Mar 1, 2015

Stand Up To Iran


  1. "Israel Must Be Wiped Out"

    I respectfully disagree.

  2. Israel Must Be Wiped Outis the name of this video, because that is the goal of iran. Needless to say, israel's security demands that iran not be allowed to build a nuclear bomb.

  3. @9:15, I confused the title of the video with a banner from iran, contained within the video. the offical video title is Stand Up To Iran

  4. I remember Ayatolla Khomeini.

    And I remember Barack Hussein Obama saying Israel needs to go back to pre-1967 borders in a speech given on May 29, 2011, as well.

    As an American Gentile, I thoroughly support Israel's right to exist but am extremely disheartened by reports that roughly 70% of all American Jews willfully re-elected the woeful radical Obama.

    And I really don't like the shabby treatment repeatedly shown to Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by either our President Obama or our obviously biased Lame Stream Media.

    In summary, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be no friend to Israel whatsoever after she gets elected in 2016.

  5. MM,
    Our children are on there way right now? Better to have them die in a war fighting for freedom than on American soil being poisoned by the most heinious form of terrorism? There is the war on American soil as we speak, this is a war that is unspoken and the poison is sold on every corner in every town in America today?

    God save all our souls as there are no easy fixes?!)$

    patent pending

  6. It's pretty obvious that Obama is going to continue the 'diplomatic' approach to Iran, so the real question is why doesn't Netanyahu go ask one of Israel's other allies to attack Iran for them?

  7. Obama clearly is Anti-Semitic.

    It's on Drudge that he informed Israel that he would direct our military to shoot down any IDF jets that would attack Iranian nuclear sites.

  8. @3:24, israel hasn't asked united states to attack iran for them. netanyahu is asking obama not to proceed with an agreement which essentially allows iran to proceed with it's nuclear program, with no safeguards against weapon development.

  9. @3:45, i don't find that report credible. israel does not process the U.S. Bunker Penetrating Bombs necessary to damage the iranian reactors. without those bombs israel wouldn't attempt a mission they're not capable of completing.

  10. Listen guys because this is rocket science. We have been down this road before. 1962 as a matter of fact. In fact since some like to rush to judgement and second guess our leaders remember that with the current technology, big brother can read the label on a pack of cigarettes in your back yard. And for those that make everything political, Obama is no Kennedy but it was a Democrat that called the Russians bluff not General Eisenhower.
