for her lost. I believe that this campaign was decided before his notice to Congress. Some commentators believe that the Democrats should have gone with Sanders.   In truth, both parties went with their best candidate,  the one who won their primary.

Obama should speak out against the protests.  He seems to be practicing selective criticism in regard to properly respecting democracy. I never thought much of liberals thinking that Jon Steward,  Bill Maher, or SNL was a source of political insight.  Needless to say, none of the Hollywood elite have moved abroad.  However,  I believe that some of the smugness have been washed off their pretty faces.

ADDENDUM:  I took the unusual step of printing a blog post this weekend, because of the extraordinary contention against  Trump.  I will now take another unusual step, and incorporate that entry, with this addendum, into today's  edition.

If possible, I believe that the post election acrimony by the Clinton supporters towards Trump is worse than before the election.  I suppose that Trump's detractors never seriously considered him becoming president.  Now, that it actually happen,  even liberal lawyers are questioning the Constitutionally of the Electoral College.  While they previously condemned an obstructionist congress during Obama's term,  they are now plodding impeachment against Trump, less than one week after the election.  They are planning a one million women march in Washington, for the inauguration.  With all the plodding,  I have yet to read of one positive idea for their cause or the country. I have yet to hear either Obama or Clinton try to curtail this current negativity. The Clinton's blame their loss on James Comey, rather than her calling half the country deplorable.

I have maintained that protest against a lawful election in a democracy is inappropriate.  Others disagree,  believing such protest is completely legitimate.  I also find accusations of racism against Trump  unsubstantiated, and offensive.  I heard a Sunday talking head say that Trump should issue a statement to calm the public, worried about his racism.  I too believe that this segment must be calmed, but by those elements which made them hysterical in the first place.  That would be Obama, but then that might suggest that he indeed did perform as an alarmist,  prior to the election.


  1. I never thought much of liberals thinking... I believe that some of the smugness have been washed off their pretty faces.

    OMG Michael, when are you going to get off this kick?

  2. LVCI, at this time last week the hillary supporters were completely condescending toward trump and the deplorables. their only question was how big was the landslide going to be? now they're protesting in the streets. I just saw a lawyer facebook friendcomplain that hillary should be president, that she won the popular vote. you would think that he could at least respect election law. i actually do want to get off this kick, i don't create the news, i just comment on it.

  3. I agree 100% these protestors are totally in the wrong. A bunch of jerks the lot of them. Nothing could be more un-American.

  4. "In truth, both parties went with their best candidate, the one who won their primary."

    You hit the nail on the head, Mr. Molovinsky.

    It's that simple fact that many in the GOP (and many of those who should have known better) simply couldn't understand -- and I suspect the same was true of the Dems.

  5. Did you never think that there was vitriol against Hillary? Was that not in the news, too?

  6. Rob,

    The Left routinely uses smears and slurs as a way to impugn opposing points view. It is that simple,and that tactic is used at all levels of government, local, state, and national. Obama set a very ugly example on the campaign trail for Hillary. Never in our lives have Republican presidents used the type of charged and divisive rhetoric he engaged to impugn the other side. It was disgraceful. Locally, there are plenty of examples of the same, especially here in Allentown.

  7. Speaking of Allentown, the city is getting ready to raise the income tax illegally again, and sending a loud declaration of the NIZ's failure. Twisting the language in statutes and court decisions to get their way very much like President Obama and Hillary twisting the language in federal laws to get theirs. It would be great that the same team that is fighting corruption locally would support fighting corruption federally.

    1. On point as always, Steven. Our local groups are joining a national movement started by local chapters of Represent.Us, called Drain the Swamp, which seeks to implement the anticorruption measures Trump advocated in the closing days of his campaign. We are also mobilizing against the EIT increase.

      The League of Women Voters is educating the public Thursday on a Republican anticorruption proposal for Bethlehem. The Democrats will propose their own plan in January so we'll be active in that debate.

  8. I for one appreciate your weighing in on national issues. I recall your letters Gunther used to feature were of a broad-based nature. Frankly we need more information about how national issues affect us here in the Valley. For instance that dopey map the Morning Call featured in today's paper was absolutely useless if they thought it would inform us of how sections of the valley voted. Why weren't the townships and municipalities named?
    We live in a nation where most people couldn't pick out their own state on a map of the US. Do we think they know the 'shape' of Upper Macungie Township, North Whitehall or Bangor? However, it didn't take people in the know much to figure out the 'makeup' of the communities by which was blue or red. I had to laugh at the dot of red in the midst of Allentown's blue. Must have been the evil 1% who live in The Parkway!!!!

  9. Mike,

    Put this on Facebook last night.

    Media and Democrats spreading fear!

    They ask: why are minorities so afraid?

    Answer; because the Democratic Party, President Obama, Democratic candidates, and the media have been telling everyone that Trump and Republicans in general are bigots, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, Climate deniers, heartless, and selfish.

    Question, does any of this sound familiar?

    Answer;yes. Just look at the history books, they are full of examples of people in positions of authority scapegoating entire groups of people for sheer political expediency. Why did the German people so suddenly tern against their Jewish friends, classmates, fellow workers, shop keepers, and neighbors? Because people in power and their allies in the media told them "Jews" were evil. In time they came to believe it. The results were tragic.

    It is time we start asking the media to stop the smear campaign they have engaged for their Democratic Party allies. Rank and file Democrats need to demand their party stop vilifying the political opposition as a shameful means to a self serving end.

