Apr 28, 2017

Are There Consequences To Trump Hatred

I understand that Donald Trump is not very presidential, at least in terms of recent history. He was however legitimately elected president under our system. It wss thought by many that he would win the popular vote in November, but lose in the electoral college. Had Hillary won with that predicted formula, there wouldn't be the outrage that now exists.

Is there a point at which the discontent and disrespect for the presidential election is counter to the interests of the country? Although, I keep hearing the protesters say that they're acting out for love of country, I think that it's more of a visceral hatred of Trump. Recently, several AMA psychiatrists pronounced Trump mentally unstable through the media.  It's apparent that such a proclamation is against professional standards. The doctors said that they felt compelled to speak out.  How noble of them. A judge who stopped the government from blocking federal grants to sanctuary cities has been identified as a campaign bungler for Obama. How noble of him.

Partisanship is nothing new, but this negative attitude towards our 45th president is unprecedented. Professional news broadcasters, who always tried to appear objective, now feel free to join in the tar and feathering.  I do not believe that the current atmosphere serves the interests of our country.

Apr 27, 2017

Allentown's Mayoral Race

Back in 2014, I wrote several posts on two people who I thought would run for mayor in the next election, Charlie Thiel and Sam Bennett. In addition to writing about them, I also interviewed them, and ran the subsequent posts on this blog.

Move ahead three years and the primary election is upon us. Beyond clarifying that I believe that it's time for Mr. Pawlowski to move on, I decided not to endorse any one candidate. Yesterday, somebody asked me why I didn't attend a recent candidates evening. I don't believe that it's possible to write about so many candidates in an even handed fashion, nor am I motivated to make such an attempt.  Beyond that, I prefer to deal with issues, not personalities. Rest assure that whoever wins this election will clearly know how I feel on the issues facing Allentown.

In the meantime, The Morning Call has been doing extensive interviews with all the candidates. On their page you can read  about how they feel on practically any topic under the sun.

Apr 26, 2017

South Whitehall's Pasteurized Democracy

Recently, the Morning Call printed a letter praising the character of one of the candidates for South Whitehall Commissioner. Now, this is the same newspaper which refuses to print my letters about the township's conspiracy against its voters concerning Wehr's Dam. Although, the residents voted to repair and keep the dam, the township is allowing the Wildlands Conservancy to back-channel with the state, to condemn the structure. While my letter is news in every sense of the word, the candidate endorsement was just puff nonsense; The commissioner election in South Whitehall is only a dummy. There are no more candidates running than available openings. Like the sign pictured above, it is just an allusion of democracy, in an uncontested election.

My readers may be starting to wonder what's with me and this Wehr's Dam conspiracy, post after post?  There has always been sacred cows like the Wildlands Conservancy. However, in the past the newspapers would have an offbeat columnist, like Paul Carpenter, to write about the "irregularities" in the community. After that era, the paper would at least allow a citizen like myself to speak out. We now have entered the pasteurized zone, where no dissent is permitted.

Apr 25, 2017

Questionable Integrity of South Whitehall Township

The new edition of the South Whitehall Township magazine, in addition to updating residents on new programs and regulations, features the park system. Among the many park programs offered this summer, in addition to movies and concerts, are special children's nature programs, outsourced to The Wildlands Conservancy. Though many of these activities are scheduled in Covered Bridge Park, there is not one mention of Wehr's Dam.   Understand, that this past November voters passed the Wehr's Dam Referendum. In doing so, they agreed to a possible tax increase to keep their beloved dam. It is almost unheard of that voters pass a referendum which could increase their taxes. This referendum was put on the ballot by the South Whitehall Commissioners to enable the Wildlands Conservancy to demolish the dam. with no political consequence to the commissioners. So,  after having a devious referendum which backfired on the township and Conservancy, there is no mention of the dam in the summer magazine?

