Oct 4, 2012

Romney's Game Changer

I believe that Romney did more than hit a home run last night, he changed the game. Prior to the debate, it was thought that because of Obama's oratory skills, if Romney held his own, it would be a job well done. Romney did much more than hold his own, he dominated the debate, even while allowing Obama more speaking time. More precious than the actual debate, was the pundit reaction afterwards. Progressive Rachel Maddow felt that Obama should have used the 47% weapon. Others described Obama as tired and lackluster. Million dollar contributor Bill Maher tweeted that apparently Obama needs the teleprompter. Needless to say, the conservatives were dancing in their underpants. The next debate on foreign policy doesn't bode well for Obama, United States appeared unprepared for the consequences of the Arab Spring. It will be a long month for the candidates, world events is a wild card beyond their control.


  1. Mike,

    In the debate the American public could see Mitt without the usual media filter. They liked what they saw.

    Scott Armstrong

  2. scott, the filter will be reapplied today, as the media attempts to minimize romney's win with so called fact checking, which is actually cherry picked bits of information, selectively applied.

  3. Yup,...those damn facts...always a bitch.

  4. I was expecting a debate. I thought it was more like snippets of campaign speeches: mainly a bunch of “my plan is… “ and “your plan is to ….”. I’d ask the President: “Well if you have a plan, why haven’t you enacted it yet?”

    The moderator (Lehr) looks/acts like he belongs in assisted living. Nothing about the banking fraud, stock fraud, Federal Reserve continual printing of money, pointless war in Afghanistan, work force participation rate, 3 million more on disability.

    In my mind a debate is when the moderator formulates a question and the debaters argue the point. I didn’t hear any of that, and after 30 boring minutes I turned it off.

    We are in big trouble when this is the best we get (from either side). We are on our own because I don’t think either of these guys are capable.

  5. I kept an open mind throughout the debates and I found that Obama lost my attention due to subdued and long winded responses. Romney kept my attention with upbeat, assertive to-the-point responses. After the debates I felt that Romney could be trusted more and that we don't need to know all the details in a fast moving debate. The Solyndra references really hurt Obama, $90 Billion!! to campaign bundlers, many of which failed. Wow.

  6. These events are "debates" only in the loosest sense of the term. Jim Lehrer served in the US Marine Corps and wouldn't back down from anyone if he was given the power of a moderator in a formal debate. Both candidates were very rude to Lehrer last night and repeatedly spoke over him when he politely tried to assume his assigned role. Given the choice of bringing undue attention to himself by actually enforcing compliance with the so called rules or backing off to allow the candidates the spotlight, I believe he made the right choice. A contest should never be more about the umpires or referees than the players, as long as both teams are treated consistently.

  7. I wish I could have counted the times that Obama said the word "and" throughout the whole debate. It must have been in the hundreds...

  8. Just because you want so badly for something to be, doesn't make it so. Did Romney show he is a vertebrate last night? Yes. Did he make this a race after last night? No.

    You don't undo months of woeful campaigning after one debate in which you contort your positions to make you the very definition of a flip-flopper.

    Look back to the '04 election when Kerry beat Bush badly in the first debate...it made little difference when people went to the polls. Romney is a flawed candidate, and as much as Republicans pretend they like the guy, nobody wants to wrap their arms around him.

    Romney's already shared his thoughts of the 47%....

    You're old enough to remember Rope-a-Dope, right MM?

  9. Thanks for the photo of The Mick!

  10. It is interesting to note that when MICKEY MANTLE whiffed in an American League game in 1964 to break the legendary BABE RUTH's record for most strikeouts ...

    ... the Boston Red Sox pitcher was Allentown High School's BOB HEFFNER.

  11. Romney lied - I did not recognize the man he became on the platform. My dad was a conservative voter, who passed away about 10 years ago. If he were alive today he would be dismayed to see what has come to be the state of affairs today. Just because a man stands on a stage and performs like he is telling the truth when he told absolute downright lies or backtracked from his very recent iterations doesn't make him quality. A liar, even a sociopath perhaps--but he has not earned my trust. But apparently American people do not read or retain information and cannot seem to separate wheat from chaff.

  12. @11:57, you have been watching too many talking points on msnbc. i'd bet you don't really know romney's platform. even your criticism isn't original

  13. A liar? A sociopath?

    I thought Obama said on the 2008 campaign trail that he would cut the national deficit in half --- Obama added around $ 6.0 TRILLION in NEW debt.

    I thought Obama said on the 2008 campaign trail that he would close Gitmo immediately ...

    We could be here all freakin' day with the Liar and Sociopath-In-Chief Obama's consistent Bullcrap.

    Bear in mind, unfortunately for both the Lame Stream Media as well as Obama, there is a track record now.

