Apr 14, 2010

Rumors and Innuendoes

Regular readers of this blog know that I have been upset about the additional paths being added at Cedar Park. Although the previous gravel loop provided a nice exercise route, it also preserved open green space and the park atmosphere. Weitzel's new plans placed loops inside loops, to be connected by cross paths, and everything to be widened and paved. As I make numerous visits to the park to survey the destruction, I notice that the new paths do not conform to the plans, or even the revised plans, submitted to City Council. That contradiction didn't stop Council from passing the Trail Network Plan last week, again giving just lip service to oversight.

This blog, as perhaps the last watchtower between our park system and Weitzel's schemes, receives many tips about park shenanigans. I neither have the energy or time to check them all out. Last week a persistent tipper told me an interesting story. She claimed that Pawlowski tried to squeeze more property tax from Cedar Crest College, claiming that the snow slide hill behind the college, down to the park, was taxable land. The College responded by having their land surveyed. Lo and behold, they owned more land than either they or the City realized. Although a visit to the area did reveal surveyor posts, frankly, the story didn't interest me, until now.

Andrew Kleiner writes on his current post about his interview with Weitzel.
2. Extra paths have been removed, some at the request of Cedar Crest College.

Weitzel and the Administration demonstrated this summer they could care less about the requests of park neighbors. I have no doubt that part of a new path infringed on the College's newly discovered land, and that was the reason for the extra path removal. My conclusions;
1. City Council continues to approve and accept plans knowing their requests for oversight are ignored.
2. Weitzel continues to tell Kleiner and others half the story.
3. Pawlowski's overreaching cost the park some land.

The above is rumor, innuendo and speculation. I'll leave the facts to a reporter, I'm a blogger.


  1. Kleiner could use a healthy dose of cynicism.

    He seems prepared to swallow whole whatever Weitzel and other bureaucrats with an agenda are prepared to feed him on any given day at any given time.

    In the end, he accomplishes little more than the facilitation of propaganda and comes off as a very naive tree-hugger hungering for Cap and Tax.

    My opinions, of course.


  2. It will be very interesting to see where people's heads are at once this monstrosity is complete.

    It will be very, very interesting to see how the maintenance of all this shakes out in the land of Reality.

    Most of all, it will be most curious to know where Mr. Weitzel is physically at and what position in what administration the man is holding a few years down the road.

    Time will tell all - can hardly wait.

  3. i believe he's a little conflicted. on one hand, intellectually he knows he's being played, on the other hand, being so young, he is flattered by the access and invitations.

    i give him enormous credit for the documentation of the parks.

    rolf, i think you slap him around a little too much, my opinion, of course. winston churchill said that when you're young, if you're not a liberal, you don't have a heart. when you're old, if you're not a conservative, you don't have a brain.

  4. I don't believe that even our idiot Mayor seriously suspected that the hillside belonged to anyone other than Cedar Crest College. My understanding is that the survey was completed in the park area precisely for the purpose of determining where the property line was before undertaking construction.

  5. Anonymous said...
    It will be very interesting to see where people's heads are at once this monstrosity is complete.

    It will be very, very interesting to see how the maintenance of all this shakes out in the land of Reality.

    Most of all, it will be most curious to know where Mr. Weitzel is physically at and what position in what administration the man is holding a few years down the road.

    Time will tell all - can hardly wait.

    April 14, 2010 8:48 AM

    We agree. Something's up. Now Weitel off to Washington.

  6. Good Work Cedar Crest President!
    Imagine a girl challenging the King.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Kleiner could use a healthy dose of cynicism.

    He seems prepared to swallow whole whatever Weitzel and other bureaucrats with an agenda are prepared to feed him on any given day at any given time.

    In the end, he accomplishes little more than the facilitation of propaganda and comes off as a very naive tree-hugger hungering for Cap and Tax.

    My opinions, of course.

    We are forced to agree. Two weeks ago Andrew grabbed our attention with his determination to uncover unethical treatment of
    Lehigh Parkway's once beautiful grounds. What happened?

  8. Rolf,

    I made very clear on Remember today that I am neither "swallowing" nor accepting anything as truth that is told to me by the Parks Director until I see it done. I remain thankful and glad that the Parks director sees fit to share his time with me for the benefit of my readers. Also, I dare you to find a statement on Remember where I advocate the implementation of Cap and Tax.

    To Rolf, Michael, and other readers of this blog:

    I remain firmly committed to seeing the environmental issues in the park system in Allentown Pennsylvania resolved.

    I am trying to facilitate a positive relationship between all parties involved so that we can all work together to see the best possible solution.

    I have made my stance very clear and I do not believe it is a stance of naivety or the stance of an impressionable youth.

    Thank you Micheal for acknowledging my work, and it is work I am very proud of. It is work that is far from finished, and it is work I will continue to do, regardless of how some of you folks may view it.

    Please, come out to my events, and any events that are going to happen to help the future of the park system.

  9. Mr. Molovinsky,
    We don't thank you enough. You have more courage than we ever will. Here we hide behind keyboards with our invisible faces while you take a public stand and open yourself to all sorts of accusations. Thank you again.