The township is now conspiring with the Wildlands Conservancy to have Harrisburg condemn the dam, despite the referendum. I have secured letters between the Conservancy, Harrisburg and the township, questioning the dam's structural integrity. The integrity that should be questioned is that of the township.

Apr 24, 2017

Allentown's Declining Park System

Bill White recently used this photograph to write about the homeless shelter, which is in the former Fountain Park Pool house. Bill concerns himself with such things, whether homeless people or homeless pets. Now, before you think of me as cold, I am, thank you. My concern with the photograph is the deteriorating swimming pool. Allentown closed the pool years ago,  rather than replace a $160,000 filter pump. We now know, from Cedar Beach, that building a municipal swimming pool costs $millions of dollars. Why would you discard one for less than $200,000? If losing the Fountain pool wasn't enough, the park department has announced that they're going to also close Irving Park Pool. Actually, Pawlowski renamed that park after a football player. If all this neglect isn't enough to aggravate a park traditionalist like myself, Pawlowski also spent $1.5 million to purchase two distressed parcels for new parks,  that we don't need.

As a lifelong resident and advocate for the park system, I offered City Council my input several times; They declined. You would think that they would get tired of feigning outrage about the deteriorating park system,  when they approved every decision along its decline.

photocredit: The Morning Call

Apr 21, 2017

General Trexler's Streets

Allentown benefitted enormously from General Harry Trexler. Most obvious is the park system, which unfortunately has suffered continuous depreciation under Pawlowski's misguided priorities, and The Wildlands Conservancy's agenda.  The General's various business interests played an important part in Allentown's prosperity.  He was largely responsible for developing the West End, through his lumber, real estate and construction businesses. His connection with the Lehigh Portland Cement Company resulted in several concrete streets, which have lasted almost a hundred years.

Yesterday,  Chew Street was blacktopped over the cement, which had been there since the 1920's. Nearby, Allen Street is also still cement from that era.  Unlike cement which lasts forever,  blacktop lasts  about ten minutes;  I suppose that's why they use it now.

Apr 20, 2017

Crimes By The Wildlands Conservancy

photo by Tami Quigley

The top photo shows the Robin Hood Bridge, before the Wildlands Conservancy demolished the little folly Robin Hood Dam, just downstream beyond the bridge. The dam was only about 10 inches high, and was built as a visual effect to accompany the bridge in 1941. It was the last WPA project in Allentown, and considered the final touch for Lehigh Parkway. Several years ago, the Wildlands told the Allentown Park Director and City Council that it wanted to demolish the dam. The only thing that stood between their bulldozer and the dam was yours truly. I managed to hold up the demolition for a couple weeks, during which time I tried to educate city council about the park, but to no avail. If demolishing the dam wasn't bad enough, The Wildlands Conservancy piled the broken dam ruble around the stone bridge piers, as seen in the bottom photo. I'm sad to report that the situation is now even worse. All that ruble collected silt, and now weeds and brush is growing around the stone bridge piers. I suppose the Wildlands Conservancy considers it an extension of its riparian buffers.

The Wildlands Conservancy is now going to demolish Wehr's Dam at Covered Bridge Park in South Whitehall. The township commissioners are cooperating, by having a grossly inflated price associated with repairing the dam, to justify a disingenuous referendum. Sadly, by next spring I will be showing you before and after pictures of that crime.

top photo by Tami Quigley

above reprinted from August 2016

UPDATE: To everyones surprise, especially the Wildlands Conservancy and the South Whitehall Commissioners, the referendum was approved by the voters this past November. The Wildlands Conservancy and the South Whitehall Commissioners are now conspiring to have the dam demolished anyway, by exaggerating its problems with the Pa. DEP.. Although, I have documented the communication between the Wildlands, State and township, the Morning Call will not report the conspiracy. As for Lehigh Parkway, the Wildlands Conservancy should be made to remove the former dam ruble that is despoiling the vista of the Robin Hood Bridge piers.

