Nov 26, 2015

Allentown As The Little Apple

Before we start, if you're looking for some nice holiday sentiment, click away now, it's not here. I've called Allentown the Little Apple, but that's unfair to New York City. The comparison gives Allentown too much credit, even with the Revitalization. Understand, that the entire revitalized area is primarily owned by just one person, and that's just too freakish for anywhere, even here. Understand, that we have a newspaper that not only doesn't question that, it promotes it. Understand, that we have a mayor who is the center of a FBI investigation, who goes around like nothing's wrong. Talk about an elephant, or hippo in the room.


  1. "..Understand, that the entire revitalized area is primarily owned by just one person.."

    Many things are (and there are many words that fit here, but I'll just say wrong) about the NIZ and the "revitalization" and gentrification of the downtown business district as well as the former Lehigh Structural Steel area on the west bank on the Lehigh. I suppose a comparison can be made about carving up Allentown as the turkey by Reilly and Jaindl.

    However, there is a bright spot in all the artificialness downtown and that is the Americus Hotel and the work being done to restore it by Albert Abdouche. I would hope that next Thanksgiving Day, I can go into the hotel and enjoy a nice holiday dinner.

    And Happy Thanksgiving to you as well MM.

  2. Michael let us not forget how Thanksgiving started. It began as a celebration of victory over the natives.

    Hence let us go forth this on this historic day in the true spirit of this holiday by celebrating the NIZ and all it was able to accomplish in similar parallel for that which this day was first introduced.

  3. Grateful? For......anything? MICHEAL? Those hate toxins can't be good for you're health! At least we can hope. LOL!

  4. dour and misguided

  5. No Wonder You're All Alone on Thanksgiving.

  6. bill@7:55,8:03, and 8:12, unlike you, i don't have a hate list, and spend hour after hour, day after day, and year after year sending insults and threats. hopefully, some day the law will catch up with your criminal harassment.

  7. Mike,

    If people don't like your blog and your informed point of view then why do they bother to read it. And further why comment here? Answer; because they can't tolerate an alternative point of view and/or a contrarian perspective.

    That's not smart. Keep up the good work and have a great Thanksgiving.

    Scott Armstrong

  8. scott@11:49, i know that there's people who read my blog who do not share my perspective. for the most part, they either don't comment, and present a reasoned rebuttal, which i'm glad to print. in the case of the antagonist this morning, among other pathology, he's a criminal, because laws governing cyber-stalking are still in their infancy. he has since sent another four insults, and i'm sure more to come today. btw, he doesn't like you either.

  9. Tomorrow night I'll be downtown for a hockey game and going out for some drinks and dinner afterwards...for that I am thankful, as it seemed like an impossibility 3 years ago.

    Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving, MM!

  10. @12:58, i doubt it. that would mean that you're going out to eat no earlier than 9:30. however, hockey fans, before the game, do give both chickie& petes and the brewwork a rush.

  11. I've never been a fan of the "Little Apple" designation. back in the '70s WLEV radio started that thinking the comparison to my native NYC was a good thing. (That says a lot about out-of-town programmers). They used it at a time when New York was in the depths of despair, deprivation and disgust.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, MM! And just because we criticize doesn't make us naysayers or anti Allentown. God knows we need something to uplift the City, but the processes and tactics being used is what we are calling into question.

    Alfonso Todd

  13. Mike,

    So the attack poodle has once again turned his attention toward you and your blog?

    As a first step, why not just forward all his nonsense to his new employer? Bernie did that, and the little malefactor has virtually disappeared from his site. Also, it'd be fun to clue-in those clients of his employer's that the attack poodle currently serves. It's hard to imagine they'd want a creep who publishes an enemies list on his hate blog inside their businesses. What happens when one of *them* says something the poodle doesn't like? There's a question that should be put into his employer's mind.

    That would certainly take the fun out his cyber stalking for him, wouldn't it? And now that he's in his Golden Years, losing a badly needed job might just bring a new perspective to his online activities.

    Want to bring a few members of his enemies list together for some countermeasures?

  14. @11:03, yes, I believe that it is the "attack poodle", however, until which time the authorities intervene, i have no proof. although, i'm not interested in sending material to anyone's employer, i might at some point file a lawsuit, especially since a top tier law firm is already familiar with his distortions and misrepresentations.

  15. If you're talking about the firm I think you are, I've met with them too. They'll only do one action against him at a time, so we'll have to wait until he loses his current suit.

    And losing he is. It's funny, there was a pre-trial hearing that, unbeknownst to the poodle, was delayed by a few hours. But, sure enough, up on his little blog was exclamation after exclamation about how he "won" -- before the hearing actually occurred. Not a big truth teller this little fellow.

    You're right that there needs to be legislation to address the poodle's sort of attempts at intimidation. Have you talked to Charlie Dent's office? I have, but the more the better. I've also got "Wired" magazine interested in doing a piece around the idea that the internet can *chill* free speech as readily as it can foster it -- with the poodle as a sort of poster boy for that.

    I've spoken to a few other folks on his hate blog's enemies list to gather information for putting-up a site that provides a broad but concise summary of his nonsense over the years. The goal is to have something that can be readily brought to the attention of his friends and business associates to warn them of the danger to their reputation through his lies, half-truths, and innuendo should he capriciously decide to put them or their organization on his hate blog's list. Anything you want to add, just let me know...

  16. Oh, I forgot to ask: have you gotten any veiled threats of violence from the attack poodle?

    He was ruminating as to whether he should hit me with brass knuckles or bare knuckles, but, of course, the little ballerina never showed-up.

    Nonetheless, the sort of thing should be documented...
