Aug 14, 2009

The Promised Playground

Creating a playground as a destination for children with special needs is an enormous responsibility. In different posts on this blog I have mentioned some of the issues. I had also privately contacted several members of City Council with these concerns in more detail. That debate is over, but there is one danger which by conscience I must discuss. The City is encouraging cycling on the paths and roads. Fast moving bicycles near that playground is not a good idea. Last night Weitzel mentioned that the path in Trexler Park is wider than the one to be paved in Cedar Park. Actually, Allentownians of memory know that the "path" in Trexler Park was a one way road. About 20 years ago there was a tragic collision between a bike and a walker. The path in Cedar Park will only be 6 to 8 ft. wide, yet it will include a bike lane; I'm afraid that's an accident waiting to happen. I know of no reason to pave the path other than to facilitate cycling. Praying that they won't propose widening the path, and knowing that current conservation guidelines recommend against paving, perhaps we can save the gavel and keep the path safe for walkers.

Now that I'm older, by 12 hours, let me be somewhat conciliatory toward City Council. Michael D'Amore headed the effort to use the park grants throughout the park system, instead of concentrating all the Tupperware in Cedar Park. Jeanette Eichenwald persisted on the citizen's right to speak at the previous Council Meeting. Michael Donovan publicly conceded that Council should have done better with the Park Plan and has introduced legislation for future guidelines.

Last night as I approached the podium, I considered introducing myself as Michael MisInformation. It's sad that Allentown has been reduced to labeling those of us who ask questions as obstacles to moving forward. Although a Councilperson or two thought the crowd was a positive sign of participation and democracy, over half in attendance had no familiarity what so ever with the issues. When Weitzel said the "improvements" will enhance pride in the park, and result in less litter and need for maintenance, there was audible laughter. Pawlowski may have thought it was a good night for them, I don't think it was.


  1. Dear Mr. Molovinsky,
    That paved runner bike can invite skateboarders, inline skaters, runners, (doubtful) joggers, moms with babies in strollers, on and on. You are not being hysterical to be concerned for safety issues. Actually, you may be the only one with such concern as according to eye witnesses, certain government officials thought last night's meeting so funny as taxpayers spoke, they laughed.

  2. Sir, you have been a sign of courage. You could not have done more.

  3. Anon 9:36

    The laughing you refer to is more characteristic a nervous reaction of the classic bully that then it is disrespect to the speaker.

    You notice that certain government officials are quick to point out the doom and gloom of potential liability when it works to their advantage.

    I would advise readers to do a Google search of "bullying" and also "mobbing". As you read through the descriptions of these character types you will understand.

    Our current administration is full of these psychological morons. They often remind me of the classic bully "Pennywise The Clown" from the Stephen King book/movie "It".

    Standing up to their intimidation and calling them on their antics will cause them to panic. Caution is advised since they will do what they can to shut up their opponents.

    If you are interested in how to blog anonymously email me at

  4. Is it true Pawlowsi and Weitzel laughed as citizens opposing the project spoke?

  5. Town Hall Bullies

  6. Oh, get over yourselves. Now we're up in arms over paved walkways because those terrorist 'cyclists will attack? Step away and see how silly you all sound. Maybe that is why somebody was laughing.

  7. apologist 11:00, i don't know if he was laughing or not, but i can tell you after attending the three previous meetings, and knowing which people supported which side of the issue, it is pathetic when an elected official packs the hall with warm bodies for a media show. a bike lane on a narrow six foot wide path is clearly a danger to everyone else. please post your future comments on allentown good news or friends of the park.

  8. The bike lane will be dangerous.

    Why are their restrictions in Trexler Park?

  9. anon 12:15, please understand that pawlowski knows very little about allentown or the history of the parks, he's only been here about 10 years. weitzel, the park director, knows nothing, he's been here about two years. i believe bikes are restricted from trexler park since the accident, (i'm not sure, if anyone knows for sure please comment). the path in trexler park was a road. people could drive around the park. it was very nice for the elderly with mobility problems. parking was provided where the road (now called walking path) goes past the pond. i know there is a nice parking lot now, off of springhouse rd, with a short walk to the pond, yet that ride is still one thing more off the plate of our senior citizens with less mobility than others. i discussed this issue with weitzel, but i don't think he has a feel for it, yet they spout off slogans, such as multi-generational.

  10. received from anonymous sender

    Malcolm Gross og the Trexler Trust is sending out their public 'point man', John Steffy... retired Muhlenberg College administrator (from Selinsgrove, Penna. originally), to all the West Park band concerts to shill and feed misinformation to the public. It is presented as a Friends of the Parks membership drive. He should be ashamed of what he is doing, not to mention that people are getting sick of him asking the audience to "let's give a hand for Allentown and its wonderful parks" crap (as he seeks to despoil them).