Apr 19, 2017

Fighting Sacred Cows

One of the things that sustains me producing this blog, day in and out for ten years, is fighting the sacred cows which roam in our valley. Of course, one of the most influential is The Wildlands Conservancy. Northampton County has officially turned over planning of their park system to those schemers. Recently, when I told the South Whitehall Commissioners that they were in bed with the Conservancy, one of their members took offense. Never mind that the Conservancy officially manages the largest program in their largest park, or that their park director is the son of one the Conservancy's paid officers. Facts aside, he took offense. Despite a voters referendum to maintain Wehr's Dam, its survival is in jeopardy because of back channel communication between the Conservancy and the state DEP. Despite having documented this outrage to The Morning Call, the newspaper refuses to print my exposé, in order to protect the Wildlands Conservancy.

The Wildlands Conservancy has degraded the Allentown Park System, by both deed and silence. They persuaded a weak park director, mayor, and city council to demolish the Robin Hood and Fish Hatchery Dams. Likewise, all summer the creeks are hidden from view, while invasive species clog access to the refreshing water. Our elected officials apparently cannot understand that our parks were not meant to be wildlands.

Although fighting sacred cows and hypocrites is taxing, I gladly pay the price. It's awkward to be told to keep it short and polite before you speak. It's frustrating to see the local media ignore the truth.

Remember, when you visit the parks this summer to keep your kids and pets away from the tick infested bush and weeds along the creeks.

Apr 18, 2017

Pawlowski's Pitch

Our campaign has been working hard and now we're getting ready to really ramp things up for the Primary Election Campaign.
As a fun and exciting way to kick off the fall campaign, we're planning Pawlowski for Mayor House Parties across Allentown and we need your help.
Can you help us by hosting a house party?
As a host, we'll ask you to invite your friends and neighbors to come over to your house to spend a fun evening hearing about the great things happening in Allentown and have an opportunity to ask questions directly to the mayor.
A victory in the Primary is an important step toward Reelection. I need your help to finish the job of moving our city forward. Please help us by hosting a house party and getting your friends and neighbors involved in our campaign.
Also if you have friends who might want to host their own house party, please forward this email and ask them to sign up as a host. 
Thank you for all of your hard work and support.
Sincerely, Mayor Ed Pawlowski

Pawlowski has been pitching small Hispanic gatherings at house parties, complete with a power point presentation on how Allentown has been revitalizing under his leadership. With the crowded field, he probably only needs about 1700 votes. However, his strategy is no secret to his opponents, who are endeavoring to match that number. Consequently, this highly contested primary may actually result in a high turnout.

sourced from facebook

Apr 17, 2017

Muhlenberg Poll Bodes Well For Pawlowski

A poll by Muhlenberg College indicated about a third of Allentown residents would vote for Pawlowski again.  The Morning Call reporter,  Emily Opilo, was surprised about how many city residents were unaware of Pawlowski's pending indictment.  She must think that everybody reads The Morning Call!!!  In general, the Hispanic minority majority are not well informed on local issues.  As I previously posted,  Pawlowski has been courting this demographic for months.   Many who do know of Pawlowski's troubles are not bothered by the accusations, even if true.  With seven candidates in the Democratic primary,  it will not take many votes to win.

If there is a silver cloud in this poll for the other candidates, it is the fact that Muhlenberg polls are always far off the mark.  Someone suggested that if the other candidates really want to see new leadership in Allentown,  that most of them should withdraw, and throw their support to someone at the front of the pack.  Having spoken to most of the candidates,  I don't see that happening.

Apr 14, 2017

Wrestling With Lehigh Valley Indifference

It's not  easy wrestling with the indifference of the Lehigh Valley. Once three cities of concerned citizenry, we're now an area of newcomers. The large growing Hispanic demographic is isolated from local issues by both language and poverty. The wealthy suburban migrants didn't move here to bother themselves with local politics. Consequently, we have an upcoming mayoral election with nine candidates, headed by our own Boss Tweed.

