Jul 18, 2009

Friends of the Allentown Parks

Friends of the Allentown Parks was started in 2008 to preserve, promote and improve the parks for everyone. They foster stewardship of the environment and city parks. So far they have condoned the reflective pools being dug below their original depth, compromising the structural integrity of the walls. They have also remained silent regarding the lumbering plan on South Mountain, and not a peep or squeak about digging up the Old Fashion Garden during it's blooming season, despite having hosted a flower tour last month. Their motto is, We Can Make The Difference. Click on the above image to see the difference they have made.


  1. Maybe, unlike the posters on this blog, the Friends of the Allentown Parks see the improvements in Cedar Beach Parkway for what they are to many of us in Allentown - improvements.

    And maybe, unlike the posters on this blog, the Friends of the Allentown Parks know that speculation on the survey at South Mountain is premature and would rather not drum up controversy just to increase readership.

    And maybe they just are a bunch of out-of-town resume builders with no clue, but if the half-baked information posted on this blog is the evidence, I'll withhold judgment for another day.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    Sunday Morning:
    Mr. M wrote:
    "Friends of the Allentown Parks was started in 2008 to preserve, promote and improve the parks for everyone."

    Correct Request:

    Mr. Molovinsky,
    you really need to say:

    "Friends of the Allentown Parks was re-introduced as an idea for park/people collaboration in 2007
    by a longtime parkgoer to Weitzel during a meeting in his recreation office with the mission to preserve, promote and improve the parks for everyone."

  4. anon 8:20. pawlowski hired a lumber consultant for $7,500.00. the state or penn state would have surveyed the tree species for free.
    Friends of the Parks, the Environmental Advisory Committee, and the Wildland Conservancy have all compromised principles which their names connote.

    anon 8:54,deletion made as requested

  5. Even the idea of logging S. Mountain woods is a danger to all Allentonians. As to idea that Mr. Molovinsky needs to stir up rumors to gain readership, forget about it. There are enough disgusting things going on about town, he could just copy and paste.

  6. "but if the half-baked information posted on this blog is the evidence, I'll withhold judgment for another day."

    July 19, 2009 8:20 AM

    Sorry "A." Much of the information posted on this blog is based on decades of eye-witness
    documentation. You can call it whatever you want, half-baked will do, but we will continue to call it the "truth."

  7. Perhaps wrong, but it seems from what we're hearing, there are two major city concerns: one, the rose garden; two, the cedar beach playground/pool region. Some folks may support one side of this plan and not the other or both.

  8. a friend just emailed this.

    "michael molovinsky said...
    anon 7:29, dr. pattishall from the wildland conservancy gave city council a power point presentation advocating for the riparian buffers. she stated that the buffers will increase the snake population in the parks, that the snakes do bite, but are not poisonous. July 18, 2009 8:29 PM"

    So, the new buffers not only are destined to keep folks away from the stream, city officials plan to launch new and sometimes large and poisonous snakes as back-up?

  9. anon 11:45, i have spoken to a number of people who are against the construction on both sides of the park,(playground and wedding pavilion) but do support the riparian buffers, i think that would be more accurate of the difference of opinion.

  10. MM.

    Just asking, if we get more snakes in this park area as a result of the buffers, doesn't this pose a danger to children and pets? We see your point about cedar beach plans and the buffers being separate issues.

  11. What we don't understand is how can any mayor on his own launch such a huge project? Is that permitted? If it is, what is the point of having a city council? Has anyone heard from city council since this controversy started?
    Mr. Molovinsky, in an earlier blog entry, you wrote you attended last Wed. night's council meeting. Did Weitzel ever show up? What did council do about his absence? What did they say about park and rose garden plans?
    Those of us unable to attend these meetings are very appreciative of your time which is certainly, if not more, as valuable as ours.

  12. anon 12:19, i agree about the snakes being a danger to children, even if they're not poisonous, i would think being bit is trauma enough. my impression is that weitzel is letting the wildland conservancy have their way with the riparian buffers to gain support for his recreational plans. i think it's unfortunate that our iconic park system ended up being led by someone with a background in recreation.

  13. I might be for the riparian buffers if the following were addressed adequately enough:

    1. Formal data supporting the need to create the buffers.

    2. Establishment of a baseline of progress measurements (data) i.e. turbidity, temperature etc. from which to measure progress against at some reasonable interval down the road.

    3. Assurance of and a written formal process of an implemenation and management plan by the parks department to assure the buffers are maintained properly.

    4. An analysis of the difference in cost of the new vs the old maintenance, who specifically will be responsible and accountable for it and where the extra funds will come from, if needed.

