Aug 31, 2010

Northampton and Lehigh County Threaten T-Mobile

Steve Barron and Michael D'Amore, identifying themselves as public officials from Northampton and Lehigh County, threaten a T-Mobile executive. Mr. Stoffa and Cunningham, is Barron authorized to use his position in this way? I know that Michael D'Amore exceeded his authority.

As a taxpayer, I appreciate T-Mobile choosing to locate here, providing employment and paying taxes. The unionization of their employee's should be an internal matter between management and workers. It is totally inappropriate for D'Amore to use his city title in such a manner. Barron, in my opinion, should be replaced as controller.

Did Barron speak up for the union workers at Gracedale?

UPDATE: It took less than two hours for the first utube to be removed (this is another edition) It ends with Steve Barron, after being refused entry, giving the T-Mobile security guard a message for T-Mobiles's Vice President visiting the Allentown center
"Please remind him that if he needs anything from Lehigh County, we're going to remember this day."

This post is based on the current post by LVCI, which still has a working version of the utube as of 1:30 pm


  1. This is unbelievable. You mean Allentown City Council president
    D'Amore and others joined a union official to "pressure" a T-Mobile executive? What about that Barron comment at the end of the video? Doesn't that sound threatening?
    D'Amore represented himself
    as a city official, even pointing to his id.
    This is where the county and city solicitors should step in and censor this conduct. Where are Chamber executives and LVPC officials? Suspect both groups helped draw T-Mobile here in the first place.

  2. d'amore clearly demonstrates that he would be unfit as a mayor; imagine how he would negotiate with the unions?

  3. There is also a second video MM did not post which I have on my blog.

    Wonder if these will be taken down?

  4. MM -

    I tried to access the video and could not. What's up?

  5. Check My Blog I found another copy.

    (for now)

  6. Sounds like the City needs to do an ethics review on this. Lots more critical than possible building permits not obtained.

  7. D'Amore may have violated the very ethics of his post and should resign. It will be up to the city solicitor to investigate but this is disgusting.

  8. To LVCI
    How do videos on your blog get taken down by someone else? You mean they can gain access to your site?

  9. Mr. Molovinsky
    How do videos get taken down?
    We don't know anything about the process. You can't make a copy and keep it?

  10. We got to see the 2 videos. Hope others did too.

  11. Sounds like a real ethics commission case.

    This is posssibly a crime?

  12. So who is going to file an Ethics Complaint about a councilman misusing his official capacity?

  13. How do videos on your blog get taken down by someone else? You mean they can gain access to your site?
    NO.. What I have posted on my blog are links to those who have previously posted them on YouTube.

    You can't make a copy and keep it?
    YES.. I have copies. If need be, they could be RE-UPLOADED.

  14. anon 11:48, when you click on a utube, it links directly to utube. they cannot be downloaded independently. LVCI has found a second version which has not yet been deleted, use the link on this post to see it on his blog.

    i should point out that both barron and d'amore are knowingly filmed, and talk directly to the camera.

  15. d'Amore is a college professor according to his bio. Is this anyway to act in such a position?

  16. Mr. Molovinsky,
    Thank you for explaining UTube.
    And, yes, we agree, these men definitely are focused into the camera. They knew they were being filmed. There was no underhanded
    secret camera.

  17. Their only excuse is they first went to Pawlowski's to check out the basement construction and got hit by 2x4s.

  18. anon 1:44, i defer to LVCI any explanation of utube or anything pertaining to computers and/or the internet

  19. Although I downloaded the videos to CYA myself, I do not own the rights to these videos which would allow me repost them to YouTube. When I blog on a hot potato like this it's always good to legally CYA (Cover Your A**).

    I made a copy (archived) all these videos on my computer before linking to them on my blog anticipating that they would be taken down.

    I'm not trying to play the gotcha game, but feel since these videos came to my attention, these videos were available for public viewing. Isn't that what these folks intended when they posted to YouTube? If they didn't want anyone to know, they wouldn't have allowed themselves to be filmed in the 1st place.

  20. Tom Corbett needs to be contacted and an immediate investigation.
    Here in the Valley there are hundreds upon hundreds of unemployed desperate for work and here a major national company decides to relocate to help those unemployed find a decent wage and employ and these two bullies think they know more than the rest of us! To jail with the both of them. Doesn't D'amore's school have an ethics clause?

  21. The fact that both these men looked straight into the camera would indicate permission to tape.

  22. They both gotta go!

  23. What a bunch of Right Wing garbage?

    Barron and D'Amore did the right thing by defending the workers of T-Mobile some of who voted them into office.

    I find it very strange that the Right Wingers here care more about a German company who treat their American workers much worse than their German ones but do not care about the Americans being abused. On top of it all the Americans make this German company about 7 times as much profit per worker than the German workers. Why do the Americans get much lower wages and far less benefits.

    You guys should show a little American patriotism and stand-up for your fellow Americans.


    Stephen Crockett

    Host, Democratic Talk Radio

    Thursday mornings 8:05am-9am

  24. Why do you people hate unions? Did none of you union-haters learn anything from examples like Enron? What gives companies any more rights than people? Wasn't the Allentown City Council President elected by voters? Last I checked, corporations paid employees as little as possible and charged as much as possible for their products. Do you want to live a place that wants a race to the bottom?

  25. First of all I don't believe anyone should hide behind "Anonymous". Second I am pro union and believe anyone has the right to unionize. Or for that matter to support the unions. I see only good coming out of a union at Tmobile. I will definitely march in favor of unions again after seeing these somewhat ignorant comments about videos and not the issues. Go Penna. my home and Unionize everywhere now. Pam :)

  26. Anonymous 3:07 :
    Tom Corbett? You mean the corrupt Attorney General that wastes taxpayer money suing over the bill you probably snidely call ObamaCare?

  27. Nice job for you an LVIC to post these videos. As to the guy at Lehigh Valley Ramblings, I love it when a man who doesn't have a pot to p*** in flat out says "sue me" .... Now that takes courage.

  28. I like unions. I like public officials. Clearly this video shows how they should not cooperate. Major overstep by both!

  29. Anonymous said...

    "...They knew they were being filmed. There was no underhanded
    secret camera."


    OK, I have to ask:

    What is "underhanded" about a "secret camera"? Would this story be any less outrageous if it had been taped with a "secret camera"?

  30. How many union jobs are there in our country's steel plants? For that matter, how many jobs remain period.

    Unions have a roll and a function, but when there is no counter in management, they kill the company.
