Oct 31, 2013

County Executive Endorses Scott Ott

Democratic County Executive Matt Croslis Endorses Scott Ott for Executive ALLENTOWN, PA – Today, Democratic County Executive Matt Croslis endorsed Scott Ott for Lehigh County Executive. This major cross-party endorsement affirms Scott Ott's results-oriented approach to governance. “My goal as County Executive was to be transparent and collaborative in an effort to put people before politics,” said Executive Matt Croslis. “This approach has been successful in large part because of the working relationship I have developed with Scott Ott. I believe Scott will bring a fresh perspective to Lehigh County and that he will work tirelessly to find new and innovative ways to provide the necessary services of County government in the most cost effective manner. It is my hope that my endorsement will promote bipartisanship and continue to put the interests of the County residents before politics.” "I'm honored to have the support of Matt Croslis," Ott said. “During his time as county executive, we haven't always agreed, but I could always count on Matt to tell the truth, which made it easy to work together with him to find solutions for the taxpayers we represent. I'll continue to work to make local government more sustainable, accountable, focused and effective."

UPDATE: The Morning Call reports endorsement


  1. So the only current or former Executive who's publicly supporting Muller is Jane "70% Tax Hike" Ervin?

    Not a good day for Muller!

  2. Did Mike Donovan really get suspended from the 8th grade? That seems like something the blog mentor, the witch, or Bernie might post.

  3. what do you think about the Pay-to Play allegation?

  4. 4:03 -

    It's laughable, and an indication of Muller's character. Muller is the one who's campaign donor list looks like the county vendor list.

    Muller is Pawlowski at the county level. They even use the same sleazy campaign consultant.

    News Muller doesn't like, it's right to a personal attack without any evidence. Zero personal ethics.

    In 2012, he was still professing to be a proud Republican. Once Cunningham decided to move on, he suddenly became an opportunistic Democrat.

    Muller's whole campaign has been negative, with lies, distortions and scare tactics from the start. Hopefully voters realize that, no matter what party affiliation they have.

  5. @3:44, michael donovan was told this morning by a school administrator that he couldn't talk and met parents by luis ramos elementary school, at 15th and Allen streets. the order came from the top, superintendent russ mayo. i published the story and planned on using it as a springboard for a post about the school administration's previous accommodations to pawlowski. donovan asked me to pull the story, so that he could publish it first on his facebook page.

  6. @3:44, i was confused when i wrote the title, thinking that luis ramos was a middle school.

  7. @4:03, i would think that muller should be fired as a county employee, effective immediately. although his mailers about ott are reprehensible, especially today's email blast, his statement today about matt croslis crosses the line into insubordination. he started his campaign with the nonsense that he was only running as a favor to the county, while in reality he's acting like a mad dog with a bone.

  8. Anybody else get the feeling that Mr. Donovan's campaign is nothing more than an attempt to get local Democrats and liberal independants (Dan Poresky's friends) riled up and get them out to vote; thus helping Muller at the county level?
    Call me a conspiracy nut, but....

  9. That is a silly thing to say.

    A political appointee endorses the person who appointed him to his job, and the other candidate doesn't get an opportunity to respond? That's not how democracy works and Scott would be the first person to tell you that.

    People should be able to run for office without fear of reprisals at work.

    He wasn't responding to his boss' direction at work, he was responding to a political move by a politician with a political response of his own.

    Insubordination would be if Croslis told him to go to a meeting and he did not.

    That is just a silly thing to say about a political statement in a political environment at the tail end of an election

  10. non 3:30 not true. The last one is dead, the one before him can't support anyone because of his job.

    Dave Bausch is supporting Muller. That's two county executives.

  11. @9:10, donovan will help muller, but that wasn't the reason of his candidacy; that happen organically, encouraged by the water lease opposition group.

  12. Much depends on the union volunteer get out the vote effort. Many are not thrilled with the Muller ticket but if they come out in force like last year in response to the Croslis move Muller Wins big in Allentown.
