Nov 14, 2012

Peter Pan Prevails

I'm not much for academia. What do you call a 55 year old man who has spent his life with 18year olds, Peter Pan. New York City's Fordham University, a Jesuit Institution, recently cancelled an appearance by Ann Coulter. Until I read about the cancellation, I never realized that Fordham was Jesuit. I know that Muhlenberg College is Lutheran, but I also know it's about the only place in Allentown to get a good bowl of matzo ball soup. After their Republican Club announced Coulter's appearance, University President Joseph McShane used the Jesuit card. He expressed hope that the student body wouldn't stand idly by while such a demoness spoke. The Republican Club was forced to cancel her, to spare the speaker from being ambushed. One of the highest voter turnouts in Allentown last Tuesday was at Muhlenberg, students are engaged and curious. Fordham's President did his students a disservice.


  1. MM
    Sad to read. So much for higher learning.

  2. Mike,

    Today's academics are intolerant of any views that don't match their own politically correct views. This campus dogma that must be adhered to, any other thinking is considered heresy. This thinking routinely allows/facilitates actions like Fordham’s president’s threat of mass action to silence the dissenting point of view.
    Truly one may be intelligent and stupid at the same time. As well the same person may be brilliant and evil. Never confuse brains for honor and goodness.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. What kind of higher learning does Coulter offer? I would agree that she offers no educational value to the student body. She has successfully built an entertainment career, but her educational value is nil.

  4. mm,

    That's not the point here. It is about stifling a particular point of view.

    Scott Armstrong

  5. Those that support having Coulter speak on campus should also advocate for Snookie or Kim Kardashian speaking to student bodies. The only difference is that Ms. Coulter adds a layer of rabid hatred that is unmatched.

    It's not that I dissent with Coulter - it's that I think she offers ZERO educational value. Let the kids eat this political pop tart on their own time.

  6. monkey momma, coulter is an attorney, best selling author and recognized pundit. i believe that those qualifications do propel her beyond mere entertainment. what are valid criterion? millions hang on every word from jon steward and bill maher, who have far less credentials.

  7. Once again, some sane observations from Monkey Momma.
    It appears the same conservatives who support Catholic institutions being able to restrict contraception to employees now attack a Catholic institution which seeks to question -- but not explictly restrict -- hate speech on its campus.
    Notably, the "Jesuit card" seems to only have encouraged the Fordham community to become "engaged" ... such engagement could have raised positive support for the Coulter speech, but alas for the conservatives, it did not. You can't have it both ways.
    Maybe the biggest group that would have objected to Coulter's speech would have those parents of mentally handicapped children. Hearing Coulter use the "retard" word to describe political opponents is both high entertainment and intellectual punditry.

  8. @8:12, unless conservativesrefers to me, it certainly doesn't apply to my post, or any of the comments. i've never expressed an opinion about catholic institutions and contraception. actually, although i occasionally refer to myself as a conservative, this blog certainly doesn't promote those usual talking points. coulter's use of retard wasn't McShane's objection. He should of had no objection, she has never been identified as a radical to that degree. your comment was a contrived distortion, devoid of meaning. don't bother replying.

  9. Mm,

    It is my understanding that the campus Republicans invited her to speak. That should be their right and they should be able to count on the tolerance of their fellow students and the school administration to hold such an event even for a figure some see as controversial. What this story clearly(and once again)indicates is there is no tolerance for anything right of left on college campuses or popular culture. That is a real problem here.

    Scott Armstrong

  10. As one who was raised in the shadow of Fordham I am not at all surprised at their actions. It begins with ignorant spoild-brat kids from Connecticut, Vestchester County and Philly's Main Line and ends with the socialist Jesuit tradition. Trust me, there are NO brothers from 'da Bronx on that campus. A list of speakers sponsored by both the university and the student body would read like a list of Who's Who in American and world socialism and communism. But in the end it's not much different from what we've seen at Muhlenberg and other local colleges. Just ask any local college for a list of its commencement speakers over the past 30 years. With the occasional exception of a guy like Bill Cosby you'll find nothing but liberals/socialists or out-and-out commies.

  11. A headling in Daily Caller website November 17. Need we say more about Fordham and the sensibilies of the Jesuits?


    Campus invites professor who finds sex with animals 'satisfying,' then bans Ann Coulter

    Read more:
