Dec 23, 2007

King of the Gypsies

According to my mother, a Gypsy king was buried in Allentown in around 1960, she knew about such things. She was born in Galgo, Hungary, an area of Transylvania, now part of Romania, near present day Gilgau. In Galgo, the Jews and Gypsies lived on the edge of town. In the early 20's, my grandparents, along with their Gypsy neighbors, came to Bethlehem to work at the Steel. On weekends, to make extra money, my grandparents would open their house and show Hungarian movies. None of their relatives, Jew or Gypsy, save one cousin, survived the nazi's; even the cemeteries were desecrated. As you can see from the document above, my grandfather earned his citizenship the hard way.

1 comment:

  1. i believe ww2 was the pinnacle of armegeden signified by vaporizing two cities via atoms. some islands fought for months after formal surrender as takes time to inform all.same with heaven view on man journey.i was conceived of in damascus and a metal bird brought my coming to allentown,big step from boat,lol. a shame local steel gone,like ny dads employ western electric,or my moms sewing factory alpha,all gypies on the move natural i guess. new show on tv american gypsies,fascinating world of documentation
