Feb 24, 2013

Allentown, A Town Without Pity

One can imagine the anonymous newspaper comments concerning the confrontation between the machete wielder and the police; One more problem removed from Allentown, and worse. The comment sections have never been a bastion of compassion. The tragedy raises some questions about both the perception and priorities of Allentown. I maintain that potential arena patrons are more concerned about machetes and shootings, than which corporation's name is under the ice at the arena. Although about $600 million in new bricks is being planned in center city, every aspect of public and human service has been cut to the bone. By the end of the year, we will virtually have a new police department, without the normal graph curve of experience. Under the infamous hyper-pension contract, half the force ran out the door. Those induced to remain, the top brass, are all exiting this year. Meanwhile, back on the streets, the sociological changes to Allentown have not been kind. Center city continues to be populated by a poor element, in dire need of various services. The Confrontation showed the catch 22 of our current mental health system; Assistance isn't available until after a problem occurs. I believe that the realities of Allentown require new priorities. I'm not motivated by kindness, but by practicality. Both the police and health department will have to become more pro-active about behavioral issues, to protect both the public and private investments in this city.


  1. Yes Allentown is a town without pity. It is also a town without any sane sense of reality. The arena and its brother and sister developments are short sighted and have as the primary objective the enrichment of the developers. No real consideration has been given to the ripple effect of this "development" on the population and the ability of Allentown to develop into the community it needs to in the changing socio-demographic and economic environment. The actions of the sponsoring organizations are reprehensible. They have little concern for the well being of the community. Profit and non profit alike are obsessed with their own enrichment. In spite of their protestations, their only concern is their ongoing legacy of corporate enrichment at the cost of consumers, citizens and the law. We are in challenging times. The future of Allentown is in jeopardy. It is not a safe place to live and the quality of life deteriorates daily. Regardless of how much money is thrown at these ill conceived and naive attempts at development, life in Allentown will only become more challenging in the future.

  2. Mr.Molovisky, Allentown is no different from any other city who lost it's manufacturing base.It took Allentown just a little longer to turn into a place where the need for public services exceeds the tax base to support them

  3. There are many overlooked issues that have been on the rise in allentown and the Hole nation¿ The deterioration of the mental health system alike with the floppable rebuildable blight issue in inner city¿

    This discriminatory action are reprehensable actions and are alike war crimes against humanity¿

  4. Thank You Anon 6:28am. That is perhaps one of the most concise and well articulated assessments related to Allentown, that I have read on this blog in quite some time. Though I am sure that there are others who would totally disagree. Enough said for now by me.....PJF
