May 30, 2014

A Thorny Issue With Old Allentown

Although I'm friendly with a number of people who live in Old Allentown, I must once again take their Association to task. Their current press release: Please come out and help us beautify our neighborhood and meet your neighbors... The Old Allentown Preservation Association is planting roses bushes along the Union and West End Cemetery's fence on Chew St. from 10th St. to 12th St...We have cleared a 3 foot rose bed along the whole Chew St. fence and will be planting 142 3 gallon roses along the fence. Partially funded by a grant from the City of Allentown and by the United Way. The last thing that cemetery needs is more plantings to take care of. It's been well over a decade since that cemetery has been properly maintained. Even as the group prepared a bed for the rose bushes, large sections of the cemetery, and the area around the tombstones, have yet to be mowed this year. I made this observation on Facebook today, and a member replied, There are plans in the works to assist with dealing with weeds and mowing the grass. OAPA has not finalized them yet. OAPA has been in existence for 30 years, the cemetery, in the middle of the district, has been in distress for 20 years. Time for you folks to finalize those plans.

UPDATE: Perhaps the true intention of the roses is to be a sight barrier between Old Allentown and the reality of the cemetery's neglect.


  1. This is a case of good intentions gone bad. OAPA should be smarter than this.

  2. anon@8:10, that cemetery needs to have it's existing grass mowed and kept up. one group painted the fence several years ago, another came back and painted the top spikes silver, but nobody keeps up the grass and graves. that location needs regular nitty gritty work, not show-casing. perhaps the true intention of the roses is to be a sight barrier between Old Allentown and the reality of the cemetery's neglect.

  3. This should be an easy one Mike. One we all could agree on. The state should pass a law allowing non violent offenders presently housed in our county jails to do menial work like grass cutting. As I recall there were a handful of oldtimers ,dedicated volunteers, who maintained the cemetery upkeep. Their efforts were not enough. Could even be away to work off fines, restitution, community service etc. When i brought up such a plan to our leaders a few years ago as usual they looked at me like i had two heads.

  4. guy@9:16, i've been told that cemeteries in paris are used as parks, and places for community congregation. the district is from linden to liberty, 8th to 12th. not to negate your chain gang idea, but the OAPA should assume some responsibility

  5. Completely agree with you MM. That cemetery is just so sad. I am sure the rose bushes are a sight barrier in intention, but the reality is that rose bushes look like crud if they are not properly maintained. This is a very bad decision on the part of the OAPA.

    Also, this is off topic and you may certainly delete this paragraph or decline my whole comment, but I saw a police car filling up at the gas pump on Linden Street at the Parks building yesterday at about 7 PM. Is that normal? The parks department is funding the police gas bill? Also, the grass surrounding the Parks building was recently mowed and their mulching of foot high grass looks like absolute crap.

  6. moma@10:30, that is a city gas depot, used by many kinds of city vehicles. the park department abandoned that building, after not repairing the roof and allowing it to become mold infested. i have some major issues with the park dept. priorities, which will be elaborated upon in an upcoming post.

  7. The community service idea is interesting cause back when I was going to high school and missed alot of days I was ordered to do community service. There was a community officer that would take kids on community service and clean up blocks in the city. When I had to do it we did 2nd st and ridge ave. We also helped plant flowers at the franklin park. I wonder if this is still being done. Doesn't seem like it is anymore but they should bring it back.

  8. What you are refering to was a great program the city once had. As a cop and then a city job position to supervise neighborhood work details. The position was eliminated by Pawlowski or Afflerbach not sure. The service corps that painted the west end cemetery fence was created to fill the void. Then Pawlowski spent 30,000 a year to create the green team in conjunction with rescue mission. Not sure what it cost today. Concept is great, that I know first hand and works to accomplish a number of goals

  9. Forgot to mention as far as the roses go.If you drive west on Route 3 west chester pike from Broomall thru newtown square right now the roses are in bloom planted in the grass strip between the east west lanes. Knockouts require little maintenance look great in many situations and bullet holes would be inconspicuous. Just kidding MM, Am in an unbelievable humorous mood here of late.

  10. Why would they get rid of the program. That is just stupid.