Our newspaper, once owned by a local family, is now part of a national media company.  Its building is now owned by the largest property owner in center city, and principal beneficiary of the largest tax incentive program in Pennsylvania's history.

Advocates who fight for issues, especially against local sacred cows,  are mostly reduced to private soapboxes, to publicize their cause.  Whether you're a blogger trying to inform the public that a municipality is trying to subvert the results of a referendum,  or a former president judge rallying against excessive profits from a tax-free hospital,  the sacred cows are protected by the media.  Furthermore,  the media is very indignant when you point that shortcoming out.  Never the less, there are a few of us who continue to dive into the ring.

Apr 13, 2017

NIZ And The Taxpayer

New construction is pretty easy to tax,  the cost is a matter of public record, especially in the NIZ.  Reilly's City Center Real Estate is allowed to harness state taxes to pay its debt service.  When PA's largest tax incentive program was being hawked,  J Q Public was told that the local property taxes generated would be his reward.  As it turned out,  Reilly's attorney found a loose end, putting less money into the local tax coffers.

The assessment on commercial buildings can be challenged based on income generated. Because Reilly charges less rent in his taxpayer subsidized buildings,  his attorney has successfully challenged the assessments based on construction cost.  Although there is some logic to that argument, it ignores the reality of the public subsidy,  and the original rational for the program.  His attorney claims that the public is still getting more than they were before the revitalization, and omits the fact that it's almost a $million less annually than expected.

Because the Allentown School District is experiencing a huge shortfall, this tax reduction for Reilly has real consequences to the public.  Mayor for Life Ed Pawlowski thinks that the tax break for Reilly is fair.

photocredit: The Morning Call

Apr 12, 2017

Fake Indignation By South Whitehall Commissioners

In June of 2014,  South Whitehall Commissioners approved the removal of Wehr's Dam by The Wildlands Conservancy.  As this press article from the time clearly shows,  the subsequent study of the dam was only directed at it's removal.

The Wildlands Conservancy designed South Whitehall's Park Master Plan, which calls for the dam's removal.

The Wildlands Conservancy is in charge of the Jordan Greenway Project in South Whitehall's Covered Bridge Park.

South Whitehall allowed the Wildlands Conservancy to send reports to Harrisburg, claiming that the dam is in poor condition.

Since residents voted to preserve the dam last November,  South Whitehall has not modified its MasterPlan calling for the dam's demolition.

South Whitehall has not advocated for the dam, or corrected misinformation forwarded to the state DEP by the Wildlands Conservancy.

Last Wednesday, when I told the commissioners that they were cooperating with the Wildlands Conservancy to subvert the intent of the voters referendum,  they took great offense.

photocredit: ytreephotography.com

Apr 11, 2017

Bill White Exonerates Bernie O'Hare

On Sunday, Bill White started his annual Hall of Shame series.  Although, he claims it is a hall of fame,  we all know better.  As usual in Part 1,  he lists all the previous people that he has ridiculed over the years. Previous winner Bernie O'Hare has been flattering to Bill recently.  In one blog post he identifies White as a winner in a state journalism award ceremony.  In another post, he pictures White at a public meeting.  In White's column, both print and web versions, O'Hare's name doesn't appear with all the other previous honorees. In a follow up blog piece on the history of his Hall of Shame, he again fails to correct the O'Hare oversight. With two columns, we must assume that it was an intentional omission.

O'Hare received an award for his writing in the Bethlehem Press from the same outfit that awarded White. Perhaps White doesn't want to diminish his award by identifying a fellow winner with his booby prize contest. Regardless, congratulations to O'Hare, for being the first person to escape from the annual shaming.

ADDENDUM: Bernie O'Hare took this post as an attack upon both himself and Bill White.  You can read his reaction here.  He finds me jealous, mean spirited, and petty. 

