Mar 14, 2010

Timber, Blogs and MSM

Today in The Morning Call, Tim Darragh reports that the Pawlowski Administration is fighting reporter Jarrett Renshaw's request for information on the timbering plans for South Mountain. Pawlowski and Weitzel claim that they're only concerned about the health of plant and animal life, and it's premature to release information from the timber harvest report by CC Forestry, which cost the taxpayers $7,500. What has been lost in the forest, is that the newspaper learned of this contract FROM THIS BLOG. I first posted about the timber shenanigan on July 2, 2009. I have no doubt that when the reporter first made his inquiry for the Morning Call story on July 12th*, my allegations were dismissed as misinformation by a naysayer. Assistant City Solicitor Frances Fruhwirth is now arguing against the Right To Know request by stating "the tree inventory is not finished yet..."

This blog now hears rumors that contracts have already been issued for the tree harvest.

Another article in today's Morning Call speaks about the economic benefit Allentown can obtain from visitors by promoting it's beautiful park system. The beauty only remains, because for decades the parks have been spared from those arrogant enough to think that they can improve upon it. I am proud to be a naysayer.

* story in Morning Call archives, however, address too long for hyperlink (search CC Forestry)


  1. I heard it is a done deal as well. Why they don't come out and admit they are only doing it for the revenue is amazing.

  2. Whatever the reason the City is doing it, why is it a secret? Where is the open discussion. This appears to be the way the Recreation Dept. under Mr. Weitzel does everything. Where is City Council on this? Young Mr. Kleiner I'm afraid, has lost all credidility after the way he has failed to address what is happening these last few weeks at Cedar Beach. This is very sad.

  3. Lifelong, I would bet it's a secret because nobody wants to tell a town that a beautiful mountain is being cut down for profit. That doesn't sell well, and it's easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

    The mess in Allentown's parks is hardly Kleiner's fault - if anything, his blog, along with Molovinsky and others, have highlighted the issues facing our parks so that more folks like me can learn something about our local treasures. Kleiner is one of the messengers - he's not the "decider" here, and I do not subtract credibility points because he was (in my opinion) unfairly misled.

    What's happening at Cedar Beach and South Mountain should be taken as a lesson by all. The city and Weitzel have lost all credibility, and we should not trust their words, only their deeds. Very sad.

  4. lifelong, i meant to echo monkey momma's sentiments about kleiner, but was distracted by utube. although i have taken him to task more than once, he has developed an important blog in a short time. it is his right to be more informative than critical, as i am, on his blog. ironically, his current post on cedar park takes the city to task on the new paths. my hope is that he comes to realize that these administrators cannot be trusted to implement the trail network plan in an environmentally friendly way, and that he too should oppose it, for that reason. i oppose it for other reasons.

  5. Lifelong Dem. said...
    Whatever the reason the City is doing it, why is it a secret? Where is the open discussion. This appears to be the way the Recreation Dept. under Mr. Weitzel does everything. Where is City Council on this? Young Mr. Kleiner I'm afraid, has lost all credidility after the way he has failed to address what is happening these last few weeks at Cedar Beach. This is very sad.

    March 14, 2010 4:22 PM

    We agree. Weitzel seems a perfect partner for Pawlowski's
    secret government.
    Actually, someone said
    timbering pays about $10 grand
    per acre. That's gonna balance Allentown's multi-million dollar deficit? What if, as someone recently posted, Pawlowski plans to build housing up there?

  6. Is there anything we can do to stop it?
