Aug 27, 2012

Allentown's Future

According to The Morning Call,  one quarter of  the Arena project debt service falls directly on the cigarette tax. Pawlowski and Company are fond of saying that the arena project will not impact the city taxpayers. This blogger has once again donned my janitor disguise, and managed to overhear an important strategy meeting between those who rule us. The concern was the longevity of our smokers, now a valuable commodity in the arena's future. Worse still, new smokers are not being cultivated in sufficient numbers to guarantee a cash flow for the next thirty years, the life of the bonds. Our forward looking leaders have come up with several proposals in protect what they affectionally call The Project. The Allentown Health Bureau and Police will stop conducting underage cigarette buying stings, once an annual public relations promotion for those departments. No sign or zoning regulations will be enforced in regard to store front cigarette advertising. City workers, who smoke, will be encouraged to take breaks in pocket parks that have playgrounds, such as Bucky Boyle, Franklin and Stevens. The Sweep Program will issue no tickets for cigarette related litter. A public relations firm, with ties to the tobacco industry, will be hired to explore any possible promotions under existing federal law.


  1. Outrageous and reckless allegations Mike. With no backup. Like yelling "fire" in a crowded movie house when there's no fire. This is a new low for you.

  2. Now that we know that the tobacco sales will be a major key to funding all of this, the name of the arena is becoming clearer to me.

    Winston Arena?

    RJ Reynolds Center?

    Lucky Strike Palestra?

    Marlboro Country Gym?


  3. @9:59, i see you miss the day that your high school english class covered satire. what is not satire is that $3.5 million dollars of the project debt service will come from the cigarette tax, which previously went to CHIP, for children's health coverage. i think the diversion of those funds is a new low for government.

  4. how about "Parliament Palace of Sport"?

  5. "Pennsylvania is assuming the liability for the city's gain," writes Matt Assad.

    I wonder how the taxpayers in western Pennsylvania feel about this massive expenditure of government money on a record-setting minor league ice hockey rink?

    I wonder how the fans of the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Penquins feel about that, in particular?

    The Mohegan Sun Arena (which seats exactly 200 less people than Pawlowski's Palace of Sport) was publically-financed but is reported to have cost only $ 44 million dollars (The Morning Call has stated they beleive the figure to be $ 55.0 million dollars) back in 1999.

    Even WITH inflation, the Mohegan Sun Arena must now been seen as some kind of cardboard shelter constructed by some poor, unfortunate homeless person living under a bridge in comparison to the $ 179.5 million to be spent on Pawlowski's transformative Pucksters.

    I wonder how the SWB Penquins fans feel about THAT ... maybe someone should ask?


  6. An even lower low is LVH being involved in this theft of CHIP money.

    If the whole thing has shown anything, it's that it's one big incestuous group of people running things. And they don't give a damn about anything but their own wallets.

  7. @2:54, i agree with a comment on the previous post that the sports medicine office in the arena will be inconvenient for it's patients, and there certainly is an irony in the use of CHIP money by LVHN's landlord. I can only guess that the use of the cigarette tax was an oversight by Browne, as opposed to a scheme. consequently, while moving into the arena may have some political considerations by the hospital, i suspect that the connection with tobacco money doesn't please them.

  8. "I suspect that the connection with tobacco money doesn't please them"

    With all due respect, Mr. Molovinsky, I was always expected to dance with the girl I brought.

    What makes things for LVHN any different?

    Were they FORCED at shotgun point to come to the NIZ Palace of Sport Dance?

    Answer - No.

    Thus, it stands to reason that LVHN must dance with their tobacco tax-funded partner.


  9. Partner, Landlord ... my point is the same.


  10. although everyone's readership is appreciated, i never requested arena name suggestions, nor will I be printing anymore.

  11. Please, LVHN doesn't give a sh-t about the tobacco money. It's money and power dude.
    Upset about tobacco money! You must be kidding.