UPDATE: I placed the following comment on O'Hare's blog post, he subsequently deleted it;
 bernie, last time i commented on one of your blog posts you deleted it, hopefully you will allow this one to stand. the difference between you and me is your concept of loyalty. i don't factor loyalty or friendship into blogging; i simply write the truth, as i see it. last year when you mentioned a small monetary contribution to morganelli as a disclaimer, i commented that you made an "understatement". you took my observation as a personal insult, and violation of our friendship. i simply thought a $25 dollar contribution was nothing compared to all the favorable things that you wrote about him over the years. likewise, yesterday i pointed out that i believe that bill white was extending you a courtesy by not including you in his recap list. again, you took it as an insult. IMO, the only ad hominem attack was your reply.

Apr 10, 2017

Brouhaha In The Political Blogosphere

As I have written previously, besides wanting to see Pawlowski replaced, I will be making no recommendation in the mayoral race.  Although, it was my intention to reprint my neutrality before the election, circumstances accelerate my schedule.  Over the weekend candidate Sam Bennett linked to my previous post about Bill White and Pawlowski on a facebook page.  Fellow blogger Chris Casey then chimed in that Pawlowski was instrumental in the NIZ, and went on to write about Bennett;  The only reason you are running for mayor is your ego. You have no skills or experience whatsoever that would qualify you to handle the debacle that is Allentown at this level.......

Casey has been active in the Democratic politics, and ran himself for office in the past.  He openly admits to having done oppositional research, including some assignments for previous local elections. Because I find Bennett's qualifications on par with her opponents,  I cannot help but think that Casey's comment was politically motivated.  If his motivation indeed was to help another candidate,  it's no crime;  It's called politics.

It is my hope that Casey takes this post as the political observation that it is, as opposed to a personal insult. I also commented on Bennett's Facebook post, but only reaffirming Pawlowski's incidental involvement in the NIZ.  I feel compelled to set the record straight on links concerning my blog posts.

Apr 9, 2017

Slaughter Of The Innocents

Much of the dogma, liturgy and shrines of the Coptic Church deal with the Holy Family's stay in Egypt, when they fled the Slaughter of the Innocents. With of the fall of various despots in the middle east, the iron fists which protected religious minorities are no longer there. Particularly affected, are the ancient Coptic Christians of Egypt. Saint Mena Coptic Orthodox Church dates back to the 6th century, and was rebuilt in 725 AD. It was put to the torch by a mob on Saturday, while the army stood by.
reprinted from May 2011,  April 2013

UPDATE:  The Coptic Christians have suffered yet another attack yesterday in Egypt.

The Coptic Church Of Alexandria

The Church and Theology School in Alexandria was established by the Apostle Mark in 60AD. Most of the early converts were common Egyptians who spoke Coptic. Although Christians became the majority before the Arab invasion in 636, by the 12th century they were the minority. The concept of monasteries in Christianity was started by the Coptics in the deserts of Egypt. Currently, the Coptics are threatened by transitions in Egypt, let us pray for their safety.

photograph of St. Marks Coptic Church in Alexandria, Egypt.

reprinted from December 2016

Apr 7, 2017

Bill White's Elephant

In Bill White's recent column on the upcoming Democratic primary, he fails to mention the elephant in the news room.  He gives Pawlowski some of the credit for the redevelopment of downtown, but doesn't specifically mention the NIZ and J.B. Reilly.  This is a real omission,  because Reilly now literally owns the Morning Call building, and most of the developable real estate in the NIZ.  I see no relationship to the NIZ by Pawlowski.  It was created by Pat Browne.  I would bet that J.B. knew about the proposal long before Pawlowski.  Although, it occurred on Pawlowski's watch, and they allowed him to cut a few ribbons,  he was not involved in its inception or implementation.  As proof of his irrelevance to the NIZ,  not one of the FBI's accusations against the Pawlowski administration involve any NIZ projects.

