Jul 6, 2010

Mutilating Cedar Park

The traditional gravel walking/jogging path of west Cedar Park has been replaced by macadam roads. Although this blog, and others, embarrassed the Administration enough to eliminate even more planned roads within the previous open space, the damage is still substantial. Two new entrances have been built into the park from Ott Street.

A new main entrance ignores the park topography and ramps into the park like a boat landing. This intrusion eliminates the serenity of the previously passive side of the park.

Perhaps the most offensive aspect of this monstrosity is the half clover leaf, clearly designed for bicycles at the expense of both the open space and walker safety. Also added for bicycle convenience is an additional new entrance off Ott Street by Honochick Drive. Once again a clover design is provided so that the cyclists need not slow down.


  1. Sorry dude, everything happening down there looks great. But thanks for your enthusiasm regarding our city.

  2. 8:06

    Sorry dude, but streets need names!

    You, obviously, have no idea of what things were like when Allentown proudly wore the title of All-American city.

    Cedar Beach looks ridiculous and Trexler is rolling over in his grave.

  3. Surely your opinion will change, Mr. Molovinsky, once this so-called cottage industry of bicycyle shops and granola vendors supporting the Trail Network Plan explodes as predicted.

    Then, once Allentown's economy has been saved via more genius from Pawlowski and his minions for implementing the TNP, you will really be walking stuff backwards.


  4. anon 1:19, actually elements of the TNP, such as the new entrance at Ott and Honochick, have already been constructed in Cedar Park, in direct contradiction of statements made to City Council assuring that each component of the Trail Plan would require separate feedback and approval.

  5. re 1:27 MM
    I am sure that it will get approved. Having been constructed already is only a problem to the little people, not the administration. Just ask the School District how they managed to get trees removed from the new Allen wing after public promises to retain them. No accountability. The recently departed Superintendent in fact tried to have me removed from my job just for complaining about it.

  6. There is new research that spandex has replaced leather for "s and m" enthusiasts. one of the fastest growing segments of American culture. Once again, Allentown is on the cutting edge of gearing up to this opportunity. Michael, why are you such a luddite regarding economic progress. Did your parents keep you from having a bicycle as a boy?

  7. It is so delightfully refreshing, inspiring and uplifting to know that, in spite of all the sarcastic remarks disparaging the outstanding Progress being made for our fair City under the brillance and leadership of Mayor Ed Pawlowski...

    ...at least the TNP design engineers had the good and decent sense to keep priorities straight and implemented the clover design so the high-speed bicyclists will not have to slow down.

    After all, the powerful bicycyle lobby, finally receiving the justice which had long been denied by those who insist General Trexler envisioned a passive park system, has better refreshments than the Nay-Sayer crowd.

    This is fairness and equality for all --- the embodiment of what America is truly supposed to be all about.

    And so, the obstructionists and the trash-talkers should be ashamed of themselves and their less than positive contribution to society at large.

  8. I must admit that i am an avid reader of this blog. While not always agreeing with what i read, i find it informative and yes, sometimes irritating.i also find the several folks who comment highly entertaining. I want to help now. For the last few months i've watched and read you all rattle your sabbers about "the powerful bicycle lobby". Stop. You sound like conspiracy theorists bordering on 911 Truthers and people who believe Neil Armstrong never walked on the moon.there is no "powerful bicycle lobby". While there are some local folks that believe the whole world revolves around bikes that got behind the recent parks movement, it just doesn't exit. I've ride mountain and road bikes, have for years. I'm involved in the biking community.no one cares about the paths in the parks because there only puspose for bikes is if some dad wants to put his kid in a tagalong trailer behind his Dick's Sportting Goods bike. Stop yelling about the high speed bikes! There not coming! These paths are not designed for that kind of riding and the biking community has plenty of road and mountain access locally that we love and enjoy and can ride as fast as we want. Just stop with this "lobby" talk. It's creepy in a "Birther" sort of way. Thanks,Jody

  9. The Velodrome is hosting junior cycling competition. Will be interesting to see if these cyclists use the Cedar Beach roadway for practice runs.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Surely your opinion will change, Mr. Molovinsky, once this so-called cottage industry of bicycyle shops and granola vendors supporting the Trail Network Plan explodes as predicted.

    July 6, 2010 1:19 PM

  11. And so, the obstructionists and the trash-talkers should be ashamed of themselves and their less than positive contribution to society at large.

    July 7, 2010 9:36 AM

    July 8th news topics include a story that "Stimulus Dollars" have been designated to for-profit grocery stores to
    purchase exotic fruits and vegetables and purchase
    required refrigerated equipment.
    What jobs does this venture initiate?

  12. I've ride mountain and road bikes, have for years. I'm involved in the biking community.no one cares about the paths in the parks because there only puspose for bikes is if some dad wants to put his kid in a tagalong trailer behind his Dick's Sportting Goods bike. Stop yelling about the high speed bikes! There not coming! These paths are not designed for that kind of riding and the biking community has plenty of road and mountain access locally that we love and enjoy and can ride as fast as we want. Just stop with this "lobby" talk. It's creepy in a "Birther" sort of way. Thanks,Jody

    July 8, 2010 8:07 AM

    We too visit the city's parks on a regular basis and more than once have been ordered off the
    pathway so racing cyclists can
    speed by.

