Aug 6, 2013

Allentown Park Crimes

The riparian buffer zones have become in reality invasive species zones. In some park areas, fast growing vines envelop the iconic willow trees. Some new trees, planted to replace those destroyed by Hurricane Sandy, have been overwhelmed by these vines. The Buffer Zone was instituted several years ago because The Wildland's Conservancy got a grant, and the former Allentown park director wanted another bullet point on his résumé. The riparian buffer zones should be limited to only the areas which the park department can thoroughly maintain. The Wildland's Conservancy, with another grant in hand, now wants to remove two dams along the Little Lehigh Creek. They claim the removal will improve water quality and allow the fish to migrate upstream. This blog has taken a position against removing the WPA era dam at Robin Hood. The sewage line which overflows in heavy rain makes the water quality argument a moot point. The Fish Hatchery makes the fish migration also moot. City Councilman Peter Schweyer told concerned citizens in May that a meeting would be held before any dam removal permission was granted. Rich Young, Director of Public Works, testified that no engineering reports were submitted by the Conservancy, or approved. Schweyer made the same commitment to Allentown Friends Of The Parks. Although no meeting has been held, the Wildland's has started their dam removal project with Jordan Park. The mayor of Allentown is preoccupied with the arena project, and it's benefit to his quest for higher state office. The citizens of Allentown must depend upon the good offices of City Council to safeguard their interests.


  1. "While everyone's lost, the battle is won.
    With all these things that I've done.
    All these things that I have done.
    Time. Truth. Hearts.
    If you can hold on, if you can hold on.
    Hold on."

    These are the lyrics to a contemporary pop culture song --- they would also serve Pawlowski well when he departs for the Governor's Mansion.


  2. Go fuck yourself. You don't even live in Allentown you piece of shit. The day you are no longer around will be a win for everyone. Since you are an old man hopefully time will catch up to you.

  3. society, blog mentor@5:26, occasionally, i print your harassing or threatening comments, just so people can see what a charmer you really are.

  4. I would urge your readers to avoid contributing to or in any way supporting the Wildlands Conservancy. They have proven to be concerned only with their own bottom line and agenda.

  5. Good point on invasive species. If the riparian policy was truly interested in a positive ecological impact, it would address invasive species. Not sure why anyone would get so upset as to curse at you for pointing this out.

  6. bill @5:10, the buffer is nothing more than a science fair project, at the expense of park users view and access to the creeks. the storm sewer pipes which empty directly into the creeks make the buffer useless. we now have it because of the Wildland's got a grant and weitzel agreed to give them our park system with which to reap it. it also makes the eco types feel good. in reality, because of unmanaged invasive species, it's in reality only harmful to the ecology of the parks.

    the antagonist who cursed me doesn't care about the riparian buffer, or anything else, but his harassment, cyberstalking, threats, libeling and distortions about dozens of people, including even some local clergy.

  7. The riparian buffer looks like what it is: WEEDS. It's gross.

    As Molovinsky has pointed out on numerous occasions, we are talking about PARKS here, not wild lands. There is no rational explanation as to why beautiful park land has been allowed to go to hell. It is a real shame, especially since there is no environmental (or other) benefit to having these weeds choke off the access and view of the creeks.

    I recall that a bunch of Muhlenburg students and professors led the charge for these weeds to grow unabated. They decried the very invasive species we see running rampant at the water's edge now. Where are those folks now? They have abandoned the cause and abandoned the parks. It's time to let the adults take charge of things again and restore the park's once great beauty.

  8. monkey momma@9:28, well said, the once nationally recognized park system deserves better than being a grant justification for Wildland's, or a very convenient out door biology lab for muhlenberg. although i haven't revealed this before, i was somewhat disappointed in comments the new park director, john mikowychok made to city council. he, like weitzel, studied recreation at penn state, and seemed to have the same inclinations. he mentioned getting away from the 1950 style rectangle pools, etc. if he could manage the parks as well as they were when allentown was the all american city, he would put a real feather in his cap. the trexler trust paid for study which said that cedar park was being overused. the parking from two festivals in a row recently destroyed the grass between cedar pool and hamilton street. where is wildland's and muhlenberg's objection to that abuse? it's time to take the park system back to better days, and stop submitting it to every new idea and use.

  9. The many benefits of buffer zones can't be denied. There is nothing experimental about there techniques, but I suspect you already know that.
    If the city and Wildlands had the will,talent,or commitment to manage these tried and true measures to improve our watercourses and parks, in a way that can provide parks that meet a wide varity needs and displayed a host of designs features,is another question. I thinkt you would be deeply disappointed even if they adopted your highly groomed design style tomorrow.
    Competent managers could meet a varity of needs and provide a range of park landscapes AND habitat.
    This either or argument is silly and unproductive.
    It takes us away from the central issue. Our lovely parks are mismanaged and neglected by any standard.

  10. @5:31, the agenda of the Wildland's Organization should not be a factor in running the people's parks.

    I'd opt for the former highly groomed design rather than the mess we have now. If they haven't produced fifty feet of managed buffer zone in 4 years, it's not going to happen.

    whatever you think of the park management, it is what it is.

    this blog advocates for the former classic design throughout the parks, but will relentlessly campaign for certain key area's to be cut and groomed as park. that campaign will begin tomorrow.

  11. It appears to this long time observer that neglect is masquerading as conservation. Wildlands certainly knows this, so one is left to conclude that organization is lacking in integrity. Astute environmental advocates are at least as concerned as you dear sir. Bashing them may be satisfying,but it's hardly fair or productive. There are more overlapping interests than not. ( Where are they Monkey Momma? The best of them long disenfranchised by this administration.)
    I'm afraid that expecting the current management could competently deliver a classic manicured park system is a wild pipe dream. The new director is a swimming pool guy with the same Penn State Recreation background as the illustrious GW. A very sad state of affairs indeed!

  12. @6:41, you concede that the buffer zone is poorly done. you contend that the problem is park management. the creek banks can be mowed, or not, but we cannot change the management. personally, i'm contend with the management, just not the decision allowing the flawed buffer. as you may know, i don't like to debate in the comment section, but i'm glad to host your comments.

  13. They no longer have the manpower to mow. They never understood how to do the buffers ( or didn't care ) & Wildlands didn't help them.
    Either way, with this team our parks lose.
