Apr 7, 2013

The WPA Walk At Lehigh Parkway

A Walk In The Park began at the spring pond, adjacent to the parking lot at Robin Hood. I explained how I prevailed upon the park watershed manager in 2010,, Mike Gilbert,  to uncover the stones surrounding the pond, and trim back the brush from the miniature bridge. Mike has retired, and unfortunately, once again the pond stones are being overgrown. The group traveled east, along the bridle path on the north side of the creek.
Frank Whelan took over the show at the historic lime kiln, explaining plans for a railroad line which never materialized, during the Civil War era. We proceeded down the path, and from the bank surveyed  the condition of the island. I pointed out the location of the former bridge, and the size of the man made island before being elongated by silt. Last stop on that side of the creek was the recovered portion of the Boat Landing, which I excavated in 2009 with help from what is now the Allentown WPA Association.

 We crossed over to the other side of the creek, and began our stroll back on the it's south side. Another historic kiln graces the path, opposite the island.

 Last stop on our tour was the impressive double stairwell.  Originally there was a spring and small pond included with the structure, which has been filled in a number of years ago. I assure you that there was more to the story at each stop. Please join us when we explore the next park.

photos by Karen El Chaar, Director-Friends Of Allentown Parks


  1. So what about the engineering study on the big wall, and all that hubbub from last year, with the one-way street on Park Dr. and all that bug fuss ??????????

  2. Thank you MM and the lady standing next to you in the last picture.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So what about the engineering study on the big wall, and all that hubbub from last year, with the one-way street on Park Dr. and all that bug fuss ??????????

    April 8, 2013 at 4:23 PM


    Visited parkway every night this week. A little chaos is ensuing. Dogs off lease. No poop picked up. Folks parking on sides of Park Drive even under No Parking signs. It's a free for all.
    Folks driving across the grasses even when the blacktop road is close by. Some kind of enforcement needs to be immediately implemented.

  4. as i wrote this past winter, after weitzel left, the city engineer decided that the wall problem is less pressing than previously thought. they may built buttresses to support the leaning portion.

  5. Anonymous said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So what about the engineering study on the big wall, and all that hubbub from last year, with the one-way street on Park Dr. and all that bug fuss ??????????

    April 8, 2013 at 4:23 PM

    It's a little like the Emperor's Clothes only different. It's a little like a Dustin Hoffman movie too. Put lots of stuff out.
    Make it look official. Lots of orange and plastic traffic equipment and then let drivers pass each other wondering who is actually going the wrong way. Keep it up more than a year and then take it all down without doing a bit of repair to the stone wall.
