Jul 14, 2015

Allentown, The Appearance Of Impropriety

Supposedly, Ed Pawlowski is walking around town muttering that he doesn't know what he did wrong. Let me explain it to the mayor. Although Pawlowski may have found it frustrating to be cutting the ribbons on a $Billion Dollars of development, while having a $95,000 salary, he should have guarded against any appearance of impropriety. Instead, his very own campaign manager, Mike Fleck, tried to monetize business connections with the city. Although Fleck claimed that there was a firewall between these two different aspects of his business, that assertion now will have to be proved to a judge. In the most innocent scenario, it was very bad judgement on the part of Pawlowski and Fleck. This lack of judgement would be bad enough if it ended with these two gentlemen, but it does not. The Pawlowski/Fleck machine also managed many our state representatives, our city council and school board members, and candidates for those offices. They should all have to walk around with a large scarlet P/F sewed onto their shirts.

NIZ Debate, L to R, Iannelli, Thode, Traub, Molovinsky, Fleck,


  1. Until we begin to see a list of resignations, the bad judgment continues.

    Fred Windish

  2. Mike,

    There was no mystery what one was signing on to when they became part of the Pawlowski/Fleck machine. They would be cogs in the wheel. Thiel, Martinez, and Mathison were willing participants and were apparently ready to act as Ed's agents on the school board.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. "Supposedly, Ed Pawlowski is walking around town muttering that he doesn't know what he did wrong."

    Perhaps the clearest reason why he should resign.

    Let's face it, he can really only claim one of three things: 1) Involvement, 2) Ignorance, or 3) Stupidity.

    He's obviously opted for #3, although that's not going to save him.

  4. Is there an address to order the scarlet P/Fs?

  5. I'm going to guess that Fleck will get immunity.

  6. This much is absolutely true, the city was, and is, a very difficult and unfriendly (even hostile)
    system to navigate. Why is this? By comparison the City of Bethlehem, whatever it's idocyrocides is friendly and welcoming by comparison.
    I can understand why people with the means paid someone to cut through the clutter and unresponsive City of Allentown culture.

  7. comment 9:11 is likely from a known apologist/antagonist. the truth is pawlowski spend millions of dollars revamping city hall, supposedly to make it more user friendly. there is no ethical reason to offer a "navigation" service in a city of allentown's size.

  8. Concerned AllentonianJuly 14, 2015 at 10:11 AM

    Let's hold off on judgements until the indictments come down.

    And the indictments WILL be coming. Then we'll see who needs lawyering up

  9. I always found the place decidedly unfriendly.

  10. @10:11 and 10:17, i wish the anonymous and pen-name comments trying to deflect the wrongdoing would "hold off". people are already "lawyering up". with the nefarious activity rising to the level of a FBI investigation, citizens are entitled to be judgmental

  11. any chance of a link to that episode of "business matters"? i can't find it on the official show website.

  12. @11:48, those sort of internet searches are not my strong suit. i did find a post by bernie on the debate, with some quotes. also a piece on wfmz news about the debate, with a segment of it.. bill white did a column on it. i think that current events have made a reply of it appropriate, but i'm not sure that iannelli would want to exhibit the hubris of traub, barber and fleck at this time.

  13. Business Matters May 2012


  14. thanks guys. that wfmz recap was the only thing i could come up with. they get the best of fleck in there, but i was looking for a little sy action too. oh well.

  15. This is a small issue compared to the rest, but has anyone heard anything about the campaign funding shenanigans at "Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley"?

    By all accounts it has no members, least of all any Lehigh Valley Latinos.

    It just seems sleazy to me that Chicago Eddy and his lackey would put the Latino name on something that has nothing to do with them and has now come to shame. No innocent party deserves that sort of bad press.

    Anyone know if that's been looked into?

  16. dreaming_of_justiceJuly 14, 2015 at 10:03 PM

    This is hilarious, it's just that it is too funny to laugh. It's too bad it took a massive meltdown to show the foolish voting block of Allentown who and what they've been robo voting for all these years. Good luck getting any more investment down town ever again...the citizens of Pennsylvania who paid for this debacle are owed a massive refund.
