Sep 7, 2011

Note To The Mayor

Mayor Pawlowski, you may not remember me. I'm the widower who lives in the highrise on Union Street, who wrote you before here on Mr. Molovinsky's computer page. Last night I saw him at the library, and he gave me a ride home after some meeting he had. I used to work in the Mack factory where you now have a go-kart track. I saw pictures of it in the paper and it said you were now going to have City Council give it a liquor bar, so that they could get tanked up before they drove those carts around with children. Are you sure that's a good idea? Anyway, Mr. Molovinsky and his group want to fix up the stairs leading down to Lawrence Street. When I worked at Mack my kids would meet me on those steps and walk home with me. I miss that old Allentown. Mr. Molovinsky says that your hockey game will now cost $200 million dollars. Is it possible that just a few of those bucks could be used to fix up those stairs? My uncle helped build those steps along with a lot of other Allentown men. Sorry to bother you again, thanks for your time.


  1. Wednesday
    Thought this morning we'd be reading about last night's meeting. Pleased to see your vision moving forward. More than once folks have said, "Bethlehem treasurers its historic past; Allentown destroys theirs."
    The hand laid stone walls along the parks are testament to hard work and the American spirit.
    No one more than the Mayor should
    be at the front of this important project line.

  2. can you print a listing of the attendees

  3. i was pleased with the meeting. about 20 people attended, which is an efficient size working group. all present were well informed, and dedicated to the cause. we assumed different assignments, and made future arrangements.

  4. anon 7:17, as someone who sent in a question anonymously, i think you might understand my hesitation to publish such a list without their permission.

  5. michael molovinsky said...

    anon 7:17, as someone who sent in a question anonymously, i think you might understand my hesitation to publish such a list without their permission.

    September 7, 2011 7:25 AM

    NEVER publish such a list. You will lose all integrity and the peoples trust.

  6. MM
    To get 20 people on a stormy night is fantastic.

  7. Anonymous said...

    can you print a listing of the attendees

    September 7, 2011 7:17 AM

    Sounds like a request out of pre-WWII Eastern Europe.

  8. Wonderful that some of the WPA work is so treasured ... hopefully some the beautiful facades in the 700 block of Hamilton will also be treasured ...

  9. Oh boy, is there gonna be one giant Facade for all the people to admire and enjoy alright.

    Chairman Pawlowski and his rubber-stamp Politburo, er, ah, City Council, are building themselves a right proper Palace of Sport.

    The excitement is palpable because nothing promotes diversity quite like ice hockey and, like it says here, "prosperity is overrated, support current policies."

    Just because Chairman Pawlowski states 1.5 million people will attend the arena annually but only 340,000 people would comprise a completely sold out building for every game of the hockey season (8,500 x 40), there is absolutely no reason to do anything but relax and have blind faith in the sheer genius of government.

    Everything is guaranteed to work out great, it is rumored that the famous Russian Grigroy Potemkin has been hired to be the team's general manager.


  10. I went to one of the Mayors events one time. I sat at a table with one James Spang. Mr Spang was in some way connected with policing, or so he said.

    Also evident was his status as a Pawlowski minion.

    All night all he kept repeating is that crime in Allentown was only a perception. Another one of the Administrations facades.

    How about this for a facade? Ask all city council members to dress up like Pennywise the clown from the movie "It".

    But then that image might not be so far removed from reality.
