May 19, 2016

Pawlowski As Hitler In The Bunker

After reading Tuesday's waste to energy article by Emily Opilo in the Morning Call, one could only think of Hitler in the bunker at the war's end, moving around Panzer Divisions, which no longer existed. The best of course was City Council's reactions.  Julio Guridy would only consider another waste to energy proposal after vetting the public on their feelings. People who need people are the nicest people in the world.  I was almost at the Delta Thermo council meeting. First, I had to get pass the union bikers outside city hall, meant to discourage the public. Then, I had to stand out in the hallway,  because of all the union workers from out of town, imported to pack the council chamber.  Julio voted yes, yes, yes.

One of the companies involved in the new round of proposals is from New Jersey. Harrisburg went $300 million in debt, ending in receivership, working with this company. They sound perfect for Allentown.  Apparently, Pawlowski and city council, although wounded, are more dangerous than ever.*

* The concept of Pawlowski as Hitler in the bunker, came from someone associated with the city, who wishes to remain anonymous.


  1. When was the last time Pawlowski spoke publicly at a City Council meeting where he didn't just present a PowerPoint and then leave the room?

    Even last night at City Council? Where was Pawlowski?

    Seriously, did anyone watch the meeting last night? Council is sitting on their hands waiting for the FBI to expose the corruption in Allentown. They are telling citizens to shut up and sit down and wait for the FBI.

  2. Although I find your comparison of Mayor Pawlowski and Adolph Hitler quite distasteful, what we are seeing here is not new.

    Mr Pawlowski is a lame duck without a successor. Everyone understands that he is either going to resign or leave office at the end of his term. His re-election chances are about nil. No one is going to pay attention to what he says or proposes because no one in the political arena wants to be associated with him.

  3. jamie@10:23, i tried to disassociate from a literal hitler by using a picture from the movie The Producers, which was a spoof.

  4. The spoof photo was a good way to make the point.

  5. I cant beleive they are seriously considering another waste to energy project. Didnt they spend $500k for "studies" already? How much will Cynthia Mota request this time for her vote? This is shameful in its entirety. How do they walk around with their chin up? How can they honestly say they have the Allentown residents best interests? I find them all repulsive and corrupt. FBI, please save Allentown from this corrupt organization. THANK YOU!!!

  6. assassin@3:44, in fairness to council, although pawlowski sent out requests for quotes in march of 2015, and did receive replies, i don't think that the administration has moved forward on this plan since the FBI raid in july. council claims that they had no knowledge of the new proposals. never the less, it was tuesday's headline story for the morning call, and far too juicy for this blogger to ignore.

  7. Im sure allentown council will do the what's best for Allentown residents unlike in the past. They are probably worried about the FBI now and should think twice about accepting money for votes. They still haven't recouped the last $500k spent and should be working on that before considering another waste ful to energy project.
