Mar 12, 2018

Post Pawlowski Allentown

Living here in Post Pawlowski Allentown, with the drama over,  is more relaxing.  Although Ed Pawlowski was entitled to the best defense his former campaign fund turned defense fund could afford, there was a little too much Jack McMahon for my taste.  McMahon was here previously to defend Pawlowski's police chief's son.

Pawlowski is scheduled to be sentenced in late June.  While I certainly agree that he should be on unsecured bail and is no flight risk,  he is a home risk.  It's a burden to the public to be submitted to his continuing social media presence, where the only remorse expressed is that he cannot continue to lead Allentown forward.

While forced to surrender his fifth floor office at City Hall, Pawlowski continues to hold office on facebook, where both he and his uninformed followers still proclaim that he loves Allentown, and that he revitalized it. They both ignore the facts that the NIZ happen because of others, and that he wanted to ride that confusion out of town, either to Harrisburg or Washington.  The only thing that he can hope now to get from those places is a pardon.


  1. No pardon, no leniency! This man [or boy] defrauded the people of Allentown for his alleged ride out of town. The average citizen wants honest government services, he did not provide that and ran Allentown like an organized crime family.

    Like a high profile crime boss, he took credit for everything. Revitalization, alleged parks and recreation improvements, a national downturn in crime and the fire department's responses in pickup trucks to fight fires.

    His policing concepts, the same as when he took over, have generated NO lessening of crime, drugs, gangs and shootings in the neighborhoods. Yet, he keeps appointing incompetent police managers to sit back and enjoy the ride to retirement, while the city implodes. It is not irreversible, however, the next acting mayor must deal with these flagrant violations of honest government services and right the ship at any expense.

  2. fire@7:26, i assume you meant the next appointed mayor, because maclean is now the acting mayor. the blogger from nazareth has a piece today stating and promoting one particular candidate, who he claims has the majority support of council. I suppose that remains to be seen. although, I believe that there are some errors in his post, at this time i refrain from comment. I do so because rather than being a public vote, it is the sole decision of seven people. i believe that the preference of the public or bloggers will not be a factor for them.

  3. I agree with your blog. I don't know enough to believe or disbelieve Bernie's prediction.

  4. Yes MM, the next appointed mayor. He will have Almost two years to right the ship with affirmative changes that a new candidate can capitalize on. Change is needed ASAP and any proposed candidate must hit the ground running; otherwise we have a continuation of the current administration. No good!

  5. fire@5:41, although I share your hope for such a fresh start, I feel that council will choose one of its own, current or recent former. i'm afraid to think that they will accept collective guilt for pawlowski, and vote for a fresh face is wishful thinking.

  6. As far as pardons go, since he was convicted in federal court on federal charges, the Governor of Penna. cannot pardon him.
    President Trump has the power to do so, however, DOJ protocol has always been to wait until a conviction is final before accepting a request. Presumably Pawlowski is going to appeal, so, no application would be ordinarily even be accepted for processing until the conviction would be upheld.
    Of course, as a practical matter, since Trump is a Republican and Pawlowski was not a campaign contributor to him or to the Republican party, no pardon would be granted anyway.
    To date, Trump has granted only one pardon, that to Sheriff Joe of Arizona, who was an early & prominent supporter of Trump. Even then, since the conviction was for contempt of court, the granting was an outlier and has never before been granted for such, nor is any future responsible President ever going to do so.