    Steffy, while interim president of Muhlenberg for a year, was responsible for giving the order to saw down a wonderful grove of old oak trees at the intersection of 23rd and Liberty streets (for a few parking places!). The average age of these oaks was at least over two centuries, and home to many squirrels. I think this says a lot for the mentality of the Trexler Trust in general, and Mr. Steffey in particular. Ask me why I am not surprised with their efforts to cheapen our parks.


    anon, i deleted your last sentence, mm

  11. anon 3:41, there is no less than four groups compromising themselves: trexler trust and the wildland conservancy, plus the two umbrella groups pawlowski started, friends of the parks and the environmental advisory committee

  12. If we recall correctly, don't think Steffy was popularly received as administrator. Sounds like Trexler trustees are worried. Those fighting for the truth about this (Organic) plan may be on to something.

  13. MM.. regarding that 23rd & Liberty Street college owned property. Trying walking the sidewalks in front of it. Each slab is raised 2"-4" with yellow spray paint on them. I guess it's OK for the non taxing paying college to let their walks break down, eh?

    I and my neighbors less then 1 block away were notified by the city what we needed to have done several years ago. We were forced to either hire someone or the city would repair & bill for them. We DIDN'T get FREE sidewalks!

    When our next door neighbor called downtown and complained why her relatives' walks downtown were replace BY the city for FREE. She was told we don't inspect homes out in your area either. You want to be inspected? Then we'll talk.

    NICE, eh? And you wonder why I want out!

    Nice to have friends down at city hall.

  14. anon 4:25, there is nothing organic about it. the real "master plan" commissioned by the trexler trust in 2005, which is accessible on the parks and rec. site, makes no recommendations being implemented by the cedar park plan, which weitzel referred to as the master plan at the meeting. the cedar park plan only drew up the wish list provided to them by weitzel, and involves the same vendors he used in lewisburg.

    the original true master plan recommended less usage of cedar parkway.

    lvci, when you put your house for sale it will now be inspected by the city of allentown, under the pre sale home inspection law passed two years ago. i fought against it. pawlowski then used similar tactics. he got the three officers of the local real estate board to endorse the plan, but they never mentioned that they didn't poll their membership, who, rank and file were opposed. there are no less than 19 private inspectors available. give pawlowski time, and perhaps all neighborhoods will have systematic inspections.

  15. TO: 3:46 pm post

    The Friends of the Park (s) is a direct spin-off of Malcolm Gross's Trexler Trust. I was sitting next to Gross, Steffy, and a third gentleman about 6 weeks ago (around 7.30 am) at Panera's out at the strip mall at Tilghman and Cedar Crest. Overheard everything at an early morning strategy session/damage control heads up, concerning the tack that Steffy's 'Friends of the Park' group would be facing and how to deal with it through obfuscation, lying, etc.

    Steffy was like a little boy sitting wide-eyed and listening next to the orchestrating strategy being put forth by "junior' Gross.



  16. Why didn't Trexler board insist on a final plan before they approved anything? Why did they so generously give money away without asking such a simple question? That simple question being asked to Allentown officials would not have been out of place, considering the current executive was the second in command when the city misallocated Trexler park funds before. Why were these trustees so complacent?

  17. What happens to government officials along the way. Weitzel came to town, a nicer guy it seemed one could not meet. Three years later he is laughing at citizen concerns and walking out of community meetings.

  18. Boy, if only Allentown had a good counter-candidate to Pawlowski, now would be a great time to campaign.

  19. August 15, 2009 9:33 PM post re:
    Gross' Trexler Trust. How true.

  20. "Steffy was like a little boy sitting wide-eyed and listening next to the orchestrating strategy being put forth by "junior' Gross."

    Is Steffy current employed?

  21. "I would advise readers to do a Google search of "bullying" and also "mobbing". As you read through the descriptions of these character types you will understand."

    We did check this out yesterday. Learned a new word. Thanks.

  22. Believe Steffy took over Muhlenberg for one year after a faculty coup d'etat.

  23. Steffy retired about a year or two ago. His last few years were spent as a 'consultant' (whatever that means). He didn't add anything to Muhlenberg that was productive.... it was just a little something extra he negotiated from the Board after being called upon to take over for the atrocious Arthur Taylor as their President on an interim basis. Steffy was very good at looking out for himself... financially that is. He milked the 'consultant' thing for all it was worth.


    I do agree that the trexler trust and friends of the parks have been enablers of ill-advised plans. I do realize that all organizations have dominant members, but I would prefer that the criticism not be directed to particular volunteers.

  25. MM, I'm still not sure where the Wildlands Conservancy is compromising themselves?

    I admit to a bias, I know many of the people there and have always admired their work.

    The Banker

  26. The Parking area referred to in Trexler Park is the site where the former Trexler Greenhouses in the park were located before they were torn down .... Now the Greenhouses were specifically mentioned in the Will of Harry Trexler with the intention that they be maintained in perpetuality ... But the Daddona Administration got this stricken outr of the Will and built the parking lot ... Then ordered that the road which was open to vehicle traffic on weekends be closed to vehicle traffic and used strickly for walking and Bike traffic.... A group was formed at that time to protect the Greenhouses and Allentown Parks ... But that group was not formed from the downward flow of the Mayor's Office and did not receive its moral support ... But Daddona was an advocate of a foundation being formed by his initiative to raise a #1,000,000 fund to help support the Park System ... Nothing much came out of that ... Now we have Friends of the Park with the support of Ed Pawloski ..

    Sincerely --- Dennis Pearson
