For most of Allentown's past, there was no need for a Transformation. We were the ideal city, so much so, that in the early 60's, we were proclaimed The All-American City. We were Mayberry, only much larger. Our little leagues played under the lights, and our fathers worked for top union wages. Imagine a city that could boast that it actually manufactured in own fire engines! Imagine a city that had no litter. We now have so much litter, not only do we need trash cans, we need trash compactors. We once were a destination and envied; We are now resented, and sued. This blog will continue to report current city events as I perceive them, engage with the bureaucrats as my energy permits, and occasionally share a glimpse of our past.
It is called Progress, Comrade Molovinsky.
ReplyDeleteAnd, exactly how civilized could this place REALLY have been without a magnificent and spectacular Palace of Sport?
Never too late to pick up the phone and order your affordable as well as inexpensive season ticket package that is guaranteed to save you lots of money while providing invaluable economic salvation to the City Without Limits all at the same time!
ReplyDeleteAll you say is, unfortunately true. And, also unfortunate? The fact that the descent has not ended. What could possibly be worse? Bankruptcy.