Aug 9, 2011

Growth Industry In Allentown

Yesterday I went to the Social Security Office, across from the prison, to discuss my retirement options. I was given number 199. In addition to retirement, Social Security also dispenses money for disability. I would say from the gray hair, there were
about three of us contemplating retirement, all the others were for disability. A few middle age men were carrying their fake canes. The canes aren't fake, it's the disabilities. I saw one such gentleman walk in from the parking lot, clearly the cane bore no weight, and was merely a prop. Most of the people waiting were quite young, in their twenties. Disability has been expanded to include mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, additive personality and anger management. I will say many of them did look angry to me. It was hard finding a parking space. Business also looked good at the prison. If Johnny Manana's had gotten these crowds....

this post first appeared November 18, 2008


  1. I work on the main line of Philly and I have become friends, really acquaintances, with the man who owns the estate next to where I work. Let me tell you it is nice--stables, pool, five car garage and a full time gardner. One day I asked him about the 2 sheep that roam the luscious grounds. I asked him their names. He replied that one was Dollar and the other Bill. I said, why those names. He said that the county and state have discounts on taxes for farmers. His tax attorney told him to get a couple of farm animals and he could benefit greatly on his taxes. So he got the sheep and named them accordingly.

    gary ledebur

  2. gary, i have used this post several times, here's your comment from last year;

    gary ledebur said...
    Ronald Reagan taught us that whatever we provide money for, we will get more of it. I teach courses on disabilities and it is true that all too many individuals enhance minor problems in order to get benefits. There are folks who are truly disabled and deserving.

    March 2, 2010 7:16 AM

  3. thanks, both of my posts are excellent!

  4. If we cut these programs it will force the administrators to clean up their act.

  5. Mr. Molovinsky, I was warned some years ago to sign-up for Social Security over the phone to avoid going to the office. After reading your post I am glad I did so.I had to send a copy of my military DD214 form (military discharge record) to the office which I thought was odd.

  6. I too went to the SS office to simply sign up as I approached retirement age.

    I also was told I'd be happier going online to sign up for Medicare. Just don't wait there.

    I was there only a short while until I took the advice and went home to do it online.

    In only a few minutes there I heard a couple interesting tales. The man next to me was upset about having IRS problems. He loaned his SS Id to his relative from Ecudaor. I listened to one young man complaining about getting dropped from disabilty while he was in prison.

    We can cut hundreds of billions from the deficit if we outsourced these operations to people who aren't there to please the polticallly correct population.
