Oct 25, 2017

Gays For Pawlowski

Ed Pawlowski wants the voters to continue the success under his leadership,  to finish what they have started together.  This message has resonated well with the minority communities.  In these last weeks before the election, Ed is throwing everything against the wall that he can find.  He has announced body cameras for the police department.  With the exception of a former police chief's son,  there haven't been allegations of discrimination against local police departments.  The body cameras won't help with Allentown's biggest crime problem,  thugs shooting thugs.

Ed and the gay community have always gotten along well.  Allentown's gay activists have come to maturity during Pawlowski's endless terms.  We now have an LGBT community center behind Hamilton Street.  Yesterday Ed announced on Facebook that Allentown received some designation as gay friendly.  We all know that there is no shortage of organizations which award endless commendations for endless reasons.   While Ed's posting of this designation was clearly placed to attract the gay votes,  I'm wondering how many he will actually receive.  The gay community is highly informed.  I don't know if they're inclined to vote for a soon to be convicted felon.  However, for the most part they are Yellow-Dog Democrats,  and may well figure that when Pawlowski reports to prison,  fellow Democrat Ray O'Connell will take over.  I'm hoping that they will decide to make their vote more meaningful for Allentown, and vote for Hyman.


  1. Mike,

    It has been my experience that many gays are single issue voters just like NRA and Pro Life voters. The single issue determines their vote. Period. Ed and council gave them everything they wanted.Bingo.

  2. I have noticed that Candida Affa, a highly respected member of the LGBT community, does not openly support King Edward in council related actions and is not in his photo-ops anymore. Does this show a loosening of support from the LGBT community? I don't know, however, it does show some falling-out in that support. As far as the police department, the only positive anti-crime thing he did in Allentown in the last 12-years was the city cameras. No other anti-crime programs or measures were introduced, he lost communications with the neighborhoods and has let the thugs, drugs, thieves and ATV riding gangsters proliferate. Most of the time he let the manpower compliment dwindle from the council budgeted amounts; all at the behest of the taxpayers. He has constantly hired police chiefs who offered no resistance to his abuse of public safety and detrimentally relied on national crime trends to show his success in fighting crime. He is a lying political slug!

  3. None of the three candidates will do anything to reverse the anti-discrimination ordinance currently in place. I respectfully disagree he with a suggestion lesbians and gay men are single issue voters. Gay men and lesbians have the same fear of burning crosses and relocation camps that any American already has or has experienced in the last 70 years, including Jews. Once we have the same degree of freedom from fear of being gay bashed or murdered on any street, I think you’ll find we vote pretty much the way everybody else touch – recognizing the interests of our neighborhoods and our families.

  4. Fear of relocation camps? Sure. Whatever makes for the most effective hyperbole!

  5. Wow! John, buying into the identity politics victimization. Honestly, who cares if someone is Gay these days? What difference does it make? This is 2017 not 1965 or 1865. We all rightly fear walking the streets at night. I haven't seen any relocation camps around or burning crosses either.

    I do however enjoy the company of many of my friends, who happen to be Gay, at both public and private venues. The fact that they are Gay is the least of everyone's concern. It's really no big deal. It's 2017!

  6. Scott,

    If only everyone were as progressive as you are.

    You asked who cares if someone is gay these days. Omar Mateen cared when he killed 49 and wounded 58 in the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting. Nearly all of those victims would not have been victims were it not for their sexual orientation.

    You probably believe hate crimes targeting LGBTQs are relatively rare compared to other crimes. I'd agree. And I'd also understand why an LGBTQ person in 2017 would have concern for her safety after the mass murder in Orlando.

    It's easy to dismiss the fears of others as irrational, while stubbornly clinging to irrational fears of our own.

  7. I refuse to live my life in fear of getting shot for any reason whatsoever. If everybody else wants to dwell on and fret about what could possibly happen, then please, by all means, more power to them. I fully acknowledge that I certainly could get hit by car crossing the street tomorrow --- remember, somebody just got hit by a car and killed on 19th & Hamilton Streets not so long ago --- and I am STILL going to get up out of bed and go on about my daily business come hell or high water, anyway.

    Because President Franklin D. Roosevelt said the only thing I have to fear is fear itself.

    Getting back to relocation camps, I am inclined to believe such oppressive things are exactly why the Founding Fathers wisely gave the citizenry the right to bear arms.


  8. Rolf,

    If only everyone were as brave as you.

    Some are so fearful that they're even afraid of people far away who are desperately trying to flee violence and/or start a new and better life. They dwell on and fret about things that almost never happen.

    Your attitude inspires me and I too will keep getting out of bed every day anyway.
