Mar 24, 2016

Seminar For Allentown's Little People

Various Allentown agencies announced that they're going to have workshops for Allentown's little people at the Renaissance Hotel, where the little people could never afford to stay. Let me clarify that the little people aren't midgets, but Allentown's underclass. While in reality the have-nots will not be there, it gives various administrators of various useless organizations an opportunity to put something on their proposal for next years' grants, justifying their useless taxpayer funded positions. Over the years there have been dozens of these dog and pony shows. In years past I even attended some of the meetings. And who says that the NIZ doesn't have any community benefit?

Bonus train post below.

molovinsky on allentown will be shortly changing the comment policy. Anonymous comments, per se, will no longer be hosted. Commenters will be using or creating a Google/Blogger/Open ID. The identity need not be your real name, pseudonyms are permitted. The registration is with Google or such, and I have no access to the information provided.  It is my hope that regular contributors to this blog get such a registered handle, to both help elevate the dialogue here, and protect the integrity of their input.


  1. Dog and Pony shows cost money. Clearly, the city government departments have an excess of taxpayer money on its hands, burning holes in its pockets.

    It's unfortunate that Ed sponsors this charade

  2. Let's not be too harsh. I'm sure the denizens of downtown are not sure how to pay $4 for a cup of coffee at Reillybucks, or $15 for a burger at Chickie n Petes. If only they were informed about the bargain $50 steaks at Shula's the place might still be open.

  3. george @3:44, i'd like to address a reply you made to on o'hare's ramblings, that every endorsement would have to treated as a in kind contribution, based on my comment. i don't know how familiar you are with o'hare's rambling blog. he wrote Full Disclosure: I support John Morganelli for AG and have made a small contribution. bernie is known for supporting certain politicians to no end. his support of stoffa and angle was legendary. my original comment was a reaction to his "full disclosure" statement, which for bernie was a gross understatement. on the other hand, i'm known for being succinct, thus my "in kind" statement was ambitious, and lent itself to bernie's defensiveness. i don't think that by any measure, besides bernie's, there was anything "insulting" about my comment. however, i can't same the same about his subsequent replies. bernie didn't want me to comment further at his blog, so i'll take that liberty, here and now.

  4. Maybe it will be like the food cart vendor show where everyone was told you couldnt go near the arena. God forbid they lost a hotdog sale to someone not financed with Gov money. It was a pitiful exhibition of government out of control. So, i will not spend a dime in center corrupt city or spend another dime fixing up dilapidated houses. Do not invest in allentown unless you want someone in your pocket the whole time. This is the biggest mistake i have ever made.

  5. Michael. I am indeed familiar with Bernie's blog, both the good and the bad. I guess my point is that a blog is a very personal piece of communication, and shouldn't be held to a standard of other 'public' media. Heck, you can't read most political websites lately without seeing partisan gutter sniping. I think I did suggest (recommend?) that when the candidate's opponent replies to that long piece Bernie printed that the latter should be fair and print it as well. Those of us who read a couple of local public interest blogs like yours depend on some sense of balance, though we also appreciate the positions you take...whether we agree or not. Thanks!

  6. george@5:59, my exasperation with bernie's replies is encapsulated today in bernie's current post. did bernie the blogger or bernie the bethlehem press reporter win a keystone award? i suppose the truth is both, because bernie recycles the blog posts into bethlehem press articles. although it wasn't my intention to put a monetary value on bernie's blog posts yesterday, his argument about not making any money on his blog becomes clouded. he does an excellent job with the blog articles, but when he makes defensive comments, his sense of boundary is sometimes lost. anyway, i congratulate him on the keystone award.
