Aug 14, 2011

The Bicycles of Allentown

produced by Gary Ledebur, Netherfield Studios, Philadelphia
contains adult content

reproduced from March 15, 2010


  1. MM-Getting in before official comments begin. Might you know what's going in at the old Benningans and the former PennDOT building, both on Lehigh St? Thank

  2. anon 8:59, sorry, i do not. but i did hear a rumor that some portions of the WPA walls in the parkway are structurally in trouble. many of the walls, as in fountain park, were not built with weepholes, but rather concrete trough runways, which have been allowed to fill in with dirt and undergrowth. any observations about the condition of any of the structures throughout the park system would be appreciated.

  3. What made you decide to post on the bicycle issue again?

  4. monkey momma, didn't think of it that way. the backdrop for my interview was the WPA stone step structure in the parkway, which i had suggested. we have committed much funds to the bike paths, and the exercise stations in cedar park, perhaps some should now be directed toward the WPA Preservation. between now and the meeting , sept. 6, i will be trying to emphasize those icons.

  5. "I did hear a rumor that some portions of the WPA walls in the parkway are structurally in trouble."

    Ya don't think the Parkway's almost century-old limestone walls are in trouble as a result of 1000s of idling cars waiting in line to pay their annual Lights in the Parkway fees do you?

  6. WPA stone step structure in the parkway, which i had suggested. we have committed much funds to the bike paths, and the exercise stations in cedar park, perhaps some should now be directed toward the WPA Preservation. between now and the meeting , sept. 6, i will be trying to emphasize those icons.

    August 14, 2011 10:20 AM

    Those steps had beautiful light fixtures at one time.

  7. MM
    Could you possibly look at the questions asked out of context as a result of being considered a community leader?

  8. anon 10:42, No, it's fair to say that i'm an activist. another factor is the bare bones newspaper. blogs have become an exchange medium for community news and questions.

  9. i received a couple complimentary comments in regard to anon 10:42's contention of leadership, which i'll decline to publish. at any regard, thanks for reading the blog.

  10. In the video why were Molovinsky's comments noted as "adult material?"

  11. i received a comment from someone "just trying to be helpful" but i'm sorry, i don't know what comments you're referring to, sorry i offended you.

  12. Michael,
    I responded to Anon 8:59 AM who wanted to know about the former PennDOT building and the former Bennigan's, both on Lehigh Street. The former PennDOT building is being renovated and will be a major regional service center and retail center for Enterprise Rent-A-Car. The former Bennigan's is being renovated and will re-open as a Tilted Kilt, a Celtic themed sports bar and pub.
    "Just Trying to be Helpful"

  13. anon 7:56, sorry, i did not receive the comment this morning.

  14. Michael,
    Apology accepted. Thanks for posting the response. Hopefully, Anon 8:59 AM got the information. It's interesting that the current City administration hasn't made a big deal about activity along the Lehigh Street commercial corridor - with the exception of the new Bennett Toyota dealership. Imagine, a restaurant opening without any City subsidy! The Enterprise venture is a big deal and both it and the restaurant are creating jobs - construction and permanent - at a time when the City and the region needs them. The rest of Lehigh Street keeps chugging along and generating jobs and real estate taxes despite the economy. While it has its ups and downs, it's still a relatively stable commercial corridor. It's important not to forget the corridor's important position in the local economy, just as it's important not to forget the significance of the Lehigh Parkway and its WPA stone edifices - all part of the same "neighborhood." There is more to Allentown than Hamilton Street. I applaud you for reminding us all of that.

  15. yes, hamilton street has been the squeaky wheel since dadonna's era. (the canopy). both lehigh street and union blvd. have viable commercial districts, as does S.4th St. and other scattered sites.

  16. MM
    Would you allow a thank you to the person kind enough to explain what's going in at both those Lehigh St. sites?
    Both will bring needed jobs to our city. What's a puzzle is why Pawlowski doesn't have two huge posted signs at each promoting these new businesses brought in under his watch. May we ask one more question? If not, please delete. "Does anyone know if these two new businesses received city or state grants?"
    Nearby on S. 4th Street a restaurant recently opened in a former restaurant site that closed. Hardly anyone ever seen there. Can't help but wonder if
    these new owners prior to purchase examined the neighborhood and off-street parking before their
    purchase. Suspect not as now a junky piece of spray painted plywood announces "Parking in the Rear."

  17. I found your website researching the procelain Mohican Market sign, we want to incorporate into the fresh market/ restaurant, we plan to open. A bakery will be included so the recipe was great, should you have other recipes to share I'd appreciate them too. Really enjoyed the lightness of the video and the "poverty magnet" comments on a serious subject. Like other US cities we are experiencing the same in Western MA . . no jobs, but we too have a bike trail!

