Feb 12, 2015

Netanyahu's Upcoming Speech

Netanyahu's speech to Congress, scheduled for early March, has become a point of multiple controversy. Did Boehner invite Netanyahu as a partisan to embarrass Obama? Did Netanyahu accept for political purpose back in Israel? Is the invitation and speech so diplomatically uncomfortable as to constitute disrespect to United States? One thing for sure is that there is much more consequence for Israel than United States with any nuclear deal made with Iran. As the United States becomes involved in the ever changing dynamics of the Middle East conflicts, it is Israel which is in the cross-hair of Iranian produced missiles, not America.  According to Netanyahu, “Iran continues to forge ahead through the rubble of the new Middle East; it has already taken over four capitals, Damascus, Beirut, Baghdad and now Sana’a. Now it wants to open a third front from the Golan Heights.” Netanyahu said that if that was the way Iran acted without nuclear arms, “Imagine what it will do when it has nuclear weapons.”

Under the dire circumstances facing Israel, I do not find Netanyahu's speech either political or undiplomatic. However, I believe that those terms apply to our Congress members who choose not to attend.


  1. Netanyahu has been claiming Iran is within a few months of having a nuke for close to a quarter of a century...

    The international community has made it clear that they believe the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem are more pressing concerns for the global community than Irans nuclear ambitions, and we finally have a President with the balls to stand with them.

    Boehner may very well have violated the Logan act by inviting him to speak and Netanyahus attempts to influence our political process are unforgivable.

  2. @5:32, as unspeakable brutality spreads throughout the middle east, only the most ingrained israel haters can still blame israeli "occupation" as the cause.

    congress should welcome netanyahu's insight on the realities of the middle east

  3. Since he's been claiming since 1992 that Iran is 'on the verge' of having working nukes, when that's clearly not true, it's pretty obvious he's not dealing in 'realities'.

    He is more than welcome to address the UN, but he's burned his bridges in this country by interjecting himself into our last Presidental race. True friends and allies do not do such things, and no American loving congressman or woman should attend. The international community has made their opinion clear, we'll consider your concerns just as soon as you withdraw to the pre 67 borders and open YOUR nukes to International Inspectors.

    Not saying I agree with that, just pointing out that no other nation on earth gives this man any respect or credibility.

  4. @5:55, only 70 years ago the world still didn't care if all the jews were dead. your POV is clear, repetitive comments will not appear.

  5. The timing for this speech is all wrong, and it should wait until the Israeli elections are over lest it look like we are attempting to involve ourselves in Israels politics.

  6. the critics of israel and netanyahu cite both israel interfering with our negotiations with iran, and united states interfering with israel's election. truth is that obama is allowing one extension after another with iran, as it races toward a nuclear bomb. all political and "ethnic" reasons aside, congress should welcome netanyahu's insights.

  7. I stand with Netanyahu, I stand with Israel's right to exist, and the Speaker of the House can and should invite whomever he/she wants to address that body. It is a separate and equal branch of government. Spare me the protocol complaint, Obama and the Democrats routinely trample that when it serves their purpose to expedite legislation or denigrate and/or humiliate anyone they view as an opponent.

    Scott Armstrong

  8. What is a "loving congressman or woman"?

    Why did President Obama say that Israel has to go back to pre-1967 borders?

    Israel has a right to exist whether certain people like it or not.

  9. I remember reading back in the 90's when President Clinton sent Carville and company to help the opposition defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu. They viewed Netanyahu as the obstacle to peace so they worked to remove him and got three PM's that offered 97% of the land with some land swaps, removed every Israeli from Gaza, and one even considered the possibility of the return of Arab refugees from the prior wars only to have thousands of rockets, suicide bombers, and several riots launched against the Israelis. Israelis see that peace without strength is a loser for them. President Obama should not interfere with Israeli elections. He should recall his operatives who are working against Netanyahu and he should not make a normal visit by Netanyahu, similar to David Cameron's a few weeks ago, and at the invitation of the Speaker of the House, into a scandal.

    URL: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2015/ronn-torossian/president-obama-hands-off-israels-elections/

    IMO/ The Logan Act is dead and only used against citizens. If it were in force universally Carter, Pelosi, Kerry, and many more politicians would have been prosecuted.

  10. Please explain to me why American Jews continue to support Obama. Are they blind, or do they just not care about Israel?
