Jan 21, 2010

My Grandfather's Horse

My grandfather lived on the corner of Chew and Jordan Streets. He butchered in a barn behind the house. For the sake of the vegans I'll spare the details, but suffice to say it wasn't for sissies. The house is still there, 301 Jordan, the barn is gone. He would deliver the meat with a horse and wagon. On the weekends, when the family wanted to visit friends, the horse insisted on doing the meat market route first. Only after he stopped in front of the last market on the route, would he permit my grandfather to direct him.
I managed rental properties between 4th and 12th Streets. Collecting rents or throwing people out is not for sissies. I developed a route between the buildings, utilizing many alleys because of the one way streets. While on my route, I got to know many people living in Allentown, and the circumstances of the different neighborhoods. I would often take pictures of people and things I considered photographic. Although I no longer have the managing job, like my grandfather's horse, I continue on the route. But things have changed, I now keep my car door locked. Not only don't I take photographs anymore, even making eye contact is uncomfortable. The streets are mean and the people are hard. Don't blame me, as an agent I always put the neighbor's comfort ahead of finding tenants. Don't blame me, as a citizen I ran for office and bluntly said what needed to be done.

reprinted from May 13, 2008


  1. While I don't see much value in the constant cynicism and I somewhat resent the fact you live outside of the city, you did step up to the plate. That is more than most constant critics are willing to do.

  2. anon 9:13, although you may resent where i live, i have attended more allentown meetings than most, well before and after my little run for office. what i resent is pawlowski referring to naysayers at his pep rally the other day. most of the naysayers i know have paid their dues in many ways, and are entitled to express their opinion or dissatisfaction. do you think allentown would have a higher quality of life if I and others were silent?

  3. "The streets are mean and the people are hard."

    Yes they are!

    The bullet-proof glass at all the convienence stores are such a delight.

    Glad I played hockey and, therefore, considered myself adequately prepared.

    The city of Allentown is, nowadays, kind of like stepping out onto the ice of the now departed ICE PALACE on the East Side to face the gentlemen from Stahley's.

    (They hit hard and piled up goals, both with frightening regularity, for the record)

    ANON 9:13

    First part of solving a problem is identifying it.

    I believe Molovinsky still owns property in the city - which would make him a city taxpayer.

    Molovinsky apparently also grew up in the city proper.

    It is clearly evident from the works here that Molovinsky is extremely familiar with the history, culture and tradition of the city.

    As a city proper resident, I would take Molovinsky, a man with boatloads of boots-on-the-ground city experience over the what I consider to be GENUINE carpetbaggers currently in-charge any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

    Personally, I don't see much value or courage in posting anonymously...
