May 29, 2011

A Video on Israel's Survival

At another blog, a comment stated that Netanyahu chided Obama in order to appeal to his political base at home, and undermine Obama's re-election effort. In truth, Netanyahu was forced to speak out against Obama dictating which concessions Israel must make, before beginning negotiations.

UPDATE: A second video for those who seek the truth


  1. Hammer!


    ...'bout time somebody put it into words the Obamabots can comprehend.

  2. comment at 1:53, was placed in response to the first video i used on this post, which was gene simmons of kiss fame, bluntly stating that obama was ill informed on israel's defense needs.

  3. Netanyahu was forced to speak out against Obama, not because of the perceived dictation of terms as stated by MM, everyone knows the 1967 borders with appropriate land swaps (which is exactly what the president said) is the starting point of negotiations. The prime minister had to mollify his base, the Likud party. This issue is a red herring and is being used to "gin up" hostility to Obama and those who favor moving peace talks forward. A recent Pew poll indicated most Israelis will settle for Obama"s proposed starting terms (note appropriate land swaps) and the other political parties in Israel also accept it. I believe Netanyahu does not want to engage in meaningful peace talks during his watch. He also would like nothing better to have a R in the White House.

  4. gary, your claim is exactly the same made on another blog by another anti-israel commenter. here was my reply to him;
    you contend that obama's speech on the middle east is no different than previous U.S. assume that i'm uninformed, and that my information comes from fox news. perhaps you can accept the fact that netanyahu is informed, and would not have confronted obama if something was not particularly different in policy. what was different was a U.S. president telling israel where it must start negotiating, and creating a predetermined arab expectation. another comment on that tread found a poll showing that most israelis support obama. if that was true, netanyahu would not still be prime minister as i type; a no confidence vote comes quick in the israeli system. last, and most telling, a third person commented that israel should toe our line in exchange for our financial support, and that the israeli situation is responsible for the unrest in the middle east. israel's first responsibility is to survive. in truth the arabs don't want a two state solution, they want israel destroyed. but if israel wasn't there, all the inter-arab tensions would still exist between the various sects.
    gary, all your comments on the middle east have been anti-israel. can you imagine what life must be like living in a country which is surrounded by hostile countries, and at any time a missile or explosion can occur. israel gave up the sinai for a peace with egypt. sinai is twenty times larger than israel itself. israel developed the gas wells and industry there, in addition to a world class resort. i believe that black is the new gray, 50 is the new 40, and israel bashing is the new anti-semitism

  5. gary, although it's true that similar concessions have been made by israel before, no U.S. President before had told israel where it had to begin. you also fail to note that the offer was rejected by the palestinians, and was repaid by terror and missiles.

  6. Yes MM our president probably should have phrased his comments better, The primary purpose of the speech was to stake out America's position vis-a-vis Arab spring.

    As to my so-called "anti-Israel" comments, they have only been in response to your posts which are so pro-Israel that one could not avoid correcting the information. The goal in the middle east should be peace--two countries living side-by-side. The Israeli government has a unique opportunity to make peace now. In three years there may be no such opportunity.

  7. ......and to be fair, the Palestinian leadership must affirm Israel's right to exist and come to the negotiating table in good faith. Even though they are the oppressed group, they still must step up for their own good and future.

  8. gary, i see very small opportunity. i see the palestinians and arabs yelling from the river to the sea which means the destruction of israel. i see the PA joining forces with hamas, dedicated to israel's destruction.

    as for the arab spring, let's see what results. btw, if you have any links to any moderate palestinian sites calling for peace with israel, please provide the address.

  9. gary, you acknowledge that there is a question if the palestinians recognize israel's right to exist, yet you
    call israel an oppressor. that is not a philosophical question; it translates into missiles being fired at school buses. i suppose you would prefer the israelis to paint targets on their backs.

  10. How can any sane and informed person support Obama and at the same time, support Israel? The MSM wanted Obama as president because they wanted a counter to the "neo-cons", who they believe are an evil on America and who had too much influence in Mideast policy whenever the Republicans were in the White house. I'd say that we need even more conservative Jewish influence in our Mideast policies. In fact, Netanyahu should be our president, not Obama!

  11. As eloquent as Netanyahu can be, this may all be academic. The Onion is reporting that all Jews have been ordered back by the Egyptian government for pyramid repairs.,20447/

  12. I used to like Paladin, Maverick and Gunsmoke. It sure was fun in a world of good guys versus bad guys and I might add a lot easier on the intellect. I believe in a God that does not play favorites. The black and white world of the fifties was nice but if we are to grow and prosper we need to move on!

  13. a private reply; two of those three websites were by israelis. there is a sizable left in israel with an active peace movement and many websites. arab peace sites are indeed rare. the one you provided is only the second i have seen, and the first by a palestinian. on the other hand, sites advocating the destruction of israel are plentiful. europe is being affected by arab anti-semitism, not that they ever needed much encouragement.

  14. "The black and white world of the fifties"

    I don't know what that means! Does that mean we are now, "shades of gray"?
    As for moving on. We ARE moving on! We are just moving backwards, in my humble opinion. Only real leaders can move us in the right direction!