    Good thread Michael.

    The new era would love to rid this town of cultural and institutional memory. It would make things so much easier.

    Keep up the good work.

  14. anon 12:43, i agree with you completely, my long answer is an earlier post here called the perfect storm. weitzel was in council chambers before the public meeting for a presentation on the riparian zone, he left before the actual council meeting and public input. it is my impression that council never approved the plans per se, but has appropriated the funds to pay for the various projects. i do think they have some regret. most insiders think they're giving lip service to the objectors, and will not take aggressive action to halt the construction not yet started.

  15. "The new era would love to rid this town of cultural and institutional memory. It would make things so much easier.

    Keep up the good work.

    July 19, 2009 12:47 PM"

    well said.

  16. MM. You write of the perfect storm, by what about a flood or drought making those snakes come out of hiding for survival.

  17. Another wonderful photo, Molovinsky.

    What is with the fake orange fence?

    Is this to discourage bobsled teams in the area or perhaps beyond from getting any ideas with respect to where to train?

    I have a NEW idea.

    Flood the trenches. Get some gondolas. Charge some money.

    I hear the City has financial ills, anyway.

    This whole fiasco might work out in the end after all!

    How much would it cost for a feasibility study of a Venezian-style gondola operation at Cedar Beach Park in Allentown?

    BTW Molovinsky, your Gestapo file must be bulging by now. They will probably need to go out and get a new batch of manilla folders all on account of you if you keep this up, you realize.

    BTW part II --- that sign is just downright awful aesthetically-speaking! Art people, be honest, do you guys really LIKE that sign?

    We don't have artisians who can come up with better?

    Holy smokes...

  18. You are exactly right about our City Council feigning outrage over an issue during meetings, and then allowing the subject to fade away quietly. There are many examples of this strategy. Recall the Golf Course restaurant controversy. This was a complete political payoff that hijacked a local man's livelihood, engineered by the Mayor.
    By the way, the Brew Works on The Green has been shut down by the PALCB for operating without a license. It seems that the license was still in the name of the former owner. No alcoholic beverages at the golf course. This is not really a big imposition on the golfers, because very few of them patronized the "new vision for Allentown".
    Weitzel was on the blue ribbon committee that selected ABW over the objections of nearly everyone who ever patronized the course.

  19. Retired ASD teacher here.

    Seems to me, no one knows quite what to do about Allentown. It's a city that is rapidly changing, becoming a "horse of a different color," and without strong leadership. As such, everyone who works for this mayor, in some position of power, is going along for the ride as best they know.

    As for Pawlowski. . .who I consider to be "in way over his head", here's a man intent upon providing SOME change, no matter WHAT change, so long as he can boast about it in some way.

    The man (Pawlowski) is desperate to appear proactive, to actually know what he is doing, all the while not wanting to make any hard choices in fear of alienating any group that might have voted for him.


    Here's the problem. . .Tony Phillips has been inserted as an alternative to this pretender (Pawlowski), but Tony and his handlers remain silent, yet to provide evidence of improved leadership and ideology.

    Unfortunately, many others who could "right this ship" are on the sidelines because it's really not worth the effort to get involved, and I don't blame them !

  20. Monday morning,
    Funny how word travels fast. Heard about liquor license over weekend but was told it was a one day only issue. Have no idea what is the truth.

  21. anon 7:44, your comment very similar to first comment yesterday (8:20 am). what is known is that a popular concessionaire at the golf course was displaced for reasons of political connection and subsidized in the renovations.

  22. Retired ASD teacher,

    Perhaps you were one of mine at one time. No matter, once a teacher, always a teacher, right?

    Here is my question for today:

    "Allentown has changed completely and RADICALLY since I grew up.

    Personally, I HATE it. No offense, just the truth.

    I am smart enough to know the city will NEVER be the way it was.

    The new culture of the city of Allentown is not mine, nor will it ever be. I do not deny its right to exist but, then again, I choose NOT to participate, either.

    The new culture SPITS on mine and DEMANDS I respect theirs. The new culture is, to be frank, has absolutely NO APPEAL to me.

    I already know who wins the classic battle - irresistable force vs immovable object - every time!

    So, should I be reading the writing on the wall and learning my lessons from history or what?

    In other words, do you think I should move out of the city?"

    EVERYONE in my family and most of my friends bolted years and years ago...truth be told!

    Please, teach me something...

  23. Retired ASD teacher here.


    YES! I would encourage you to leave the city limits. I sold my properties and left 16 years ago. Couldn't be happier.

