Mar 4, 2016

A Contested Convention In Cleveland

Yesterday's post generated much more back-channel input than usual. The consensus of the advisory staff is that a Trump victory at the convention in Cleveland would be gift that Hillary hardly imagined. On the other hand, denying Trump the nomination would disenfranchise millions of voters, and needless to say, alienate them. After watching a large portion of the debate last night, I'm struck by the differences between perception and reality. Although Trump is the least prepared candidate to participate in a debate beyond a few sound bites, he certainly has the extensive executive experience to which he alludes. On the other hand, a more articulate debater, such as Rubio, has none. Many Republicans are convinced that there is no path to victory in November with Trump. I think that there certainly oould be, however, they would have to be more creative with their packaging.

The Drew Carey Show, based in Cleveland, was based on the concept of   "everyman"


  1. While I like Ted Cruz as a attorney general or Judge. both him and Rubio have no real life experience outside of academia and being a politician, while trump has imperfections, he has much real life experience that is most valuable. In this post am not necessarily advocating Trump, but it is about time we stop electing Lawyers, whose training is really about how to get around the law or academics who specialize in debates about positions but have never had a job in private sector. their whole point of reference is skewed to make them out of touch with most Americans.

  2. ray@9:13, i don't disagree, and would take him (trump) over hillary any day. never the less, i'm rather surprised at how inarticulate and repetitive he is, in both debates and speeches.

  3. Dreaming of JusticeMarch 4, 2016 at 11:48 AM

    It's going to get real interesting come the convention. BOTH sides are in a panic, and that is a positive aspect. Things need to change for the better, even if this serves as a severe blow to our current version of democracy. Right now, career politicians are going to be the death of us.

  4. No, he's not my favorite candidate-of-choice either, but I'm not hearing/seeing much press about what potential pluses he MIGHT possess: 1) he's probably not bribe-able and is hopefully immune to "the lobbyists", 2) his outspoken commitment to do things that everyone else only gives lip-service to appears to be the most convincing, 3) while HE himself appears to be generally shallow in detailed knowledge of issues, he's demonstrated that he can apparently muster (read: delegate) considerable talent to tackle issues & get things done - in politics, that equates to his choices in Cabinet members. 4) Politically correct (not!)...he doesn't suffer fools gladly.

    I don't necessarily hold #3 against him if it turns out that it could possibly benefit our country.

    But when it comes to decisions that only HE can make...I dunno! Finally, it's invigorating that he appears inclined to run the government more like a business.

  5. Hey, Trump is a bigot and a racist - REMEMBER?

    Yes, as we had confirmed for us right here at this very blog yesterday, everything MUST be viewed through the prism of bigotry and racism.

    So, just exactly how much am I supposed to expect from a bigot and racist (i.e., Trump), anyway?

    I'm voting for Hillary because Madeleine Albright says I'm going to hell if I don't.

    Yes, I can be beat down and silenced by such statements from such accomplished people.

  6. I personally feel that the Republicans have very much fumbled this primary season. They allowed the creation of the vaccum that gave Trump an easy entry point. Is America itself suffering from what Allentown has suffered? (ie, the death of the Republican party?)

    Is Trump a bigot or a racist? Yes. Unless...he's lied about that, too.

    My pick for president is Danearys Targaryan. Barring that, I'd go with Bernie. The labels I stuck on Trump yesterday have nothing to do with his gender and everything to do with WHAT HE HAS SAID. If he doesn't believe what he himself has said, well...that's a whole other box of problems.

  7. Monkey Mama,

    Trump's rise is the result of the Republican establishment's intervention into the primary process when they backed and funded Jeb Bush. The field already had very capable and qualified candidates yet they wanted control. This act was like waving a red shirt in front of an angry bull to the many very dis-satisfied Republican voters. Many of them are still acting on the rage rather than brain. This in spite of Trump's dismal debate performances, obvious contradictions, checkered past, and obnoxious use of language.He remains my least favorite Republican candidate.
    Will I vote for him if he is the nominee? Yes! In a heartbeat. Hillary is all that and so much worse.

    Scott Armstrong

  8. Given my candidate, John Kasich, doesn't have a ghost of a chance, if Mr Trump is the nominee after the Republican Convention, then I'll support him

    I can't stand that lying witch Hillary Clinton who has the morals of a slug. She couldn't recognize saying a truth if God himself dictated it to her. And that goes along with her Husband Bill, with that Orgy Island underage children stunt. I couldn't stay married to my husband like Hillary Clinton has to Bill for ALL of his affairs with other women, and handle them like "Bimbo Eruptions" and they says how much she is "For Women". Such a hypocrite She's in it for herself and no one else

    Trump has flaws like everyone else does. But I think what he has and what Hillary Clinton could never have is both honesty and love for our country.

    I honestly can not imagine the GOP party leadership also trying to torpedo its own leading candidate either. Maybe that's why they lost twice to Obama in the first place. A nomination is a selection process, not an appointment process. And we all remember what happened to Marie Antoinette when she said "let them eat Cake".