  10. Andew says, "I remain thankful and glad that the Parks director sees fit to share his time with me for the benefit of my readers."

    Please do not feel this way, Young Andrew. It is his duty to see you and give you his time and attention. You and your family pay his salary!!!

  11. to whom it may concern, fair topics for this post are weitzel and park plans, andrew's contributions to park knowledge, cedar crest college and the park, etc.

    topics i will not host are andrew's views on cap and trade, a unpublished comment concerning diversity.

    older critics of this park regime would like andrew to be as cynical of these plans as i am. andrew, although more flexible, also attracts a different audience and enlarges the discussion with his more moderate approach. i appreciate the benefit of our differences.

  12. Mr. Molovinsky wrote: older critics of this park regime would like andrew to be as cynical of these plans as i am. andrew, although more flexible, also attracts a different audience and enlarges the discussion with his more moderate approach. i appreciate the benefit of our differences. April 14, 2010 10:38 AM

    Permission to comment.
    Mr. Molovinsky, We're not sure in this one instance your comment is fair. If Young Andrew had not posted commentary or taken
    dramatic photos of Lehigh Parkway's current condition, some folks would have not entered this fray.

  13. "older critics of this park regime would like andrew to be as cynical of these plans as i am,"
    mr. molovinsky wrote.

    No, this isn't so. We celebrate Young Andrew's excitement and willingness to devote time and his educated talents to the city's parks. But when Weitzel says he had no idea a row of trees 100 feet from a park department office are covered in stone and boulders, certain to kill the roots, sir, it's a bit hard to believe.

  14. Andrew Kliener and you both deserve a thank you for your work on the parks. Mr. Kliener's blog these last few days have, unfortunately, not advanced his cause or his creditability. How long before he realizes that his source here is not open or candid?

  15. Annon. 9:22, if that is the case, how is it that the Park Recreation Director is only now adjusting the layout to reflect what he knew months ago. Something weirder appears to be happening there. Again and again we see what looks like less than candor and competence. This whole C.C.Collage thing sounds strange.

  16. Like him or not folks, Greg Weitzel is the director of parks. I am posting what he said. I directly state that I don't agree with him however, I do support environmental restoration and if Greg supports it, I obviously will support him.

    This is not an all or nothing kind of deal folks, nothing in life is. Stop operating in a continued either/or logical fallacy.

    Thanks Michael for the comments and I do appreciate your take as well.

  17. Andrew,it is not about Mr. Weitzel being a likable man or not. He seems likable enough. It is about him being open and up front with the public and City Council. And if he acts in a manner that protects the parks environmental integrity or not. On these counts he does not get a very high grade.

  18. Andrew,

    Ah to be young again and so full of one's own self. Go out and solve the world's problems as only you can.
    When that doesn't work and you come to realize what we( people with world experience) already know people may take you more seriously.
    But one is only young once so enjoy.

    Scott Armstrong

  19. Scott Armstrong:

    That is the most idiotic and egotistical thing I have heard in a long time.

    I would hate to see the world if people like you were running it

    You owe Andrew an apology, but I know it will not come.

    Michael Donovan

  20. So, I take it Cedar Crest has to pay more in taxes now to Allentown? (Or did I misunderstand?) Any idea how much more the tax bill will be now that the surveying is complete? And, will the tax bill be retroactive??

  21. One other point Scott:

    Say that to our soldiers.

    Every young man who signs up for the military is full of him or herself, I'm sure.

    Michael Donovan

  22. Michael,

    How unfortunate that I share a home with my family in the city you help to govern. Your depth of understanding on local issues is as shallow as Andrew’s; yet unlike you he has the legitimate excuse of youth.
    My post to Andrew was a good natured jab that expressed what many are thinking; your post to me was merely hateful.
    Typical, are we getting a little angry? Inclusions?
    By the way, never see you at the WP meetings anymore.

    Scott Armstrong

  23. Mike D.,

    I don’t think a soldier would allow himself/herself to be used as a tool and cover by an obviously incompetent and corrupt administration.

    Scott Armstrong

  24. michael donovan, i commend you and jeanette for voting against the trail network plan, although for different reasons. the disapointment of the evening was of course michael d'amore. after complaining about being left out of the information loop by pawlowski, he still voted for the trail network plan. he even voted for the lehigh parkway portion, and THERE WAS NO INFORMATION ON THE PLAN GIVEN WHAT SO EVER, SAME OLD CRAP, " GOT TO GET IN LINE FOR THIS GRANT, JUST VOTE YES NOW, DETAILS TO FOLLOW." disgusting, plain and simple. THIS CITY COUNCIL HAS YET TO VOTE NO SINCE PAWLOWSKI WAS ELECTED THE FIRST TIME, but you guys complain, what a hollow,shallow show.

    although i will keep out of first donovan/kleiner/armstrong
    issue, let me say that in regard to the second, i'm sure armstrong meant no disrespect to our troops and that perhaps your implication was over-reacting.

  25. Mike Molovinski,

    How dare Michael Donovan imply in any way my post to Andrew was an insult to the troops. Michael is part of the problem in Allentow; he is a feckless council person. His comments to me demonstrate a real lack of decency and decorum.

    Scott Armstrong