  10. scott@7:16, the same is being done now to steve bannon. they are declaring him a racist, because he's politically incorrect, and misconceptions made about him by others.

  11. Clinton supporter here....only to say that Trump won, fair and square. I won't claim foul, because the game's rules have been in place for a very long time, and Trump won. It's very simple. don't think anyone expected this (especially not Trump), so adjusting to this surprise has been difficult for some. Regardless, rioting is never the answer, although protesting peacefully is legal and is a hallmark of freedom of speech.

    Comey was in a tough spot - he got new information on a sensitive subject at a very late date. What was he supposed to do...bury it? Remain silent? Imagine if Hillary won, and if the investigation netted new, damaging information. (And, there was no way to know if there was new information at the time of Comey's announcement.) Voters deserve to know what's going on with their candidates when the FBI director himself is looking into matters.

    Finally, as far as accusations of racism are concerned, it is Trump's own words that cast him as a racist and bigot - it's not some fantasy dreamed up by the far left. However, one of the saddest parts of Trump's candidacy is that in order to support him, you have to believe that he does not mean what he says. I'm not saying Trump IS a racist, but he certainly said things that ARE racist, by definition. He has no one to blame but himself for his image.

  12. Please list those racist statements. Please don't twist his words. Don't twist when he said we are not getting Mexico's best, or when he said they are sending their rapists - there are plenty of stories of immigrant criminals especially recently deported immigrants that have returned only to end up being arrested for murder or rape, and don't twist what he said about stopping immigration from Muslim countries until we have a handle on who is coming. There is a real threat from terrorist coming over to kill us. The attacks in France, Belgium, and other EU countries is evidence enough of the danger we face. That does not mean we don't help people in danger or allow for normal migration but we must vet them thoroughly before they can come over.

  13. momma@8:01, i agree that trump has no one to blame but himself. i also agree that he said things that could be construed as racist in our PC world, but that doesn't mean that he is a racist. most of those committing terrorist attacks in europe migrated there as refugees. many of the most vicious inmates in the southwest came across as illegal aliens. it's too easy to falsely cast someone as a racist, especially trump, because he ran as an outsider. I think that he could be more fairly be judged from this point forward. i will concede that as president elect there is now more consequences to his words, than as a previous outsider candidate.

  14. The Democrats have cultivated a cadre of constituents that are 'perpetual victims', 'fringe minorities', illegal aliens, and illegal doers. Their platform is "free stuff" - like free college, free health care, free food, free shelter, free programs....

    This has proven very dangerous, because these 'something for nothing' people have woken up to the fact that us people who are supposed to pay for all that free stuff have had enough of this silliness.

    But the media hasn't stopped. Listen to Trump's interview on 60 Minutes - they're still asking 'do you still beat your wife' questions. That Leslie Stahl is a real old bag - has that crazy lady lipstick.

  15. We do have the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, and political speech is protected. These disillusioned Hillary Clinton supporters can march, chant, burn candles, incense, and yes, even American Flags as long as their protests are civil and respectful of our laws. That does not include limiting anyone elses' right to free passage on public streets, or damaging anyone Else's property, or all the other criminal acts which we see in the media.

    What these protests are doing actually, is hurting their cause. People see these disruptions and they are simply affirming the reasons that Donald Trump is now President-Elect Trump. This is also not dissimilar to the massive negative campaign that Hillary Clinton conducted in the media. People became immune to her unending accusations and saw though her. She kept repeating that she wanted to break the "glass ceiling" as a woman, but offered gobbledygook in terms of issues.

    Sorry girl, we didn't buy what you were selling to the voters and now you have to face justice for whatever alleged crimes you committed while Senator or Secretary of State.

  16. Oh we saw that "60 Minutes" inquisition by Lesley Stahl. I remarked to my husband "why does he keep doing those". I mean all the media wants to do is disgrace him. That's wasn't an interview, it was an interrogation. Trump doesn't need that kind of thing, and simply should not walk into their traps.

  17. I read this blog because I enjoy the insight on local issues. I can get discourse on the presidential election anywhere.

    Meanwhile, it's been almost a week since the referendum in South Whitehall on the dam. The blog author was passionate about it until he became distracted by the presidential election.

  18. mr. white@9:56, i will unfortunately be coming back to wehr's dam soon enough. neither the wildlands or the S.W. commissioners have given up on demolishing it. not unlike the presidential election, they never counted on losing the referendum. although you're disappointed with these recent posts, your readership is appreciated. michael m

  19. My congressman (for Minneapolis) is the liberal - Louis Farrakhan-linked - loon (MN State Bird) Keith Ellison - has been proposed to head the DNC. This guy is a certified wacko.

    I hope the Dem's do it - it would be great to watch the total meltdown.

    As an aside, a quote today from Bernie Sanders: "Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday blasted the Democratic Party for failing to connect with the “white working class” voters who overwhelmingly cast their ballots for President-elect Donald Trump."

  20. The sooner, the better. Whining and gloating about the presidential election is tiresome and unproductive, but local interest in the dam could yield actual results.

  21. doug_b@12:47

    Between Keith Ellison and Al Franken, Minnesota is well represented in the Democratic lunatic fringe. If they take over the party, the Democrats will be consigned to oblivion for a generation.

  22. I believe the President-Elect did a good job in clearing up misconceptions about who he is and what he is planning on 60 Minutes last night. I also agree with many that the protestors are harming their cause by way of their conduct; I wanted to get home from a function in Center City Philadelphia on Friday night and I spent a few more minutes sitting in traffic due to the roads being blocked. Not a way to endear someone to your message....
