Nov 30, 2011

Arena Dooms Old Allentown

A resident of N. 8th Street expressed concern about traffic congestion at last night's arena meeting. She should be concerned, because the City has said that existing traffic patterns and existing parking can accommodate the arena. That's only true if the arena is going to be a failure, anything more successful will impact both traffic and parking. What that resident should really be concerned about is the Old Allentown Preservation Association; Once again those lapdogs ate their doggie biscuit, but this time it's poison. For decades those yuppies yearned for an adjoining quaint downtown, although they never sufficiently patronized such merchants that did remain. For years they supported City policies, and in return had a problem building occasionally removed at taxpayer expense. Welcome to the architectural wasteland coming your way. Welcome to a square block parking lot with a white elephant monstrosity sports palace. Welcome to the fruits of your complicity.


  1. Mike,

    I could not agree more.

    Scott Armstrong

  2. Mike, Have all prperties been purchased and businesses relocated to begin demolition. if demoltion will begin as scheduled have not read who was awarded the contract for the projectand the cost to be paid by the taxpayers for demolition. Who handled the bidding process or did mayor award to a contractor who gave the largest campaign contribution. Pay to Play in Allentown will be setting records with this project in Allentown.

  3. MM - From the Express Times article on the arena meeting:

    On the other hand, Deborah Cox-Van Horn, executive director of the Old Allentown Preservation Association, said she was very pleased with the arena project, despite earlier reservations based on what the construction of the Sovereign Center did to Reading.

    "I don't want to see scorched earth and empty lots, which would be a blow to the downtown and cultural ambiance of Allentown," she said. "That's not what I'm seeing here. I think this will be a fantastic boon to our downtown."


    If there are any members of OAPA who still care about their neighborhood, they ought to be looking for another Executive Director.

  4. anon 7:11, although i'm a critic of numerous city policies, and i host your comment, i do not subscribe to "pay to play" allegations.

  5. pay to play is alive and well in Allentown.

  6. "i do not subscribe to "pay to play" allegations"

    I respect your opinion on this matter, but I have to wonder...what would you call what's happening downtown, if it isn't pay to play? Pawlowski hosted a fundraiser in Philly that was apparently very well attended by the very same folks who were bidding on this arena project. If that isn't pay to play, I honestly don't know what is!

  7. MM -

    I seem to remember a Morning Call article detailing how those doing business with the city are sent information on how to contribute to the Mayor's campaign. To me, that's sending a very clear message.

    I don't know how you define "Pay to Play", but I'd say the above qualifies.

  8. I used to be a member of Old Allentown Preservation Association but let my membership expire. I won't renew it again, that's for certain. The group does more cocktail parties than it does actual work. and if you come up with good work to do, they yell about how it is going to make Old Allentown too urban. The house tour is a lovely event but even that is mostly about socializing. Otherwise, the idea of work is relegated to yelling about gas meters. While I agree with them on issues of preservation, OAPA hasn't done anything to actually preserve the neighborhood in a few years.

    Their inaction on the arena is expected, though not for the reasons you cite. I think the group really does see it as okay to demolish a building on Hamilton St but that it is a sin to do so in the historic district (in a sense, they are right: Hamilton St. isn't an historic district). All said, I'm more disappointed in the Allentown Preservation League in its unwillingness to go to bat for preservation.

  9. The linden street facade of the stadium will apparently be 7 stories high. Have not seen artist renderings of this side of the building. It will certainly effect the atmosphere of the surrounding neighborhood.

    Can not attend any of the informational meetings, but see them as bass akwards. Anyone know how much the tax payers are footing for the post decision public comment meetings?

  10. anon 1:44, i believe you read that on another blog, not in the paper. at any rate, although i take issue with the administration on many issues, i will not be hosting any more pay to play comments, unless they're signed by a verifiable name. i appreciate your readership, and your different point of view, but it's my name across the masthead.

    anon 2:04, the boundaries of the historic district were arbitrary when created. many buildings on hamilton street are more historically significant than those in the historic district.

  11. i believe that perhaps i should elaborate more on my position concerning pay to play. i am not so naive as to think such things can't exist, but they don't occupy my thoughts. as a critic of the arena project, and being very familiar with hamilton street, i could and did cite numerous reasons why the project was not in the long term interest of allentown. i made my case to both city council and readers of the morning call, etc. i believe that introducing speculations and allegations that i have no knowledge of, can only distract from my talking points.

  12. Yawn.

    Chairman Pawlowski and his Rubber Stamp Council of Apparatchiks will NEVER see a penny of MY MONEY spent at THEIR Palace of Sport.

    Sad thing is, few people like hockey as much as I do ...

    ... but the whole process with this arena has stunk to high heaven from day one. I got sick of the smell quite some time ago.

    And, I can and will find better things to do that don't absolute disgust me.

    Count on that, Chariman, but certainly not my cash.

    And, please don't call me when you can't find any money to feed starving children for nutritional after school dinner programs --- I WILL laugh in your face. Loudly.


    Disgruntled Citizen, People's Democratic City of Allentown

  13. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeNovember 30, 2011 at 9:25 PM

    You are quick to jump the gun...

    "Edward Morrison looks over renderings of the proposed hockey arena Tuesday night during an open house at Allentown Central Catholic High School. "I think it's going to be good for the city," said Morrison, who's president of the Old Allentown Preservation Association."

  14. FutureDowntownArenaAttendee said...
    You are quick to jump the gun...

    Nobody is jumping any gun.
    We were shot in the back quite a while ago.

  15. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeDecember 1, 2011 at 5:58 AM

    Anonymous 4:56...

    You want to know the best part about MM. I hung around Tuesday and Wednesday night. I didn't see him show his face once. I saw Occupy Allentown, Dennis Pearson, etc... Molovinsky was nowhere to been seen. He is so "ON ALLENTOWN"!!!

    Mike, if you come tonight, I am the 5’ 5” blonde woman in her early 30's. I will wear a black skirt, so that you can recognize me. Come say HI.

    The code word is South Whitehall Resident!

  16. future, fyi, i attended the meeting with the city and sara hailstone, and suggested the second meeting. i also suggested their meeting with pat browne. i made a presentation to city council during the eminent domain hearing. i will not attend the professionally staged, traveling dog and pony show after the horse has already left the barn.

  17. Retired ASD teacher here.

    FutureDowntownArenaAttendee -

    Even someone with your intellect will admit attendance at these meetings is futile. No?

    Eyewash. Nothing more.