  13. Michael, please stop hating the cyclists. You're not too old to start enjoying cycling! Try it; you might like it! Seriously.

    And, BTW, I confirm that there is actually no "powerful bicycle lobby." There is no shadow government of people on bicycles pulling the strings in Allentown. Oh, if that were so...if cyclists really took over the city, it could be a great place. Not the one you remember, but one that appeals to young people today.

  14. TO: 1:12 pm (Jody) and 8:07 am

    Stop trying to confuse the issue here. The point is that introducing wide macadam roads into a formerly pristine and traditionally 'passive park' is INAPPROPRIATE. You should show a little more respect (and have made an effort to get yourself on up the 'learning curve') for this city's parks heritage and try to educate yourself about the history of Allentown's park system, and how it was originally visualized.

    You both seem to be stereotypical bad examples of the all too frequent example of people who have moved into Allentown in recent years: Self centered, glib, and ignorant of your adopted city's heritage, and showing the worst aspects of the 'me generation'. If you are representative of the cycling community here, God help Allentown!


  15. The worst part of the paving is the environmental damage that has been done not only in the process of construction but now and permanently with wide swaths of impermeable surface stretched across the park.

    Instead of taking a park that is placed in a vital area of our watershed and restoring it to proper health, this improvement phase has caused the park to risk passing an ecological tipping point that will result in serious damage and ultimately, more cost inferred.

    What has happened at Cedar Beach is ridiculous.

  16. "Armstrong Avenue"

    Not as good as 'Wetzel Way", but certainly a viable suggestion for one of the new names for one of the new streets in the Park.

    Thanks Jody!

    It was always rather unlikely that I was going to be able to come up with enough names for ALL these new streets by myself.

    Appreciate the input.

  17. Anon 1:12 and Jody,

    With all due respect, what conclusive proof can you guys offer to back up your as of now unsubstanitated claim that there is no "powerful bicycle lobby" in Allentown?

    Also, do you mean to insinuate that the powerful bicycle lobby does not, in fact, have top-shelf refreshments?

    And, how can I trust your sources...do you have thick reports with nifty charts and graphs from expensive out-of-town Consultants to share?

    What about Power Point presentations...any of those?

  18. to jody and others, while i agree that there is not a powerful bike lobby, unfortunately, there is a weak park department and trexler trust, which has resulted in compromising the parks for current recreation trends. as i said a year ago, it was the perfect storm; a park director with only a recreation background and a politically steered trexler trust.

  19. To anon 6:02
    My post was not an indorsment of what's gone on at the Rose Garden . Personally, i'm not a fan. Which brings me back to the point of said post if you'd care to reread it. IT'S ABOUT THE PARK! Not some make believe movement. Thought maybe a little information and insight from someone in the bike community might actually help.here's somemore information that might help you not jump to conclusions "6:02".i'm not a transplant. 43 years old, born , raised, never left. Spent every summer of my life before 20 swimming at the Cedar Beach pool.every winter sledding on the hill at Cedar Crest College. Caught my first fish in Muhlenburg lake and my first frog out at the mirror ponds. I
    live a block and a half from the Rose Gardens. Spent my whole life in and around these parks. I don't need a history lesson, i have my own. Sorry for being so glib, ignorant, and misinformed. Try not to be so presumptuous. Jody

  20. I resent bitterly the way in which this whole Park project was transacted.

    The public meetings were nothing but smoke and mirrors. No, make that an absolute disgrace.

    My all-time favorite was the Mayor's wife and her notorious emails about how childrens with signs against racism play well for the media.

    THAT cheap stunt will NEVER be forgotten or played down here.

    And the general population, clearly, bought the Sham Wow like a bunch of true SUCKERS who won't be complete until they have the Brooklyn Bridge, too.


  21. NOW, all these people CLAIM they do not like what is happening in Ceder Beach Park.

    But, why is the "Progress" happening and where on Earth have you people been?

    I ask because it seems to me as if these same COWARDS were AFRAID to speak out and be critical of the officials in charge.

    Too busy being politically correct and not wanting to hurt feelings, etc.

    Terrified to be labeled a racist.

    Absolute morons. Now, you got what you deserve. That's right, you read correctly.


  22. And so, I will pound on the "powerful bicycle lobby" at a level that matches my disgust, mostly because The Constitution of the United States says I can if I feel like it.

    I don't give a damn where 0-bama was born - his policies are decidedly un-American, anti-Capitalist as well as destructive and he is an inexperiened idiot that could not even finish his freshman term as a US Senator, to boot.

    It's been almost two years now, so keep grasping at straws like "creepy" if one must...

    ...in the meantime, I will continue to mock this folly known as the TNP as I see fit...

    and, unlike so many brave heroes in the community - sign my full name.


    Go Bulldozers - Yes You Can!

  23. tilghman street, you may resubmit your comment tonight or tomorrow. i don't want to publish anything that you may have second thoughts about.
