Feb 24, 2011

Click on Photo

Among some of the more interesting things I find on this photograph is that Cedar Beach is still a swimming hole, the pool has yet to be built. The 15th Street Bridge has yet to be built. The former quarry just south of Union Terrace is quite prominent, and the train spur going through the area is visible. The racetrack at the fairgrounds is very identifiable, as is the half circle driveway at Muhlenberg College. This aerial photograph is from 1939. Click on photo to enlarge.


  1. MM -

    Interesting photo that raises a question.

    When was J. Birney Crum Stadium built and what was there before that? I can't quite tell from the photo.

  2. mike, here's an interesting reply. upon closer examination, i realized that what i though was the stadium, was actually the fairgrounds. (stadium built in 1948, and is not on photograph). unlike some other bloggers, i do revise my copy after i publish it, in sort of a real time editing process. because of "feed" system, some readers may receive an early version which is different from the finished post.

  3. MM -

    It's a great photo, especially when I look at some of the landmarks that I take for granted today but don't see in the picture.

    Another question.

    I can only zoom in so far but I'm curious. Is the Masonic Temple (on Linden between 16th & Fulton) in the photo or was it built later?

  4. i can see allentown high and west park. across from west park is a large item (black on photo) which i believe to be the temple, built in 1923.

  5. Michael,
    Your photographs are always excellent. Are these shots your work? Is there a trove of historic Allentown images available for public viewing. My house was built in the early 1900's and I would like to see how the street looked thgrough the years.
    Thanks for your great blog.

  6. i give myself credit for most of the photo's i take and present on this blog. i found this photo on a train buff site. the train people are very much in sync with local history. there are historical photographs in both the local history room at the library, and the historical society on walnut street. what street are you referring to? the great trove was the morning call archives. i was informed much was discarded in recent years with new ownership. a tragedy if indeed true.

  7. Also interesting...this is just prior to the great migration to form suburbs. Areas just north og the city proper are largely vacant here.

