Sep 7, 2015

Pawlowski and the Little People

Lately, I noticed on facebook, that Ed Pawlowski has started attending littler events, such as a small hispanic church picnic. Understand that if Mayor Ed had his choice, he still would be a candidate for the United States Senate, and not the object of an FBI investigation. He still might had,  under the prior scenario, attended a mega congregation picnic, but previously he didn't have interest in the small fry stuff. Why now is Ed showing up at the munchkin events? Does he want to say he got religion as part of his future defense? Naw, he always had big church religion. Beyond the obvious, that his personal cache has depreciated, he might be trying to cultivate a Marion Barry constituency. When the Washington mayor got popped for cocaine, his followers still elected him. I think that the taint from the Raid On City Hall has made bigger office, or big appointments, on the state or federal level, a goal no longer attainable. Perhaps Ed sees being Mayor For Life now as his best shot, supported by the little people, more tolerant of legal scrapes.


  1. Plenty of phony 'friends' in politics. Even if Pawlowski did nothing criminal, he's now the bruised apple no one selects. If he does last in office, it will never be the same for him. Too many plastic pretenders in politics. When they think you've become lint in their pocket, well . . .

    Fred Windish

  2. comparable to Marion Barry one might remember Bill Clinton, after his "I did not have sexual relations with THAT WOMAN..." speech, was photographed leaving the White House with Bible in Hand along with Rev. Jesse Jackson.

  3. Mike,

    There are plenty of otherwise intelligent people who still support Ed. I ran into some at a get together on the west end. Apparently they "know" Ed and Lisa and think the world of them. They want the best for Allentown and so do the Pawlowskis. How unfortunate that people would doubt their efforts. Clearly they are of the mindset that believes in the belief that only if we all believe will things improve. Doubters clearly disturb the karma necessary to achieve perfection here in the queen city. Those clinging to this point of view included a corporate attorney and a physics professor. They were clearly much smarter than me. Because I relied on facts I was the skunk at the party. When I told them that they should take their faith to church rather than place it in the hands of politicians they decided it was time to go.
    The arrogance of status affords our betters such ignorance

    Scott Armstrong

  4. Your point is well taken, Mike, and should hopefully serve to redouble Allentownians demand for justice.

    Like Marion Barry there certainly is a sleaze factor emanating from Chicago Eddy's supporters. What other politician would give the time of day to the loathsome and dimwitted Ed Degrace, for example?

    It's time we judge Chicago Eddy by his supporters. If we do so, there will certainly be a groundswell to unseat him...

    Jeff Anthony

  5. @ Mr. Armstrong: People who are made comfortable by the status quo are naturally threatened by any event that may up-end it. Academics are famous for that sort of attitude, and frankly, that is why I largely avoid academicians and their ilk when it comes to discussing politics. They live within a rarefied bubble and beyond their elaborate schooling often seem unable to compute independent reasoning.

  6. Dreaming of Justice,

    I would rather avoid them as well, but I am married to one. Scott Armstrong