I do not believe that Reilly owning the newspaper building in itself negates the paper's ability to deliver NIZ news. Another article on the NIZ in Thursday's paper spells out how Reilly received the overwhelming majority of the program's tax benefit toward his debt service.  However,  considering White's continuous defense of all things NIZ, a fuller disclosure was in order.

Apr 6, 2017

Allentown Cheerleading

There's a young Allentown cheerleader I sparred with several times on facebook. Yesterday, he found and posted a list which rated Allentown as one of the top five midsize cities in the northeast to visit. How silly is that? I drive all around Allentown, including Hamilton Street, several times a week. Can you imagine how disappointing it would be to actually take a vocation to Allentown based on that article? The list was created by some travel outfit called RewardExpert.

Now, I understand how such a list gets created. Some young person gets an assignment, and bases the article on other articles that he has read,  without ever visiting the town himself.  But how does the cheerleader, who actually lives here, take pride in such nonsense? Now, that's not to say that Allentown isn't improving, but to be a vocation destination?

Apr 5, 2017

Gethsemane 1934

Maria Magdalene (Mary Magdalene) is the Russian Orthodox Church located on the Mount of Olives, in the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem.
The church is dedicated to Miryam of Migdal, a follower of Jesus. Maria Magdalene was the first to see Christ after he was resurrected, and was a crucial and important disciple of Jesus, and seemingly his primary female associate, along with Mary of Bethany, whom some believe to have been the same woman.
The church was built in 1886 by Tzar Alexander III as a commemoration for his mother, Empress Maria Alexandrovna of Russia, in the traditional tented roof Russian style, including seven onion shaped golden domes. Photograph dates from 1934

reprinted from April 2015

Apr 4, 2017

Mr. Molovinsky, That's Being Very Insensitive

Recently, I got a call from a valued reader saying I was being culturally rude in a post.  He was alarmed because I was quoting someone  he considers biased against a certain group.  He asked me several times how I would feel if someone was making a comment that I considered anti-semitic.  Although, I was glad to discuss the issue with him,  he overestimates my sensitivity.

Here in the blogosphere, anonymous is the comment name of choice.  Most people aren't willing to own their own words, even when they're being politically correct.  However,  anonymous said allows them to really let loose.  Some bloggers allow anonymous, but then reprimand their commenters when they insult someone.  Here at molovinsky, I allow registered pseudonyms.

Now, there is nothing wrong with people who have manners, but chances are they will not become bloggers.

Apr 3, 2017

The Hope of Marine Le Pen

With the exception of Israel, this blog seldom goes outside of the USA.  I mention Israel, because today I write about Marine Le Pen,  who is being compared to Donald Trump,  as France's populist candidate. Marine Le Pen is a French nationalist who wants to divorce France from the European Union.  She wants to reestablish her country's borders and currency. She wants to unlink their destiny with Brussels and Berlin, especially in regard to immigrants and refugees. Le Pen heads the far right National Front Party.  The party was led by her father for decades,  who was known for his anti-semitic statements.

Marine's rising popularity is tied to increasing fear about the unassimilated Muslim minority, and the radicalization therein.  That radicalization has resulted in lethal attacks against the general population, and Jews in particular.  Le Pen would minimize immigration,  and greatly restrict refugees.  She openly considers France a Christian nation.  She would ban Hijabs, and expect Jews to sacrifice yarmulkas, instead using hats for religious head covering.  She would ban dual citizenship outside of Europe, which would mean that some French Jews could no longer also maintain Israeli citizenship.  While such proposed restrictions alarm most French Jews, there are those among them that find the status quo more dangerous.  Complete religious freedom doesn't mean much if you're being run down by trucks or shot in Jewish Day Schools.

Unlike Trump, Le Pen is seasoned in politics and is articulate.  The French election involves two rounds, with the first occurring this month.  The top two vote getters face off in May.