Jun 28, 2010

Macadam Mayhem

When the Administration recently claimed that their interest in the South Mountain timber was purely ecological, I wondered if it was the same Pawlowski and Weitzel who laid down tons of macadam at Cedar Park?

Although The Morning Call has requested the timber report through the Freedom of Information Act, the Administration is still legally resisting. One would think that Administrators, who now use phrases such as invasive species, would be more transparent about their intentions. At any rate, the macadam mayhem continues in Cedar Park, especially at the new Pavilion of Shame.

This picnic area across the creek from the swimming pool, which is often under water in heavy rain, has been paved with up to two feet of macadam. Previously, as shown in this photo, it was at ground level with a compacted stone surface.


  1. S. Mtn.'s biggest threat is from the kind of "invasive species" that have nothing to do with plant life.

    Perhaps the administration is resisting the release of the report because the engineers found out that this specific "invasive specie" could have only been transplanted from Chicago?


  2. Mike, at the last City Council meeting, I was informed that I could get the report from Weitzel, or because someone was on vacation, possibly Kevin Easterling. Do you want me to get you a copy?

  3. It doesn't matter how deep the macadam is MM, it it the total surface area that makes an impact.

    This area is much smaller than the total gravel area in that spot as of two years ago. The plan also calls for removal of much of the macadam driveway in that area. Relax, its a nice place to have a picnic.

  4. MM -

    The macadam at the pavillion has to be that high.

    That way there can still be picnics when the pavillion is surrounded by high water.

    Seriously though, I hope they'll be filling in that dropoff before someone's toddler tumbles and the city gets sued.

  5. anon 8:46, the area is no smaller, if it was the original stones would extend beyond the new macadam plateau.

    anon 9:20, yes i believe they will backfill the macadam platform. sad for our park system to have such a monstrosity built, sad to have apologists like 8:46

  6. TO: 8.46 & 9.20

    The first post sounds like a city employee or a cheerleader for the Friends of the Parks. His blog defies logic and exhibits questionable reasoning powers. His last sentence is reallly a mindless and meaningless statement, reflecting the 'live for today and the hell with the consequences' of stupid and un- thought out actions. Sadly, this is a typical statement for many people living in 2010 Allentown. No common sense, and probably, low IQ.

    Post # 9.20: Does the person really believe there would be people of sound mind who would be foolish enough to want to have a picnic across from Cedar Beach and on the creekside, when a floodstage alert is occuring?


  7. Anon, although 8:46 was being an apologist, i do appreciate his viewership and participation.

    i'm sure anon 9:20 was being facetious

  8. A few years ago the stones covered nearly that entire grove within that parking area, 8:46 is right.

  9. anons 8:46 and 2:11, i think the most relevant comparison is what it is now, and what it was previously; which the post and two photo's document.

  10. Where is all the money coming from for these paving projects? Is this being funded by the Trexler Trust, too? And, if not, how can Allentown justify the use of funds for such totally unecessary projects when we have such obvious and more pressing needs???

  11. yes, the work is being funded from the trexler trust. it's very sad that these trustee's accepted such a plan which is so incompatible with the history and tradition of our park system, they should be ashamed.

  12. Are we to believe Pawlowski offered South Mtn plans to Mr. Casey while refusing the same to the Morning Call?

  13. The funny thing about the Trexler Trust trustees. Has anyone, we repeat, anyone, ever seen one of these noted individuals visit any park?

  14. the administration made "part" of the report public, i assume this is the "part" that pawlowski would give casey.

  15. With recent temps in the 90s, lots of owner/dog sigtings at the city's various park water fountains, both enjoying a cool drink.

  16. Wow, the first picture.


    My boss and I drove by the Rose Gardens last Friday.

    We surveyed the destruction, whoops, I meant construction...

    We think the whole thing is a catastrophe, but, we sincerely hope everyone else is happy!

    Those are definite streets in the Park across from Cedar Beach. Streets need names!

    Chaos appears to be in charge.

    Where is Maxwell Smart when you really need him?
