Oct 29, 2010

Easy Smile Prevails

Easy Smile apparently had a good night on Wednesday. Here in the Blogosphere, Bernie O'Hare remains a devoted fan. In the main stream, Bill White is preparing a fan column. Easy Smile, aka Don Cunningham, started out Wednesday with a misconception. He said all cuts would have to be proportional across the board. That said, he could go on to describe criminals running free and judges suing. Why would all cuts have to be across the board? Who says the County has to be into open space and recreation? There isn't much quality of life anyway if our citizens cannot afford to leave their homes. Who says our County must be into community development? How about some concern for the taxpayer's development. The apologists say that the tax increase will only be $2 dollars a week. How about the school tax increase, and the municipal increase? How about no increase in Social Security for the retired. Why is it that 370,000 people must pay more to keep 900+ county jobs? Why is it that only the citizens must somehow always survive on less?


  1. MM -

    At Wednesday's meeting, Cunningham was alternately fiery, laughing, angry, joking, etc, etc., etc.

    He was either just putting on a show or has a mental disorder. I can only hope it's the first option, but still not a pathetic display.

  2. Mike,

    The budget process was a fiasco for all involved but especially the tax payers who are now rising up in revolt. Those who do not heed the rising clamor will in time be brought down.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. MM -

    Correction to 6:06 am post. Should read:

    "...I can only hope it's the first option, but still a pathetic display."

    Sorry for the error, it's why I shouldn't post first thing in the morning.

  4. Heard the most horrible things about how Cunningham spoke to taxpayers Wednesday night. And how he spoke with the Commissioners.

  5. Interesting to read 6:06 post. That's sorta what we heard too. Something is going on.

  6. Cunningham should be fired.

  7. Someone suggested Cunningham may have some type of medical condition
    to behave the one he did Wednesday night--to show such contempt for his fellow taxpayers and government officials.

  8. No where should county dollars be underwriting parks and soccer fields when taxpayers are struggling to keep their homes. What happens when those homes become vacant and then there are no tax dollars to collect. What happens then?

  9. How could Cunningham be fired? How would such a process need to take place at the county level?

  10. "Why is it that only the citizens must somehow always survive on less?"

    Because Big Government says so, that's why. BG has a far better understanding of what to do with your money better than you.

    The march to Socialism is never easy, so just pipe down and fall into line, please, Comrade Molovinsky.

  11. Chill out y'all it's about $9 a month on average. So much bellyaching over nothing. That's not bankrupting anybody.

  12. Considering you live and work in New York City, "Independent" Progressive Liberal Carpetbagger Jonny, why should anybody in Pennsylvania care what YOU think about the County of Lehigh's budget woes?

    "Chill" with that thought.

  13. Who can tax the sunshine?
    Who can tax the trees?
    Let you run the business
    Then collect all the fees

    The Government (the government)
    The Government can! (the governemt can)

    Who can take your money (who can take your money),
    With a twinkle in their eye? (with a twinkle in their eye)
    Take it all away and
    Give it to some other guy

    The Government
    The Government can!

    The Government can 'cause
    They mix it up with lies
    And make it all sound good

  14. John,

    Your response indicates that you are both insensitive and ignorant. Do you understand for instance that those who survive on social security are again receiving no increase? Do you understand that those who are not working for the government are generally seeing no raises but must pay more for fuel and medical costs? Clearly you don’t otherwise you wouldn’t have written such a callous post.

    Scott Armstrong

  15. I've heard that Cunningham is burning out. He thinks he is an administrative, financial genius and everyone doesn't agree with him. He spends little time in the office. His personal life is a mess. I think he wants out from all the responsibility he feels he is burdened with. His "easy smile" Wednesday evening was very forced.

  16. Another sign the infrastructure is in the process of crumbling.

    Denial takes the day.

    Criminals running in the streets. It will never happen.

    People are fed up with this crap.

    Look at all the decrepit, inhabitable, condemned and foreclosed homes in Allentown and the rest of Lehigh County.

    Tax what? Damn cat chasing it's tail.

  17. The fact is--and no one with a straight face can dispute this--Republicans offered no alternative budget. You can't propose a zero-increase budget and not have the balls to say where the cuts should be. But that's what happened.

    The comments instructions say that "unnecessarily insulting" comments may not appear: seems that there's an exception for vitriol lobbed at Jon Geeting.

  18. jeff, my apology to jon, you're right about the anonymous comment, although i give the signed one more leeway. (i think i know who sent the unsigned one, and being harsh is his trademark).

    there was a slight alternative, the 13% amendment. i think it was realistic to eliminate a position, and also to defer some capital projects. i question some of the capital projects anyway. as you know, there are ways to transfer funds to fix an emergency leaking roof.
