Nov 24, 2010

Moving on Up

Allentown moved up the Most Dangerous City List, with an impressive 16 point jump, from 86th to 70th. The apologists will say that although rape is up, murders are down! What the apologists have in common, is that most of them are either young or transplants, with no knowledge of Allentown past. We old Dutchmen ( a figure of speech) are appalled. We used to be on list for the cleanest city; We were the All-American City. After Pawlowski's first election victory, he invited 100 people to give advise on his transition team. Apparently, he should have invited 101. Bon Appetit at the couple new restaurants, it's all this Administration has to show.

cityscape by Mark Beyer


  1. On top of this, I think crime is being under reported. When the APD stopped sending out officers to take reports, it created a disincentive to report crime.

    We need more police, but this is not a new revelation by any stretch of the imagination.

  2. Many crimes do go unreported in Allentown. This accounts for the counter intuitive crime stats.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. MM: Statistically the best way to reduce crime in the long run is to decrease the number of school dropouts. The best way to reduce crime in the short run is more quality after school programs and opportunities. Support Dr. Zahorchak as he tries to deal with these two serious issues.

  4. Yes, crime is definitely underreported here in Allentown.

    Mr. Molovinsky - if you would humor me - what the heck is the POOOOO city scape pictured here? It's not the first time you've shown Beyer's art, and I am not afraid to say I don't get it. Why does it say POOOOO? I'm just really curious why this particular piece caught your eye and has been repeated on the blog. Thanks.

  5. gary, the best way to reduce crime is to stop incentives for the criminal element to move here.

    in regard to zahorchak, he should slow down and learn about the community. his concern should be with after school shootings and stabbings. frankly he has too many idea's, i'm not impressed.

  6. beyer is an internationally known underground comic artist, originally from allentown. his work appears in raw and other well known comic productions. he's known for the detail in the drawing. unfortunately i misplaced the jpeg which would allow enlargement.

  7. We're also number 10 on the Top Ten Dead Cities! Which is a type of top-ten that I entirely discount because of arbitrary judging.

    When I first heard that we're number 70, I tried to find the list. There are several different versions of this list, not all listing Allentown in even the top 100 (or at all).

    Since the Mcall doesn't provide a link to the original list, can you provide me the link, Molovinsky? I'm interested in seeing what the competition is and how cities that are determined to be a sort of model of sustainable/practical urbanism rank.

  8. katie, sorry, my source is limited to that morning call article, to which i link. i do believe that crime is under-reported. i don't think much of the current quality of life in allentown, despite spin from the cheerleaders, most with a vested interest. bon appetit

  9. Katie Bee-- According to "CQPress" which the paper sources..Allentown is rated in the "City Rankings" as #70 out of 400
    That Information Can be found Here

    On their "Metropolitan Crime Rankings" Allentown is #282 out of 347
    That Information Can Be Found Here

    All The Information About The New Publication Can Be Found Here
    It explains what difference is between the two categories

  10. MM: Dr. Z is he only superintendent of schools you have. His job is not to impress you. It is to run the schools. The community should get involved. You should roll up your sleeves, get involved and mentor a student at risk of dropping out.

  11. GL, i'm glad to host your defense and promotion of zahorchek, but most criticism of him, and not just by me, is that he has not involved the community in his numerous decisions.

  12. I am not sure who or what "the community" is but I do know that the school system needs some input that goes beyond local prejudices, pet projects and a belief that the "old days" can return. The board of education, elected by "the community," hired Dr. Z --so give him a chance. He hasn't even been there a year. Reforms usually need two years to show results. I know people in this day of instant communication and news want immediate results. The Chinese have a saying, "Wisdom is the planting of trees, the shade of which one will not experience."

  13. so far, in about two month time: zahorchek apologized to the community for sweeping changes he didn't communicate before hand. the school board re-approved an appointment, originally done in violation of the sunshine act.

    one reality not addressed by all his plans, is that allentown has a very transient population. because of this reality, i'm inclined toward concentrating on basics, as opposed to innovative programs which require a stable population.

    zahorchek does seems to have the backing of the school board for all the changes he's instituting. my opinion is of little matter, but allentown has not done well giving plans the benefit of the doubt, or with wait and see.

  14. Gotta love the Latinization of Allentown...


    Certainly not your typical, run-of-the mill, every day stabbing you normally read about routinely in The Morning Call.

    Progressive Liberals can certainly be very proud of how far the city has come in the past 10, 20 years.

  15. Same old same old. Are you discontented and want to make a difference, go to a school board or city council meeting.

    Call a councilman or school board member to discuss your concerns, few do. Or better still call the mayor or the superintendent.

    Most would rather comment on blogs and blame someone else instead of looking into a mirror and taking responsibility for themselves.

    This violence is a community issue. If you are a member of the community get off your lazy a** and do something.

    Most Allentonians love to live in denial of the reality of what it really is. Everyone wants their turn behind the curtain.

    This has become an all or nothing town. Individuals make immediate judgments and are unyielding in their opinions.

    God save us from ourselves.

  16. Good luck getting through to the mayor, city council, or any one else yanking the chains in this city.
    If you do make contact...
    They will all respond with a line about no one else having ever complained about that before.
    They may thank you for bringing it to their attention.
    Nothing will change.

