Jan 2, 2013

A Different Past For The Baby Boomers

Little Lehigh Manor was built for the returning GI's after the War. It was a self contained development of several hundred brick twin houses, nestled between Lehigh Parkway and Lehigh Street. It had it's own elementary school, and nearby grocery stores. Although this development may have been more idyllic than some older area's in Allentown, it shared it's best feature with the rest of the city; It was a neighborhood. I hear these same memories from people in my generation who grew up on the East Side, across the river in the Ward, or center city at 9th and Chew. Great mentoring occurred at the Boys and Girls Clubs, and another dozen organizations devoted to the community's youth. Although there were economic differences and poverty, they seemed to have less of an effect on quality of life and opportunity than now. Perhaps it was the massive number of children from the Baby Boom that created a communal sense of caring among the parents and organizations, but something special seems missing today.

picture dates from around 1949. An enterprising photographer brought a pony around the neighborhood as an alluring prop.

1 comment:

  1. "Great mentoring occurred at the Boys and Girls Clubs, and another dozen organizations devoted to the community's youth. Although there were economic differences and poverty, they seemed to have less of an effect on quality of life and opportunity than now. Perhaps it was the massive number of children from the Baby Boom that created a communal sense of caring among the parents and organizations, but something special seems missing today."

    That's what's missing, MM, mentoring and examples for our young people to actually see and emulate. People need to be shown that they do DESERVE more and can obtain it if they are willing to work for it.