    It should be obvious to everyone, Allentown is being overrun by persons who don't contribute much of anything to, yet take from, their community.

    The system of properly staffing and funding Allentown's needs was never designed for the FEW (taxpayers) to pick-up the expenses required to sustain the MANY who do not contribute.

    I estimate Allentown's overcrowded schools represents a student body made up 65% kids from families who pay little, or NO school taxes whatsoever.

    I also pointed out Allentown's failure to correct its ENORMOUS problem of multi-family dwelling units still being taxed as single family units. There are hundreds of such cases!

    Is it any wonder Allentown has dug a financial hole for itself?

    The city's political leadership has been awful for several years and looks likely to continue for at least another four years.

    Life is too short to struggle each day with examples of decay, some possibly on your own block.

    Sell your home, if you can. It's value is NOT going up the longer you wait. Your taxes will only go higher to pay for service demands placed by individuals who have NO concerns about taxes.

    Thanks for asking! I enjoy expressing my opinion (while I still can) in this emerging "new" America.

  24. Anon 7:14 Brew Works on the Green is NOT selling liquor as of 1900 today. They said it was only one day. assuming that Fast Eddie and
    Lisa Boscola could "fix" it for them. WRONG! Even the Polish Prince can't cover up a clear violation of PA LCB rules. I'll bet that Fegely and Co. wish that they had never accepted Eddies offer of a free, thriving business. They have come to realize that the public votes with their wallets and their feet.
    Maybe the weddings will start booking next month, if they have a liquor license.

  25. There are many places where life would be a lot easier. Ah if it were so simple.

    Some of us end up with a connection to a place and for no real explainable reason, it exists.

    Sometimes people end up doing things out of an inherent sense of principle more than what the absolute abject reality of the situation might dictate.

    Allentown is in trouble. So are many cities of this size within the US. The mayor has had his opportunity and has failed miserably.

    Remember he can simply move away at the end of his term. To him, all he has done here, if anything, is essentially reduced to an entry on a resume. He is on to the next thing.

    The people who live here and remain here, many simply choose to do so for the reason mentioned above live with his decisions. The incompetence of this administration will have a much more profound effect on them.

    We who choose to stay here must find a new way of doing things to make the community work. The anecdote to powerlessness is action.

    Find a candidate you like, learn about them, talk to them and if you like spread the word to others. Get people elected who can make a difference. Join a community group, a church a crime watch organization. Anything that is community based.

    Want to insure your freedom? Practice vigilance. You either defined by your future or are defined by it. You choose.

  26. The Truth said...
    Anon 7:14 Brew Works on the Green is NOT selling liquor as of 1900 today. They said it was only one day. assuming that Fast Eddie and
    Lisa Boscola could "fix" it for them. WRONG! Even the Polish Prince can't cover up a clear violation of PA LCB rules. I'll bet that Fegely and Co. wish that they had never accepted Eddies offer of a free, thriving business. They have come to realize that the public votes with their wallets and their feet.
    Maybe the weddings will start booking next month, if they have a liquor license.

    July 20, 2009 8:50 PM

    since the Truth wrote it and the Call printed it, a friend was at course this weekend. said liquor free. seems illegal to us, but wahhata we know.

  27. "I also pointed out Allentown's failure to correct its ENORMOUS problem of multi-family dwelling units still being taxed as single family units. There are hundreds of such cases!"

    how can a 2/3 bedroom single family dwelling have six cars in its driveway?

  28. When first in Bethlehem, the Fegleys were pretty much on top of the prize. But their move into Allentown, the Hamilton St. multi and endless millions grant favoritism and the horrible golf course clubhouse treatment of a hard-working family man has harmed their reputation, some say permanently.

  29. MM.
    is it legal to give free liquor?

  30. The Old Fashioned Garden sign will need to be revised:
    Welcome to: "The New Plastic Arcade Garden"

  31. ... for now I would recommend the Birch Beer.

    Fegley's new license is still pending

    (While Mr. Stanley's is still 'active')

  32. Considering the Fegley family has been in the liquor serving business for 15 or so years, doesn't this no license issue
    sound fishy?

    LVCI said...
    ... for now I would recommend the Birch Beer.

    Fegley's new license is still pending

    (While Mr. Stanley's is still 'active')

    July 21, 2009 9:25 AM

  33. Anon 849am, I believe it is legal to give away beer. I've played several golf courses that do so, and there is a cigar shop outside Easton that advertises free beer in their radio spots.

    So either it's legal or ignored, and given this state's penchant for focusing on alcohol-related issues, I don't think it's being ignored.

    The Banker