  17. 7:09 :

    "Most Allentonians live in denial of the reality of what it really is."

    Yo, put the crack pipe down and stop spouting retreaded rhetoric that DOES NOT EVEN MAKE SENSE!

    Have YOU ever been to a City Council or School Board meeting?

    Well-run, STAGED THEATER put on for the benefit of a bunch of Progressive cheerleaders who own stock in the Sham Wow and bunch of Progressive voters with their hand out who think the Sham Wow is all that and a bag of chips.

    God save us from The Apologists would be far more appropriate given the situation.

    In the meantime, 7:09, can you enlilghten us all with "the reality" of what Allentown "really is"?

    THAT should be most interesting...

  18. By accident I ran across a book a few months ago. It's title is "When a Nation Forgets God - 7 Lessons we must learn from Nazi Germany".

    My apologies for the length of this post.

    Recent responses on this blog and personal experiences with the current political atmosphere in Allentown, now and over the past few years, were brought to mind as I read the following passages. I thought these might be of interest to those compelled to institute change but unsure about taking the necessary action to begin. Hope you find wisdom and warning here.

    Lutzer states: I've observed as I'm sure you have, the power of what I call "cultural current". That is a a dominant idea promoted by the media and willingly adopted by a critical mass of people who want to believe a myth so badly they will close their minds to all contrary evidence. When such a cultural movement gains momentum, people will stare at facts and filter out what they don't want to believe. Contrary evidence will be ignore or reinterpreted to fit their deepest wishes.And the more people who believe the myth, the more difficult it is for those who wish to counter it. In a spirit of euphoria, all warning signs are brushed aside. Before we know it, we are in a world where facts do not matter.

    Lutzer continues; "Hitler also believed in cultural movements; he believed that many people would never change their minds individually, but would do so if they were in a crowds of several thousand convinced followers. When a seeker steps into a crowd of thousands, wrote Hitler. that seeker is swept away "into the mighty effect of suggestive intoxication and enthusiasm, when the visible success and agreement of thousands confirm to him the rightness of the new doctrine." Hitler's quote.

    Hitler stated; "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think'."

    Lutzer then notes "The most enduring lesson of Nazi Germany is that ordinary people, simply concerned about living their own lives, can be motivated to become part of an evil movement through the power of compelling propaganda, intimidation and mass euphoria."

    Erwin w. Lutzer, the author, is pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago. There is not formal affiliation with the Moody Bible Institute for those of you who might be familiar with this institution. One of our local dignitaries I believe is a graduate.

  19. By accident I ran across a book a few months ago. It's title is "When a Nation Forgets God - 7 Lessons we must learn from Nazi Germany".

    Recent responses on this blog and personal experiences with the current political atmosphere in Allentown, now and over the past few years, were brought to mind as I read the following passages. I thought these might be of interest to those compelled to institute change but unsure about taking the necessary action to begin. Hope you find wisdom and warning here.

    Lutzer states: I've observed as I'm sure you have, the power of what I call "cultural current". That is a a dominant idea promoted by the media and willingly adopted by a critical mass of people who want to believe a myth so badly they will close their minds to all contrary evidence. When such a cultural movement gains momentum, people will stare at facts and filter out what they don't want to believe. Contrary evidence will be ignore or reinterpreted to fit their deepest wishes.And the more people who believe the myth, the more difficult it is for those who wish to counter it. In a spirit of euphoria, all warning signs are brushed aside. Before we know it, we are in a world where facts do not matter.

    Hitler stated; "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think'."

    Lutzer then notes "The most enduring lesson of Nazi Germany is that ordinary people, simply concerned about living their own lives, can be motivated to become part of an evil movement through the power of compelling propaganda, intimidation and mass euphoria."

    Erwin w. Lutzer, the author, is pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago. There is not formal affiliation with the Moody Bible Institute for those of you who might be familiar with this institution. One of our local dignitaries I believe is a graduate.

  20. 10:35 - Perhaps you need to suck on your crack pipe more.

    Enjoy the eternal bliss of self - delusion.

    Perhaps another arm chair critic who has come up for air. Glub!

    Find out what reality is yourself, if you live in Allentown!

  21. MM -

    Since we're discussing Zahorchak...

    I found it interesting that he commented favorably on Pawlowski's plan to raise the EIT. I think it's inappropriate for a Superintendent of schools to get involved in political matters not involving the schools.

    Just last week, we read of another incident that DID involve the schools - the shooting and slashing (with a machete) involving Allen High School students walking home from school.

    The news article hinted that the weapons probably were on the students before they left school - and the incident was probably gang related.

    Perhaps Mr. Zahorchak should focus on the very real issue of school safety instead of playing politics. I think that is what he was hired for.

  22. 11:40,

    Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have a crack pipe.

    And, yes, I DO live in Allentown.

    I see the reality EVERY day. That Machete BS was right in my f---ing backyard!

    I fear it is YOU who suffers from delusion.

    Way to answer a direct question, all-knowing one.

    Keep voting Progressive Liberal and be happy.

    Maybe you can get hit by a stray bullet sometime.


  23. Constructive way to handle a difference of opinion. Stray bullet, hoping it hits someone? What is that about?
